Presentation, Graphic Organizers, & Activities The EUROPEAN UNION EUROPEAN UNION Presentation, Graphic Organizers, & Activities
STANDARDS: SS6E8 Analyze the benefits of and barriers to voluntary trade in Europe. d. Describe the purpose of the European Union and the relationship between member nations. © Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: CLOZE Notes The next pages are handouts for the students to use for note-taking during the presentation. (Print front to back to save paper and ink.) Check the answers as a class after the presentation. © Brain Wrinkles
European Union CLOZE Notes 1 Benefits Together Purpose History The EU’s strict environmental standards have helped some countries improve their environment. Citizens are allowed to move freely among member countries’ in order to find better jobs. Wealthy countries are sharing wealth with poorer countries. Not having tariffs has led to improved trade and higher standards of living among members. The EU has built a strong relationship among its member nations. This helps make small countries more competitive in the world market. The EU believes that when countries work together they are a more powerful force in the world because they involve: The European Union members work together for advantages that would be out of their reach if each were working alone. Even though the EU’s original purpose was to encourage free trade within Europe, it now has several other important interests: Goods produced in Europe can move freely, without tariffs, to other European nations, which leads to huge cost savings to consumers and businesses. Today, the EU is a powerful trade bloc that makes up 1/5th of the world’s trade. The European Union was originally established to set up free trade among member countries. In 2016, the EU has grown to 27 members. The result was a deal signed by 6 countries in 1957. After WWII ended, France and Germany came up with a plan to ensure the countries would never go to war with each other again. The European Union (EU) is an economic and political partnership between many European countries. and more land areas. more people, more money, Promoting social issues like protecting human rights and preserving the environment Ensuring the safety and security of its members Creating a stable, peaceful relationship between countries © Brain Wrinkles European Union CLOZE Notes 1
European Union CLOZE Notes 2 Brexit Government Euro The UK will continue to abide by EU treaties and laws, but not take part in any decision-making, while it negotiates a withdrawal agreement and the terms of its relationship with the now 27 nation bloc. Brexit supporters also wanted the UK to take back full control of its borders and to reduce the number of people coming into the country to live and/or work. They believed the UK was being held back by the EU, which they said imposed too many rules on business and charged billions of pounds a year in membership fees for little in return. The people who voted “leave” say they want the UK to be less influenced by other countries and to have its own laws rather than having to go by the rules of the EU. In June 2016, the people in the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. Not every country has been happy with this… In recent years, the European Parliament’s powers have increased. The European Parliament CANNOT pass laws. Elections have been held every 5 years since 1979. It does not represent the countries’ governments, but rather the citizens of the EU. There is, however, a European Parliament, which is the only directly elected EU body. Each country still makes its own laws, has a military, and elects its leaders. It acts as a confederation. The European Union does NOT handle all the government business for the members. For example, French francs and German marks have been replaced by the euro. 19 member countries have chosen to give up their own currency and exchange it for euros. Countries who use the euro do not have to worry about exchanging currency. A common currency makes trade easier, more efficient, and less expensive. The EU’s most important economic accomplishment is the establishment of a single currency called the euro. © Brain Wrinkles European Union CLOZE Notes 2
European Union CLOZE Notes 3 Non-Members WHY? There are several other countries that are NOT EU members, including Turkey, Switzerland, Iceland, & Russia. Russia prefers to be an independent world leader over its own resources and economy. The EU has strict limits on the fishing industry, and Iceland does not want the EU’s control on its most important economic activity. Switzerland has one of the world’s highest standards of living and prefers its economy to not be regulated under the EU. Turkey’s culture, stability, and location to the Middle East causes some EU members to not want Turkey to join. © Brain Wrinkles European Union CLOZE Notes 3
The EUROPEAN UNION © Brain Wrinkles
History The European Union (EU) is an economic and political partnership between many European countries. After WWII ended, France and Germany came up with a plan to ensure the countries would never go to war with each other again. The result was a deal signed by 6 countries in 1957. In 2016, the EU has grown to 27 members. © Brain Wrinkles
*The UK withdrew from the EU in 2016. © Brain Wrinkles
The European Union flag was designed by Arsene Heitz and Paul Levy in 1955. © Brain Wrinkles
Purpose The European Union was originally established to set up free trade among member countries. Today, the EU is a powerful trade bloc that makes up 1/5th of the world’s trade. Goods produced in Europe can move freely, without tariffs, to other European nations, which leads to huge cost savings to consumers and businesses. © Brain Wrinkles
Purpose Even though the EU’s original purpose was to encourage free trade within Europe, it now has several other important interests: Creating a stable, peaceful relationship between countries Ensuring the safety and security of its members Promoting social issues like protecting human rights and preserving the environment The European Union members work together for advantages that would be out of their reach if each were working alone. © Brain Wrinkles
Together The EU believes that when countries work together they are a more powerful force in the world because they involve: more money, more people, and more land areas. This helps make small countries more competitive in the world market. © Brain Wrinkles
The US is much larger than separate European countries. When the EU countries combine, they have more people and a larger economy, and they can compete in a global economy. © Brain Wrinkles
Benefits The EU has built a strong relationship among its member nations. Not having tariffs has led to improved trade and higher standards of living among members. Wealthy countries are sharing wealth with poorer countries. Citizens are allowed to move freely among member countries’ in order to find better jobs. The EU’s strict environmental standards have helped some countries improve their environment. © Brain Wrinkles
© Brain Wrinkles
© Brain Wrinkles
