Health Scientist as an In-betweener: A Sensemaking Story Tero Montonen, Päivi Eriksson and Eeva Aromaa University of Eastern Finland ICMC2017
The case study F How university scientists make sense of their career paths? Context: Current changes in Finnish universities Emphasis on societal impact, entrepreneurial universities, new public management Changing faculty careers Tenure track system, search for alternative career paths Success stories in prior research: Non-tenured faculty, who are willing to become academic entrepreneurs Presenter professor Päivi Eriksson ICMC2017 30.4.2019
Theoretical frame: Critical Sensemaking Interviews Career stories Sensemaking properties Identity Rules Formative context Power Critical sensemaking analysis Narrative interviews Observations, field diary Presenter professor Päivi Eriksson ICMC2017 30.4.2019
One health scientist as the case Then years after finishing a PhD, there is no career advancement in sight Strong researcher identity Has developed a new method that could easily be commercialized Way out: Establishing a spin-off company with the help of the new business advisor hired by the university Critical sensemaking based on two different career scenarios Image size 100 x 64 mm Presenter professor Päivi Eriksson ICMC2017 30.4.2019
The Worst Career Scenario “The spin-off will go bankrupt and I would stay here [at the university] and continue like this.” Has published a lot, brough in considerable funding – yet no quarantee of a tenture track position or any other permanent job Department unwilling to make a decision on tenure track position until the spin-off is in full operation Uncertainty about the success of the spin-off success prevails Image size 68 x 90 mm Presenter professor Päivi Eriksson ICMC2017 30.4.2019
The Best Career Scenario ”I would work at the university and lead the spin-off on the side.” There is still hope to get a tenure-track position and, eventually, full professorship at the home department The university business advisor provides support for commercialization - despite some disagreements between the advisor and the scientist Presenter professor Päivi Eriksson ICMC2017 30.4.2019
Findings: Building the in-betweener identity Power issues Between the scientist and university/department Between the scientist and business the advisor Positive in-betweener identity actively challenges what is offered by the university and the department science and entrepreneurship becomes combined in unconventional ways, which break organizational rules Presenter professor Päivi Eriksson ICMC2017 30.4.2019
Conclusions The case illustrates how Scientists can develop a positive in-betweener identity with strong agency by challenging what universities offer them in the context of uncertainty Strong agency of faculty might actually be what entrepreneurial universities should strive for and support? Strong agency at the heart of academic entrepreneurial action? Presenter professor Päivi Eriksson ICMC2017 30.4.2019
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