Health information needs in WHO Europe: survey-based population data Div. Information, Evidence, Research and Innovation WHO Regional Office for Europe Luxembourg, 28 March 2011
Context of the WHO European Region WHO Europe health information needs European Health 2020 policy Define new targets and indicators Monitoring and evaluate progress European Social Determinants and Health Review Assess health inequalities and its determinants Monitor changes related to policy Monitoring MDGs Monitor other Regional Mandates
Current data availability at WHO Europe Regional Databases European Health for All (HFA) database European Mortality (M) database Detailed Mortality (DM) database Hospital Morbidity (HM) database Centralized Information System for Infectious Disease Other health risk factor specific (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, behaviours) European regional health inequality database (to be released soon)
New information needs: population health surveys and data collections supported by WHO COSI – Children overweight/obesity survey Targets primary school children Anthropometric measurements ENHIS – New set of indicators on environment and health for Parma follow up (IAQS) pre-school and school children Exposures to risks (e.g. chemical and biological indoor air pollution, water and sanitation hygienic facilities, smoking) Physical activity and transportation to school Children living in homes with problems of damp (from SILC)
New information needs: population health surveys and data collections supported by WHO HBSC – Health behaviour in school survey of adolescent children (11-15 yrs.) Self-assessed health and wellbeing, Socioeconomic determinants and family affluence GYTS - Youth tobacco survey Adolescents School-based SAGE – Survey on ageing Survey includes s follow up of the WHS 2002 Measurements in a subsample Alcohol consumption survey
Future of health information in Europe Perspectives Improved availability of health-related data due to regulatory EU requirements Increased informatisation of health information facilitating its access and use Increased availability of health-related information through new and continuous surveys (e.g. EHIS, SILC, LFS, EUbarometer, others)
Perspectives for health information in Europe Challenges Need to include more disaggregated information than national averages Need to better integrate health information systems and databases (e.g. through communication platforms) Need to include or be able to link health information with socioeconomic variables (e.g. using electronic health records) Confronting increased information access restrictions due to issues of individual confidentiality
Current or prospective activities with support or in collaboration of the EC Eurostat/OECD/WHO Joint data collection Health evidence network Prospective Extension of the tools for policy to address health inequalities project direct grant Preparation of joint European health assessments Development of a European health information system