ELA Department Data Talk Unit 1 Pre-Assessment August 23, 2018
On a post-it note, draw a quick picture that illustrates how examining student makes you feel. Place your post-it note on the "Do Now" poster. Do Now...
NORMS Actively share thoughts and ideas. Listen to varying perspectives. Reflect on instructional practices. Provide feedback . NORMS
Why do we need to talk about the Data? Provides critical information about our scholars 1 Informs our instructional decisions 2 Tracks students' growth and progress 3 Allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of our instruction 4
How will we examine the data? The Atlas Protocol: Describe the Data (What do we see?) (10 mins) Interpret the Data (What does the data suggest? (10 mins) Implications of the Data (How does this data impact our work?) (10 mins) Reflecting on the Data Protocol (What do we now understand?) (10 mins.) Debrief the process (assess the protocol) (5 mins)
Instructions for participation Get into content area groups. Engage in each step of the protocol within the specified time frame. (3 minutes independent examination and 7 minutes for discussion) Select a scribe and spokesperson. (I will be your time keeper today.) Use the large poster paper, post- it notes and markers to record your ideas. Follow along on your handout. (The steps will also be projected on the screen.) HAVE FUN!!!
Introduction of the Data Unit 1 Pre-Assessment (multiple choice) 9th and 10th Grade 11th and 12th Grade RL2 (theme/summary) RL3 (complex characters) RL4 (word meanings) RL5 (structure of text) RL6 (point of View) RL1 (textual evidence) RL2 (theme/summary) RL3 (development of story elements) RL4 (word meanings) RL5 (structure of text) RL6 (point of view)
Additional artifacts provided... Protocol Handout Copies of the assessment Answer keys Additional artifacts provided...
Describe the Data...What do you see? 10 mins State what you see without reaching conclusions or making recommedations. Guiding Questions: 1. What details does the data provide? 2. What important points stand out?
Interpret the data...What does the data suggest? (1o mins) Look beyond the obvious for what the data suggests. Make inferences related to student learning. Guiding Questions: 1. What inferences can be drawn about student learning? 2. What possible explanations can be offered about the data?
Implications for classroom Practice Implications for classroom Practice... What is our plan of Action (10 mins) Identify connections between what is missing, what needs to change and what is working? Guiding Questions: 1. What practice(s) can we use to improve student learning? 2. What next steps need to be taken by our group?
Self-Reflection after the Process (10 mins) Reflect on the use of this protocol. Guiding Questions: 1. Are there things you would like to try as a result of looking at the data? 2. What new learning do you have? 3. What changed in your thinking?
Let's share out (10 mins) Your spokesperson will share the highlights of your group's discussion.
AZ Day: Adjusting Instruction During our AZ Day, we will: 1. Make any necessary overall adjustments to our instructional calendars. 2. Identify students that have mastered any of the assessed standards and make decisions on differentiation/ acceleration? 3. Build first common formative assessment. These are the deliverables for tomorrow's work session.
Place you post-it note on the Exit Ticket Poster. On a post-it note, write a quick phrase explaining one BIG take away you picked from this Data Talk. Place you post-it note on the Exit Ticket Poster.
AZ Day Agenda Deliverables: Data Talk Review (5 mins) Time with the Assessment (30 mins) Instructional Adjustments (Instructional Calendar, Lesson Plans) (30 mins) Illuminate Training (Creating an Assessment and Reviewing Data) (20 mins) Creating Common Formative Assessment (35 mins) Deliverables: 1. Updated Instructional Calendar 2. Lesson Plans (if not already submitted) 3. Common Formative Assessment