The Vice President and Presidential Succession
The Vice President Same qualifications as President Natural Born citizen 14 years resident 35 years old Electors cannot vote for both a President and VP from their state Effect is to require VP to be resident of a state different from the President
The “rather empty” job of Vice President Preside over the Senate Ceremonial occasions Break Ties Senate Leadership Powers In the hands of Majority & Minority Leaders Since 1947 permanent President Pro Tempore
Presidential Succession Eight Presidents have died in office Natural Causes William H. Harrison – John Tyler Tyler was first VP to assume office Debate at time “Acting President” Zachary Taylor – Millard Fillmore Warren G. Harding – Calvin Coolidge Franklin D. Roosevelt – Harry Truman
Presidential Succession Eight Presidents have died in office Assassinated Abraham Lincoln – Andrew Johnson James Garfield – Chester Arthur William McKinley – Teddy Roosevelt John F. Kennedy – Lyndon Johnson
Presidential Succession One President resigned Richard Nixon – Gerald Ford
The “Curse of 0” Since 1840 every President elected in a 0 year has had some misfortune in office 1840 William Henry Harrison Died in office 1860 Abraham Lincoln Assassinated 1880 James Garfield Assassinated 1900 William McKinley Assassinated 1920 Warren Harding Died in office 1940 Franklin Roosevelt Died in office 1960 John Kennedy Assassinated 1980 Ronald Reagan Assassination attempt 2000 George Bush 9/11 & Choked on a pretzel?
Presidential Succession Only 12 of 43 Presidents have served 2 terms 9 Vice Presidents have succeeded to Presidency 5 never elected to a full term Tyler, Fillmore, A. Johnson, Arthur, Ford 4 won subsequent presidential term T. Roosevelt, Coolidge, Truman, L.B. Johnson 3 Presidents have had impeachment proceedings A. Johnson, Nixon, Clinton A. Johnson & Clinton found not guilty in Senate trial Nixon resigned before impeached Only 5 Vice Presidents have been elected in “own right” 4 Directly- Adams, Jefferson, Van Buren, G.H. Bush (41) Eight years later - Nixon
Presidential Succession Acts Presidential Succession Act of 1797 President Pro Tempore of Senate Speaker of the House Cabinet Secretaries Presidential Succession Act of 1886 Presidential Succession Act of 1947 Truman asked for, reinsert elected officials Bumping?
Current order of Succession
The Vice President Joe Biden Speaker of the House John Boehner President pro tempore of the Senate Daniel Inouye Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta Attorney General Eric Holder Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis Secretary of H H S Kathleen Sebelius Secretary of H U D Shaun Donovan Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood Secretary of Energy Steven Chu Secretary of Education Arne Duncan Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano
Designated Survivor After the 9 – 11 terrorist attacks members of Congress have also been absent from major presidential speeches. 2006 State of the Union: Jim Nicholson Secretary of Veterans Affairs Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK), President Pro Tempore of the Senate Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND), Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Rep. George Miller (D-CA) 2007 State of the Union: Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV), President Pro Tempore of the Senate 2008 State of the Union: Dirk Kempthorne, Secretary of the Interior 2009 Inauguration – Sec of Defense Gates 2009 State of the Union Attn General Eric Holder 2010 State of the Union Sec HUD Shaun Donovan 2011 State of the Union Sec Interior Ken Salazar
25th Amendment 1967 Vice President succession Select new Vice President Gerald Ford Nelson Rockefeller Presidential Disability
25th Amendment Presidential Disability (in the nuclear age) Vice President becomes acting President President can temporarily turn over power Process for Cabinet to declare President incapacitated President can challenge the declaration. Congress decides the issue.
Presidential Life Expectancy 25 of 39 deceased presidents died prematurely 4 presidents have been assassinated 5 others – attempts with gun One survived bullet wound - Reagan Successful presidents live longer Currently have 4 living Former Presidents. Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43 Carter – Mondale hold record for longest living team