Programme and Subject Choice Thursday 2nd March, 2017
Agenda Programme choice – Leaving Cert Applied V Mainstream Leaving Cert Subject Choice – Why it matters? College/Course Subject Requirements Subject Groupings Hedging Bets Questions?
Programme Choice LCA V Mainstream Leaving Cert
What is the Leaving Certificate Applied? It is a distinct, self-contained two-year Leaving Certificate programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life It emphasises forms of achievement and excellence which the established Leaving Certificate has not recognised in the past
Who would benefit most? Students who are not adequately catered for by other Leaving Certificate programmes Students who choose not to opt for those programmes
Rationale Prepares students for adult and working life Recognises talents of all pupils Promotes communication and decision making skills Applies knowledge and skills to the solution of real problems
Curriculum Vocational Preparation & Guidance English & Communications OV OV Curriculum Vocational Preparation & Guidance English & Communications Mathematical Applications Information Technology Vocational Specialisms Arts Education Languages Leisure & Recreation Social Education Elective Modules
Assessment 3 Modes Satisfactory completion of Modules 62 credits (31%) 7 Student tasks 70 credits (35%) Final examinations 68 credits (34%) Total 200 credits (100%) Certificate awarded at three levels: Pass 60-69 % (120 - 139 credits) Merit (70-84 %) (140 - 169 credits) Distinction (85-100 %) (170 - 200 credits)
Further &Higher Education Opening up New Options The Leaving Certificate Applied Route Map Leaving Certificate Applied Vocational Preparation Vocational Education Further Education Post Leaving Certificate Course Further &Higher Education Careers FAS Apprenticeships
Subject Choice
Subject Choice – Why it Matters Can Define: Your Points Your Course Options in College Therefore your Future!
College Requirements Certain colleges require certain subjects e.g. National Universities of Ireland (NUI) requires Irish, English & Maths
Course Requirements Certain courses require specific subjects and grades e.g. Primary Teaching courses require a grade of between 50-60% in Higher level Irish (H4). Medicine in any college requires at least one science subject at senior level Law in NUI, Galway requires a European language
Subject Requirements Maths, English & Irish - most commonly required. A 3rd Language is required by the NUI colleges for many of their courses. Most Business courses state a requirement in Maths - not a business subject! An Art portfolio is required for most art related courses - Art itself may not be required! A minimum of one science subject is required for the following fields: Nursing, Medical/paramedical, Science, Engineering
Checking CAO Subject Requirements
What to research! Check the relevant college/employer literature check the overall college requirements check the course requirement subject grades/level Check the course content - this will highlight what subjects are predominant Good websites include & College websites
Subject Choice - Guidelines Pick the best senior cycle option for you! Established Leaving Certificate Pick the subjects you are most interested in. Maximise your points. Achieve grades specified by employers or colleges. Pick the essential subjects for your hoped course or career. Mistakes can be made in career decisions!
Subject Groupings Core – Irish, English, Maths European Languages – Spanish, French Sciences – Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Agricultural Science Humanities – History, Geography Arts – Art, Music, Home Economics Business – Business, Accounting, Economics
3rd Language (French/Spanish) Required for a number of college courses (169 out of over 1400) mostly in universities. See handout for these courses. Exam is comprised of oral (25%), aural (20%) and written (55%) Hugely positive for later employment opportunities
Biology Leaving Certificate Biology is a very interesting subject with over 20 experiments. It is one of the most popular subjects at Leaving Certificate level. Topics range from the cell, the heart, the digestive system, ecology to genetics. Students who enjoy learning about how the human body works, nature and medical disorders & treatments will find biology very interesting.
Biology (Continued) This subject is useful for careers in: 1. Veterinary 2. Medicine 3. Pharmacy 4. Nursing 5. Physiotherapy 6. Environmental Science
Chemistry Very exciting and practical subject with over 28 experiments. Subject ranges from topics such as evironmental chemistry, molecular shapes, tests for onions and preparing soap to name but a few. Students who enjoy experiments and finding out what substances are made of will enjoy chemistry
Chemistry (Continued) Chemistry is useful for careers in: Veterinary Medicine Pharmacy Engineering Nursing Environmental Science Forensic Science
Physics Strong Maths element – Though can be taken comfortably with ordinary level maths Students must maintain a laboratory workbook 24 mandatory experiments – 4 examined on the LC paper
Possible Career Areas Essential for electronics, engineering etc. Very high element of physics in courses like astronomy, computers, architecture etc. Also useful for General science courses and Radiography, pharmacy & Pilot
Agricultural Science Leaving Certificate agricultural science involves the study of the science and technology underlying the principles and practices of agriculture. Aims to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that promote the sustainability of agricultural resources, and places emphasis on the managed use of these resources.
Plants and animal types associated with agriculture are studied, and investigations are undertaken into such aspects as soil, ecology, plant and animal physiology, farm crops, farming practices, genetics and microbiology. Agricultural Science is assessed at two levels, Ordinary level and Higher level, through a written examination and an assessment work undertaken during the course.
