doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 15 2010 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Proposed resolution for DCN#0586-01] Date Submitted: [July 15, 2010] Source: [Chang Sub Shin, Wun-Cheol Jeong] Company [ETRI] Address [161 Gajeong-dong Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea] Voice:[+82-42-860-1668], FAX: [+82-42-869-1712], E-Mail:[;] Re: [15-10-0586-01-004e-consistency-and-coexistence-issues-in-tg4e.ppt] Abstract: [This document provides proposed resolution for DCN#0586-01 ] Purpose: [This document provides proposed resolution for DCN#0586-01] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. ChangSub Shin et al <author>, <company>
July 15 2010 Background Current 4e draft has the following issues discussed in DCN#586/rev1. Resolution methods are proposed in this proposal. Issue I: Consistency in primitive names The current draft of TG4e has potential issues on consistency in primitive naming, command frame etc. Guide-rule for consistency in TG4e may improve the draft. Issue II: Coexistence with 4e operation modes No mechanism to obtain TG4e PAN information is presented in the draft. A device capable of TG4e MAC has to know about PAN information on operation when it associates to a PAN. ChangSub Shin et al
July 15 2010 Proposal for issue I Reuse current primitives in 15.4-2006 whenever it possible with the following changes: Add “OperationMode” parameter to denote 4e operation mode in use. Add mode specific parameters, for instance, ChannelOffset, ChannelSequenceRequest for DSME mode Add description for the parameter OperationMode. New primitives are defined only if it needs to be changed substantially or only if no similar primitive exists in 15.4-2006. ChangSub Shin et al
Proposal for issue I (cont’d) July 15 2010 Proposal for issue I (cont’d) Example: Associate primitive MLME-ASSOCIATE.request ( . OperationMode : 15.4-2006, DSME, LL, Fast Association, non-beacon DSME LowLatencyNetworkInfo : The parameter is valid for OperationMode of “LL” only. ChannelOffset : The parameter is valid for OperationMode of “DSME” only. ChannelSequeceRequest : The parameter is valid for OperationMode of “DSME” only. ) ChangSub Shin et al
Suggested Primitive Names for 4e Operation Modes July 15 2010 Suggested Primitive Names for 4e Operation Modes Primitives for DSME Primitive Request Indication Response Confirm DSME specific MLME-DSME-GTS O MLME-DSME-Info MLME-DSME-LINKSTATUSRPT Common MLME-SCAN Δ MLME-START MLME-ASSOCIATE MLME-BEACON-NOTIFY * Note that the primitives shown in red triangle are suggested to be modified to reflect the operation of the corresponding 4e operation mode. ChangSub Shin et al
Suggested Primitive Names for 4e Operation Modes July 15 2010 Suggested Primitive Names for 4e Operation Modes Primitives for LL Primitive Request Indication Response Confirm LL specific MLME-LL-NW.discovery O MLME-LL-NW.configuration Common MLME-ASSOCIATE Δ MLME-BEACON-NOTIFY * Note that the primitives shown in red triangle are suggested to be modified to reflect the operation of the corresponding 4e operation mode. ChangSub Shin et al
Suggested Primitive Names for 4e Operation Modes July 15 2010 Suggested Primitive Names for 4e Operation Modes Primitives for TSCH Primitive Request Indication Response Confirm TSCH specific MLME-SET-SLOTFRAME O MLME-SET-LINK MLME-TSCH-MODE MLME-LISTEN MLME-ADVERTISE MLME-KEEP-ALIVE MLME-JOIN MLME-ACTIVATE MLME-DISCONNECT ChangSub Shin et al
Suggested Changes in Command Frame July 15 2010 Suggested Changes in Command Frame Association request Command frame add “new subfield for different mode” octets: (see 1 0/2 0/1 variable MHR fields Command Frame Identifier (see Table 82) Capability Information Operation Mode ChannelOffse ChannelSequenceRequest LowLatencyNetworkInfo Association response Command frame add “new subfield for different mode” octets: (see 1 2 variable MHR fields Command Frame Identifier (see Table 82) Short Address Association Status Operation Mode ChannelHoppingSequenceLength ChannelHoppingSequence LowLatencyNetworkInfo ChangSub Shin et al
July 15 2010 Proposal for issue II To handle coexistence with multiple 4e operation modes, the following subfield is suggested to be added in a Beacon frame: Add new “Operation Mode” subfield into Beacon Frame octets: 2 1 5-7 8-55 2 variable Frame Control Sequence Number Addressing Fields Auxiliary Security Header Superframe Specification Operation Mode GTS (Figure45) Pending Address (Figure46) Beacon Payload FCS MHR MAC Payload MFR Operation Mode : 0x00 : 15.4-2006 0x01 : DSME 0x02 : TSCH 0x03 : LL 0x04 : Blink 0x05 : LE 0x06 : Non-beacon DSME ChangSub Shin et al