Unit 6 ½: Post Reconstruction South and West Is progress always a good thing? Topic 1: The Jim Crow Era in the South Topic 2: Westward Migration
Crossing the Country, 1860’s Why hadn’t Lewis and Clark found a water route to the Pacific in 1804? What was the quickest way to travel long distances in the 1860’s? What obstacles would you face if you tried to build a cross-country route?
Railroads, 1860
Railroads, 1870
Railroads, 1890
How do you build a railroad through that?
In June of 1867, two thousand Chinese railroad workers went on strike for a week, demanding increased wages, work hours equal with whites, and an end to beatings. Central Pacific broke the strike by withholding food from the Chinese, as they were isolated in the high mountains of the Sierras.
Greatest Empire Under God – Intro – start at 2:00- http://www.veoh.com/watch/v151084465zRdfXB Y (watch first 7 minutes or so) Artillery of Heaven (7:30 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx4CUG4A_ 7g
160 acres after 5 years if you farmed & improved the land Who might want to go settle the West? Why? Southerners Exodusters Former soldiers Homestead Act of 1862 160 acres after 5 years if you farmed & improved the land
Exodusters With a partner, read the article on Exodusters in the 1870s and complete the questions.
Imagine you are a settler here Imagine you are a settler here. You have just arrived in your covered wagon. What do you need to do? What tools/technology would you need?
New Technology Helps Settle the West http://www.fasttrackteaching.com/ffap/Unit_2_Westward/U2_adaptations_inventions_plains.html I will send this link to you via Remind. Open it and take notes on the technologies. Sketch a quick picture of each one.
Living on the Great Plains Soddies = Sod Houses
Exodusters by their soddy.
Technology Makes Farming Profitable What made farming possible in the West? The steel plow cut through thick prairie grass.
Technology Makes Farming Profitable What made farming possible in the West? Windmills made it possible to get water from the ground for farming & livestock.
Technology Makes Farming Profitable What made farming possible in the West? The mechanical reaper made harvesting faster Inventor: Cyrus McCormick
Technology Makes Farming Profitable What made farming possible in the West? Barbed wire protected farms and livestock.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wbbk0O8-70w Lure of the Homesteaders
Technology Makes Farming Profitable What made anything possible in the West? Railroads! A way to ship goods quickly to and from the East.
What impact do you think settlers had on the Great Plains?
What impact do you think settlers had on the Great Plains? In 30 years, the bison population fell from more than 30 million to less than 1,000.
Wound in the Heart (start at 1:30) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx566Li1tCM
Cowboys What does “cowboy” make you think of? What was a cowboy’s job?
Cattle Drives Herding cattle from Texas to railroads to get to markets in the East.
“One single invention will threaten the cowboy’s entire way of life” – What do you think this is?
Teddy Blue Abbot (7 min)
Day 2
What do you think happened to the Native Americans who lived in the West?
Dawes Act clip from “The West” –outcome of our endeavors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h2xBp81vm8 Ghost Dance (like wheat before the sickle) clip from “The West”
Indian Reservations, 1902 Animated Map
“Kill the Indian and Save the Man”
In the White Man’s Image https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpkIsyc0YRU 20:30 – 34:30 – Carlisle School Aaron Huey Pine Ridge – Ted Talk Today: “America is a Stolen Country (5:45) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SM8WZ0ztMuc
Debate Should the Washington Redskins change their name? Three Corners: Yes, No, I’m not sure Read the article Write your response, individually. Get in groups of 6 and debate. Full class discussion. Yes or No?
In the Book Read pages 408-414. Answer the questions on the handout.