Matthew 4.4
2 Timothy 3.14–17
Pride & Humility Reading & Praying
Why Pride and Humility?
Pride is thinking too highly of one’s self
Pride was the first sin of the devil
Pride is one of the worst sins in God’s eyes
Pride is at the heart of many other sins
Humility is thinking of others & their needs above one’s self
Humility is seen in Jesus’s example
Humility is at the foundation of a life pleasing to God
Humility is blessed by God
Why Pride and Humility?
Humility of Moses vs pride of Miriam & Aaron
Pride of Miriam and Aaron
Cushite woman and leadership
Miriam and Aaron were prophets
Eldad and Medad ?
‘And the Lord heard it’
God hears, sees, & knows everything
Moses probably did not hear
Moses had a special relationship with God
Moses, the most meek man
Moses was not like other prophets
Lessons for us
Pride is bad, humility is good
Pride = punishment humility = reward
God knows our hearts
Humility of Moses vs pride of Miriam & Aaron
Praying Thru the text
Temptation to be prideful
Thankful for examples of Moses and Jesus
Thankful for forgiveness
Praying Thru the text
Pride & Humility Reading & Praying
Why Pride and Humility?
Humility of Moses vs pride of Miriam & Aaron
Praying Thru the text
Pride = fall like devil
Pride = enrage the Lord
Pride = no eternity with God
Work to be humble
Humility = faithfully serve God
Humility = blessing to others
Humility = defeat the devil
Humility = eternity with God
Free from pride, full of humility