Geography New course introduced in 2004 More of a continuation of the Junior Certificate Syllabus Three core topics – Physical, Regional and Field Work Field work is submitted by April of Leaving Certificate and is worth 20% of overall grade
Geography Student also study two more sections called options These include – Human or Economic Geography, Geoecology, or Global interdependence Good subject for high grades if you liked the subject at Junior Cert level & like a practical hands on subject
History Subject includes special topic to be submitted in April of Leaving Certificate year worth 20% of overall grade Four other questions on Leaving Certificate Paper to be done, worth 20% each. One question on paper is based on the examination of documents
History Student needs to have some love for history in order to do the subject A fairly high standard of English is required for Higher Level. Will give rewards if students are prepared to work hard at the subject
Home Economics The syllabus consists of Core Areas and Three Electives: The Core Areas 1. Food Studies - 45% 2. Resource Management and Consumer Studies - 25% 3. Social Studies - 10%
Electives 1. Home Design and Management - 20% or 2 Electives 1. Home Design and Management - 20% or 2. Textiles, Fashion and Design - 20% or 3. Social Studies - 20% Students opt for one Elective area only. Those choosing the Textiles, Fashion and Design elective must produce a garment which will be inspected and graded.
The Elective areas are extensions of the content contained in the Core Areas and provide students with the opportunity to study certain topics in more depth. As part of the Core Areas, a mandatory section comprises of Practical Coursework which must be completed during the two years and will be sent to the Department of Education and Science for inspection. This is 20% of the final examination marks.
Music A Choice Subject You do NOT need to be able to play an instrument to take up music Good Subject to gain high points
Music Course involves: Listening: Analysing songs/works – types of music Composing: Learn to read and write music Aural Skills Performing: Learn Tin Whistle and Recorder Performance is worth 25% or 50% of Exam. (choice of which)
Art Philosophy aside, the Art course for Leaving Certificate consists of two main parts. The practical side of the course is about developing the student's ability in a range of artistic fields and disciplines.
Three practical examinations carried out in May Three practical examinations carried out in May. These are; Life Sketching, Still Life or Imaginative or Abstract Composition, Design or Craftwork. All three examinations have papers to help with the preparation of ideas, research, design and materials. The art course also features a written examination on History and Appreciation of Art, which counts for 37.5% of the marks in June.
The syllabus permits a huge number of media, from the fine arts such as sculpture, drawing, and painting, to puppet-making, embroidery, calligraphy, metalwork, and pottery.
Economics Economics has a mathematical slant as well as graphic and theoretical work. It explores the inner workings of companies, and how they measure their success and progress. At a macro level it examines international trade, the role of government and the EU in controlling the economy, competition and markets. A good subject for the analytical student.
Business This subject deals with current realities of a fast-changing business environment. It requires constant attention to the business pages of the quality newspapers. It looks at how organisations are formed, financed and run. It also explores the services that support businesses such as insurance, banking, transport, as well as public service bodies.
Accounting Students who enjoyed the bookkeeping part of Junior Cert business should consider accounting. Analysis and interpretation of accounts is the core activity at Leaving Cert level. For those with strong numeracy and reasoning skills.
Leaving Cert Option Subjects Geography History French Spanish Accounting Business Studies Economics Biology Chemistry Physics Agricultural Science Art Music Home Economics
Link Modules (LCVP)
Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
An Enhanced Leaving Certificate The LCVP is a Leaving Certificate with a Vocational dimension Vocational refers to the development of a range of key “Transferable Skills”
Transferable Skills Team Working Critical Thinking Flexibility Leadership Planning Basic Skills (incl. IT) Motivation to Learn Communication Initiative & Enterprise Decision Making These skills are equally relevant to young people progressing to further study, working for themselves or going directly into employment
The LCVP helps Students take responsibility for their own learning become more innovative and enterprising communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively investigate and plan their career options
and to.. develop key skills for the modern working environment work well with others as part of a team network with people in business and the community access and use computers and audio-visual equipment
ACTIVE LEARNING The LCVP fosters active learning. All activities which the students partake in go through the following steps: PLANNING - Setting Aims and Objectives EXPERIENCE - The Activity Itself DE-BRIEFING - Reflecting on the Experience EVALUATION - Drawing Conclusions REPORTING – Drawing up report
LCVP Structure 2 Link Modules Vocational Subject 2 Vocational Irish Modern European Language Other LC Subjects Most LCVP Students take seven Leaving Certificate Subjects plus the Link Modules
Purpose of the Link Modules The Link Modules help you put theory into practice Vocational Subjects Business Home Economics Art Biology Music Physics Chemistry Business Community Work / Career LINK MODULES
Typical LCVP Activities Invited Visitors Site Visits Case Studies Team Enterprises Work Experience Using Computers Video Interviews
Link Modules Assessment The Link Modules are assessed by written examination and portfolio
Link Modules Assessment Written Examination Section A - Audio Visual Video sequence of an enterprise Section B - Case Study Received 4 weeks in advance Section C - General Questions Choice of 4 questions from 6
Link Modules Assessment Portfolio of Coursework Core Items CV Career Investigation Enterprise/Action Plan Summary Report Options - any two from:- Diary of Work Experience Enterprise Report Recorded Interview/Presentation Report on “My Own Place”
LINK MODULES RESULTS Distinction 80% - 100% Merit 65% - 79% Pass 50% - 64%
Useful Sites Careers Portal Subject Choice NCCA State Examinations Commission Irish Times Ultimate Career Guide STEM Careers