Finnish experiences in deriving CORINE land cover information Pekka Härmä, Finnish Environment Institute Anssi Pekkarinen, Finnish Forest Reseach Institute Anneli Partala, Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry EUROSTAT Land Cover WG, Luxembourg – October 20, 2009
Contents Objectives in Finland Both EU and national needs Overview of Data production Usage of national data collection Conclusions Approach for the future Points to be considered in LUCAS 22.4.2019
Objectives of CLC mappings in Finland Also national resources requested for the production Produced data must fulfill the needs of national end-users EU data not usable in national applications resolution and nomenclature >> National version produced parallel to European data Best data in use & avoid overlapping work Usage of existing national data from several national data producers >> save costs, have the best quality data and experts involved Open data policy National CLC free also for commercial use As wide user community as possible - Low resolution: Forest cutting and growth parcels are small, applies also for urban construction - Nomenclature: Nearly 80% of Finland is covered by forests; also imporant branch of industry; more detailed forest classification needed for national needs than EU- classification offers Experties from national data producers open data policy for maximal use of the provided data!!
CLC – data sources / cooperation Forest research Institute National Land Survey National Forest Inventory Basic mapping – topographic db Forests Ministry of agriculture and forestry Soils, roads, … EU IMAGE2000, IMAGE2006 Agricultural land parcel db Arable land Build-up areas Finnish Environment Institute Population Register Centre Dump sites Mineral extr. Sites vegetation Environmental db, Interpretation of satellite data Building and Dwelling db 22.4.2019
Agricultural land in Finland for CLC2006 Utilized Agricultural Area (UAA) 2.3 mill. ha e.g. 7% total land area Arable crops Permanent grassland Fallow Permanent crops Main source for CLC: Integrated Administration and Control System IACS IACS available in all MS LPIS (Land parcel Identification System) part of IACS - Low resolution: Forest cutting and growth parcels are small, applies also for urban construction - Nomenclature: Nearly 80% of Finland is covered by forests; also imporant branch of industry; more detailed forest classification needed for national needs than EU- classification offers Experties from national data producers open data policy for maximal use of the provided data!! 5
Forests for CLC2006 Forests cover 70 % of Finnish Land area Produced by the Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla) Finnish National Forest Inventory (NFI) Started in early 1920’ Rotating inventory system with systematic cluster sampling Approx. 100 variables recorded and measured in the field about 12 000 field sample plots are measured annually (60 000 plots in all) 1/4 of the clusters are permanent Multi-Source NFI combines field data with remote sensing images and digital map information to produce wall-to-wall forest data 22.4.2019
Multi-Source NFI
Multi-Source NFI
From MS-NFI to CLC2006 Forests Metla provides estimates (continuous fields) for tree height (dm) crown cover (%) propositions (%) of broadleaved trees Derivation of CLC forest classes & changes at SYKE
National CLC – 25m raster Working steps Collection of available national data sets (points, polygons, raster, …) Interpretation of missing data (automated / semi-automated) Reclassification Convert of all data into nationwide, separate raster grids Data integration 22.4.2019
Generalization from national to EU data National LC 25 m raster Nomenclature on 4th level No minimum mapping units Fully automatic generalization methods developed by SYKE 25ha mmu (CLC), 5ha change (2000-2006) 1ha tested in BOSS4GMES Data dependent (Finnish Land Cover) 22.4.2019 25 m raster 25 ha polygon
CLC2000 data delivery in Finland Open data policy Downloading in the internet after registration Use in the environmental administration GI system and intranet map service Over 200 downloads 22.4.2019
According to our experience National cooperation in Finland have resulted in accurate national LC/LU data Validated also nationally National CLC data is used widely National data can be generalized to fulfill also European needs According to EU validation European financing has been (and is) essential for the production 22.4.2019
Approach for future User / data provider oriented approach - bottom-up Guarantees also national involvement and resources Improves data quality Minimize overlapping work Guarantees also national usage for the data Some tasks can be centralized image preprocessing European coordination and long term planning and funding needed From projects to programme Data needs of EU into account in national programmes Combined usage of EO-based Land cover mapping (wall-to-wall) and in-situ observations network (sample) needed Easily available in-situ data needed (cal/val/…)
LUCAS: points to be considered Involve national GOs in design and coordination Use existing expertize and national monitoring systems to collect the data Avoid overlapping efforts Synchronize with existing and established European level efforts: CORINE LC, EFDAC, (GMES Land monitoring?).
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