Shadowphobia Music K-8 Vol. 19, No. 3 CD#7/25 By: Mike Wilson – All Rights Reserved PPT: L. Trewin – Yeager Elementary
Every February 2nd, ground hog gets his day. Whether spring is coming early only he can say. Groundhog day. Groudhog day.
Okay, lemme get this straight. Somehow you control the weather patterns. And every year you come out of your hold. If you see your shadow, you run back in your hold because you’re afraid of your shadow? And because of that, we get stuck with six more weeks of winter? That’s just wrong!
Being scared of your own shadow’s silly, don’t you see? It’s irrational behavior, wouldn’t you agree? Groundhog Day. Groundhog Day.
Okay Phil, we gotta get a handle on this shadowphobia thing Okay Phil, we gotta get a handle on this shadowphobia thing. After all, you see your shadow almost every winter. You can’t keep running away from your fears. Maybe you could find a good therapist, and we could have an early spring for once!
It’s the same thing every winter, now I realize, Punxsutawney Phil is just a chicken in disguise. Groundhog Day. Groundhog Day.
Groundhog Day. C’mon Phil, give us a break! Yeah, Phil you can do it! Okay, here he comes!
Groundhog Day!