Euro The EU’s most important economic accomplishment is the establishment of a single currency called the euro. A common currency makes trade easier, more efficient, and less expensive. Countries who use the euro do not have to worry about exchanging currency. 19 member countries have chosen to give up their own currency and exchange it for euros. For example, French francs and German marks have been replaced by the euro. © Brain Wrinkles
© Brain Wrinkles
EU Members 2016 Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden © Brain Wrinkles
Government The European Union does NOT handle all the government business for the members. It acts as a confederation. Each country still makes its own laws, has a military, and elects its leaders. © Brain Wrinkles
Government There is, however, a European Parliament, which is the only directly elected EU body. It does not represent the countries’ governments, but rather the citizens of the EU. Elections have been held every 5 years since 1979. The European Parliament CANNOT pass laws. In recent years, the European Parliament’s powers have increased. Not every country has been happy with this… © Brain Wrinkles
European Union Parliament Building in Strasbourg, France © Brain Wrinkles
European Union Parliament Building in Strasbourg, France © Brain Wrinkles
Brexit In June 2016, the people in the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. The people who voted “leave” say they want the UK to be less influenced by other countries and to have its own laws rather than having to go by the rules of the EU. They believed the UK was being held back by the EU, which they said imposed too many rules on business and charged billions of pounds a year in membership fees for little in return. © Brain Wrinkles
The UK’s Prime Minister, David Cameron, supported remaining part of the EU. When the country voted to leave, he decided to step down as the country’s leader. © Brain Wrinkles
Brexit Brexit supporters also wanted the UK to take back full control of its borders and to reduce the number of people coming into the country to live and/or work. The UK will continue to abide by EU treaties and laws, but not take part in any decision-making, while it negotiates a withdrawal agreement and the terms of its relationship with the now 27 nation bloc. © Brain Wrinkles
Non-Members There are several other countries that are NOT EU members, including Turkey, Switzerland, Iceland, & Russia. WHY? Turkey’s culture, stability, & location to the Middle East causes some EU members to not want Turkey to join. Switzerland has one of the world’s highest standards of living & prefers its economy to not be regulated under the EU. The EU has strict limits on the fishing industry, & Iceland does not want the EU’s control on its most important economic activity. Russia prefers to be an independent world leader over its own resources and economy. © Brain Wrinkles
EUROPEAN UNION Free trade within Europe (members only) © Brain Wrinkles POSITIVES NEGATIVES Free trade within Europe (members only) No tariffs make cost of goods cheaper for consumers & businesses Common currency (euro) makes trade easier and more efficient Smaller countries are more competitive in the world market Can travel/work freely between members Environmental standards have improved countries’ environment Members must follow certain “rules” set by EU Wealthier countries pay more than poorer countries Open borders can cause problems
European Union Membership Directions: Choose different colors for each date on the Map Key. Using your key, label and color the countries on the map according to when they joined the European Union. 1957 France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg 1973 Ireland, United Kingdom, Denmark 1981-86 Portugal, Spain, Greece 1995 Sweden, Finland, Austria 2004 Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia, Estonia, Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta 2007-13 Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia 2016 Draw a red X over the country that left the EU. © Brain Wrinkles
EU Membership KEY © Brain Wrinkles
© Brain Wrinkles Directions: Create an advertisement that persuades European countries (non-EU members) to join the European Union. The sign should include a catchy title, at least 3 benefits of joining the EU, and an eye-catching illustration. Join the EU Today!
© Brain Wrinkles Directions: Create an advertisement that persuades European countries (non-EU members) to NOT join the European Union. The sign should include a catchy title, at least 3 disadvantages of joining the EU, and an eye-catching illustration. Do NOT Join the EU!
Extra! Extra! Write a catchy headline for the article. Directions: Write a news article that describes an important event from the European Union’s history. Add a catchy headline (top box) and an action shot (snapshot box). Date: When article could’ve been printed Cost $ Write a catchy headline for the article. Article By: Your Name Draw a picture of the EU news event Write a realistic news article about one important event in the history of the European Union Include Picture Caption © Brain Wrinkles
Extra! Extra! Directions: Write a news article that describes an important event from the European Union’s history. Add a catchy headline (top box) and an action shot (snapshot box). Date: $ Article By: © Brain Wrinkles
Comprehension Check European Union 8. Name a European country (besides UK) that is not part of the EU. Why not? Wanted to follow UK’s own laws, rather than the ones set by EU; too many business rules; membership fees were too high & not getting enough in return; wanted UK to take back full control of its borders 7. What are some reasons for the UK voting to leave the EU in 2016? Members must follow certain “rules” set by EU, wealthier countries pay more than poorer countries, open borders can cause problems 6. What is a disadvantage to joining the EU? Protection of the environment, people can find work in many other countries, free trade, higher standards of living, single currency, etc. 5. Name at least three benefits to joining the EU: 27 4. Today, how many members are part of the European Union? Euro 3. What is the common currency of the European Union? European Union 2. What organization encourages trade between European countries? To avoid fighting a war with one another in the future 1. After WWII, why did France and Germany want to make a plan together? Russia prefers to be an independent world leader over its own resources and economy. The EU has strict limits on the fishing industry, & Iceland does not want the EU’s control on its most important economic activity. Switzerland has one of the world’s highest standards of living & prefers its economy to not be regulated under the EU. Turkey -- culture, stability, & location to the Middle East © Brain Wrinkles Comprehension Check European Union
Tweet All About It Tweet All About It Name: Name: Tweet All About It Tweet All About It Write a tweet about today’s lesson. Keep it short and to the point, but include enough information to prove that you understand the European Union. Write a hashtag about the most important point. Write a tweet about today’s lesson. Keep it short and to the point, but include enough information to prove that you understand the European Union. Write a hashtag about the most important point. #____________ #____________ © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles