Session 2: Introduction to the Quality Criteria. Session Overview Your facilitator, ___________________. [Add details of facilitators background, including.


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Presentation transcript:

Session 2: Introduction to the Quality Criteria

Session Overview Your facilitator, ___________________. [Add details of facilitators background, including a photograph] Page 2

Agenda Setting the Stage Cover Profile Gate-Keeping Criteria Quality Criteria for Professional Learning Resources Quality Criteria for Instructional Resources The Rating System Reflecting on the Learning Page 3

Overview of Training Series 1 Session 1: Introduction to the Digital Library (1 hour) Session 2: Introduction to the Quality Criteria ( 1 hour) Session 3: Submitting Quality Resources (3 hours) Session 4: Navigating the Digital Library (1 hour) SLT Two-Day Training SLT Two-Day Training Page 4

Educator Learning Targets I understand the purpose and structure of the Quality Criteria. I understand my role in contributing resources to the Digital Library. Page 5

Educator Success Criteria I can explain… The components and origin of the Quality Criteria. The structure of the Cover Profile and its importance to the resource posting process. The function of the Gate-Keeping Criteria. The Quality Criteria for Professional Learning Resources. The Quality Criteria for Instructional Resources. The Quality Criteria rating system. My role in the resource posting process. Page 6

Agenda Setting the Stage Cover Profile Gate-Keeping Criteria Quality Criteria for Professional Learning Resources Quality Criteria for Instructional Resources The Rating System Reflecting on the Learning Page 7

Role of the Quality Criteria Page 8

Formative Assessment Advisory Panel The Smarter Balanced Consortium convened a Formative Assessment Advisory Panel consisting of 12 experts in the formative assessment process, adult learning, online professional learning, diverse learners, CCSS ELA instruction, CCSS mathematics instruction, and urban and rural education. The Panel convened for three two-day meetings to develop Quality Criteria. Meeting 1 April 17 – 18 Meeting 1 April 17 – 18 Meeting 2 May 8 – 9 Meeting 2 May 8 – 9 Meeting 3 May 22 – 23 Meeting 3 May 22 – 23 Brainstormed initial Quality Criteria Refined lists of criteria Determined structure of Quality Criteria Developed comprehensive list of potential criteria Discussed merits of checklist vs. rubric-based approach Tested criteria using sample resources Refined criteria Synthesized feedback Developed first draft of Quality Criteria Developed 2 nd draft; received feedback from panelists; developed 3 rd draft Page 9

Purposes of the Quality Criteria Ensure that all resources in the Digital Library are of the highest quality, regardless of source. Ensure that all resources reflect the Smarter Balanced vision of effective formative assessment practices. Provide consistency in the review process for all resources. Ensure that the resources in the Digital Library reflect the intent of the CCSS. Page 10

Agenda Setting the Stage Cover Profile Gate-Keeping Criteria Quality Criteria for Professional Learning Resources Quality Criteria for Instructional Resources The Rating System Reflecting on the Learning Page 11

The Cover Profile Page 12 The Cover Profile is explained in this video.this video

Agenda Setting the Stage Cover Profile Gate-Keeping Criteria Quality Criteria for Professional Learning Resources Quality Criteria for Instructional Resources Reflecting on the Learning Page 13

Gate-Keeping Criteria Page 14 The Gate-Keeping Criteria is explained in this video.this video

Interactive Check-in How-to Video This video offers a review of using Padlet to facilitate completion of this sessions interactive check-in. This video Page 15

Interactive Check-in A colleague asks how the Cover Profile and the Gate- Keeping Criteria are related. Type or upload an illustration that explains your answer to your colleague. To respond, please click here: Page 16

Agenda Setting the Stage Cover Profile Gate-Keeping Criteria Quality Criteria for Professional Learning Resources Quality Criteria for Instructional Resources The Rating System Reflecting on the Learning Page 17

Quality Criteria for Professional Learning Resources Page 18 The Quality Criteria for Professional Learning Resources are explained in this video.this video

Agenda Setting the Stage Cover Profile Gate-Keeping Criteria Quality Criteria for Professional Learning Resources Quality Criteria for Instructional Resources The Rating System Reflecting on the Learning Page 19

Quality Criteria for Instructional Resources Page 20 The Quality Criteria for Instructional Resources are explained in this video.this video

Agenda Setting the Stage Cover Profile Gate-Keeping Criteria Quality Criteria for Professional Learning Resources Quality Criteria for Instructional Resources The Rating System Reflecting on the Learning Page 21

The Rating Scale Criteria for Professional Learning ResourcesRating*Comments 2) Incorporates formative assessment practices Clarify Intended Learning o The resource clearly articulates learning targets that reflect the Common Core State Standards. o The resource clearly articulates success criteria. o The resource is designed coherently, so that all content aligns to learning goals and success criteria. Elicit Evidence o The resource includes tasks and/or strategies to elicit evidence of learning (e.g., self-assessments, self-reflection, educator-directed). Interpret Evidence o The resource provides a way (e.g. method, model, process) to analyze or interpret evidence. Act on Evidence o The resource provides opportunities or recommendations for responsive action to evidence (e.g. provide feedback to participants, suggest grouping of participants, create action plans, set goals, revise learning experience based on analysis of evidence). The resource enables students to actively engage in the assessment and learning process. 1 – No Evidence 2 – Minimal Evidence 3 – Partial Evidence 4 – Adequate Evidence 5 – Exemplary Evidence Page 22

The Rating System Page 23

The Rating System Criteria for Instructional ResourcesRating*Comments 1) Aligns with the intent of the Common Core State Standards ) Incorporates high-quality formative assessment practices ) Contains accurate, complete, high-quality curriculum and instruction ) Reflects learner differences and supports personalized learning ) Demonstrates utility, engagement, and user-friendliness ) Integrates media and technology effectively Page 24

Agenda Setting the Stage Cover Profile Gate-Keeping Criteria Quality Criteria for Professional Learning Resources Quality Criteria for Instructional Resources Reflecting on the Learning Page 25

Reflecting on the Learning Page 26 I can explain… The components and origin of the Quality Criteria. The structure of the Cover Profile and its importance to the resource posting process. The function of the Gate-Keeping Criteria. The Quality Criteria for Professional Learning Resources. The Quality Criteria for Instructional Resources. The Quality Criteria rating system. My role in the resource posting process.

Next Step To prepare for your next session, please review the Cover Profile and highlight key words or phrases in sections where you have questions. You will need to bring this to your next session. Page 27

Congratulations! SLT two-day training SLT two-day training You have completed Session 2: Introduction to the Quality Criteria. Session 1: Introduction to the Digital Library (1 hour) Session 2: Introduction to the Quality Criteria ( 1 hour) Session 3: Submitting Quality Resources (3 hours) Session 4: Navigating the Digital Library (1 hour) Page 28

Feedback Please complete the online session evaluation so we can learn from your feedback: 2 Thank you! If you would like additional information about the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, please visit: Page 29