THE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN ITALY 2005/2006 Overview Organization of the education system in Italy Allocation of responsibilities Ongoing debate on the recent reform Libero di Leo, Italy
PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION Age: from 2 and ½ to 5 and ½ Not compulsory Designed to foster the education and the emotional, psychomotor, cognitive, moral, religious and social development of children and to guarantee educational continuity with the childcare services and with compulsory schools. Co-educational: pre-primary school are always located with a primary school
PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION STATISTICS School year 2004/05 – State schools (*) Number of pupils per teacher 11.60 Number of pupils per section 23.40 Pupils 972,250 Teachers 84,056 Schools 13,572 Sections 41,487 (2 Teachers per section) Time: from 8,00 to 16,00 (*) There are also a lot of private schools
COMPULSORY EDUCATION Primary education Duration: 5 years First year serves as a transition from pre-primary school and two successive periods of two years are scheduled The municipality provides all pupils with textbooks and sometime bus and school meals free of charge The task of organising the school timetable is left to the autonomous discretion of individual schools National Guidelines for Personalised Study Plans do not mention subjects but rather disciplines and education courses (specific learning targets for each discipline that correspond to levels of knowledge and ability that pupils should reach by the end of the course)
COMPULSORY EDUCATION Primary education STATISTICS School year 2004/05 – Primary State schools (*) Number of pupils per teacher: 10.1 Number of pupils per class: 18.4 Pupils 2,523,240 Teachers 250,296 Schools 16,174 Classes 137,462 Time: from 27 to 40 h/week (*) There are also many private schools
COMPULSORY EDUCATION Secondary Education – I level Duration: 3 years Has a first two-year period and a third year for guidance and the transition to the second cycle of education Enrolment and attendance are free of charge, but the families are required to pay for the textbooks. The compulsory annual timetable is 891 hours, subdivided into 30 weeks of teaching (approximately 30 hours a week) In addition to the compulsory weekly hours, there are 198 hours (approximately 6 hours a week) that are optional for families
COMPULSORY EDUCATION Secondary Education – I level STATISTICS School year 2004/05 – Secondary State schools (*) Number of pupils per teacher: 9.8 Number of pupils per class: 21.1 Pupils 1,708,599 Teachers 175,111 Schools 7,025 Classes 80,875 Time: 30 h/week + 6 optional hours (*) There are also a few private schools
POST-COMPULSORY EDUCATION/TRAINING Secondary Education – II level Duration: 5 years (I and II level) Second Channel (Regional training) Duration: 3-4-5 years
POST-COMPULSORY EDUCATION/TRAINING Secondary Education – II level STATISTICS School year 2004/05 – Secondary schools (All*) Type of school Pupils attending Classes Next Year Classical 266.043 12.106 266.142 Scientific 549.952 24.293 554.572 Linguistic-Sociological-Psico-Pedagogic 222.928 10.904 194.242 Tecnic 955.322 46.771 892.008 Artistic 102.866 5.222 98.739 Vocational 555.621 27.571 540.564 Total 2.655.732 126.867 2.546.267 (*) There are also some private schools only public schools
Allocation of responsibilities
Allocation of responsibilities (in schools)
Ongoing debate on the recent reform Law 53 of 2003 for the reform of the education and training system has progressively extended compulsory education from 8 to 10 years. However, it aims at widening and redefining the concept of compulsory education and training to ensure the diritto-dovere (*) to education and training within the education system for at least 12 years or up to the attainment of a qualification (within the vocational education and training system) within 18 years of age. The diritto-dovere will be gradually introduced starting from school year 2005/2006 and in accordance with the new sistema su due canali (two channels) of the second cycle of the education system. (*) Term introduced by Reform Law no. 53 of 2003. It means that education is not only compulsory, but also guaranteed to all students for at least 12 years or, anyhow, as long as they have obtained a certificate within 18 years of age.
Ongoing debate on the recent reform Law 53 of 2003 – “Reform of school” 9/10 April 2006 - Political elections: new majority of government To repeal or not to repeal the Law 53 of 2003 ? Libero di Leo, Italy