2016 Summer Camp Fee Schedule Choose Weekly Schedule Camper Information WEEK 5 Days $260 3 Days, Circle Days $198 Specialty Camp Total Week 1: 6/13 [ ] [ ] M T W R F [ ] Coding & 3D Printing $150 [ ] Coding & Printing + Camp $385 Week 2: 6/20 [ ] [ ] M T W R F [ ] Baseball Camp $50 [ ] Lego Robotics $125 [ ] Robotics + Camp $365 Week 3: 6/27 [ ] M T W R F [ ] Horseback Riding $150 Week 4: 7/4 *Closed Mon 7/4 4 Days [ ] $235 [ ] T W R F Week 5: 7/11 [ ] Horseback Riding $150 [ ] Eagles Football Camp $249 [ ] Eagles + Camp $395 Week 6: 7/18 [ ] Floor Hockey Camp $50 Week 7: 7/25 [ ] [ ] Basketball Camp $50 Week 8: 8/1 Week 9: 8/8 [ ] Ultimate Frisbee Camp $50 Week 10: 8/15 Name ____________________________ Grade Entering_____________________ Date of Birth _______________________ Tuition, Deposit & Registration Fee Deposit Camp Cost $_______x 1 wk = $_________ Registration Fee $50 per camper due at time of registration. Registration fee included cinch bag, water bottle and camp t-shirt Weekly Tuition: Tuition includes field trip and activity fees Payment Policy: A deposit equal to 1 week’s tuition is required at time of registration to hold your reservation. The deposit will be applied to your camper’s final week of camp. Weekly camp fees are due every Monday morning at drop-off for that week of camp and are subject to a $25 late fee if not received by 12 pm Tuesday. Chesterbrook Academy Summer Camp 2016 | Page 6