Adult Education Survey progress report Point 6


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Presentation transcript:

Adult Education Survey progress report Point 6 Adult Education Survey progress report Point 6.1 of the agenda ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007

AES Implementation TF meeting (26-27 March 2007) Future AES TF meeting AES data processing Quality Reports Publication of the results and dissemination of the AES microdata ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007

AES Implementation TF meeting (26-27 March 2007) 23 participants from 19 countries Presentation of the AES work in 5 countries. Exchange of experiences as for: Recall problems (advance information to the respondents on the survey topic, use of a calendar by interviewer, shorter reference period); CLA definitions (training of interviewers and proper design of the questionnaire); ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007

AES Implementation TF meeting (26-27 March 2007) Exchange of experiences as for: Informal learning (“deliberately”-a key word but could lead to a high response rate); Questions on keeping up with developments at work (by reading books, manuals or journals etc.) or other than activities described previously, deliberately trying to improve knowledge about something (UK); ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007

AES Implementation TF meeting (26-27 March 2007) Exchange of experiences as for: Educational activity and (un-) employment In the AES, the in formation on current employment situation and situation „one year before survey“ is collected. In the German AES questionnaire, this is substituted by two kinds of information: employment situation just before the start of the educational activity reported; employment-related events within the reporting period of the last 12 months, in particular occurrences of unemployment. ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007

AES Implementation TF meeting (26-27 March 2007) Suppression rules The Task Force agreed on the following proposal for the suppression rules applied to the data to be published, based on the practice as currently implemented in the EU-SILC. : no information available or sample size less than 20 or item non-response greater than 50% u low reliability because sample size 20-49 or item non-response between 20-50% (no flag) sample size more than 50 and item non-response less than 20% ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007

The data reception and processing Before delivery to Eurostat the microdata are validated by the XTNet-Edit Lite. The data are delivered trough the in-house installation of eDAMIS (in the case of the NSIs) or eDAMIS web portal (in case of an organisation other than NSI is data sender). The data are validated again at Eurostat and the possible errors and warnings are cleaned and clarified with countries. ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007

The data reception and processing Initially cleaned data are the input for calculations of the checking tables which are compared with the Excel checking tables delivered by the countries. On the basis of the cleaned and accepted microdata files the microdata sets with the derived variables and applied anonimisation rules will be prepared for dissemination to researchers Whatever changes/corrections agreed the files are always being resend by the country via eDAMIS ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007

ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007 Future AES TF meeting Planned for 13-14 of November 2007 In case a specific meeting on anonymisation presentation of the results of studies on disclosure risk done in volunteering countries, discussion and preparation of the proposal of AES variables to be suppressed, aggregated randomised and the treatment method of those variables. ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007

ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007 Future AES TF meeting In case no specific meeting on anonymisation will be required, the AES TF meeting will be focused on: news from the countries conducting the survey, publication of national results, discussion on the tabulation plan, discussion on the method of calculation of non response for the published indicators, presentation of the current status of the anonymisation discussion, first impressions from the survey and possible recommendations for the next round of the survey. Suggestions for the topics to be taken at the meeting are more than welcome. ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007

ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007 Quality Reports The Quality Report - an integral part of the microdata dissemination packet includes: a detailed description of the survey organisation, sampling, quality indicators and main experiences from the survey. The content of the Quality Report makes it useful for colleagues who are in a period of survey preparation. The ETS WG meeting participants are requested to comment on and approve the proposal of  putting the Quality Reports on the registered part of the Circa site devoted to the AES. ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007

Publication of results and dissemination of the AES microdata The first results of the AES -first quarter of 2008. The results will include the main indicators on adult learning (e.g. participation rate, median number of hours spent on education and training). Results from all the participating countries - the beginning of 2009. In parallel an in-depth data analysis over 2008 and a complete study on the AES should be published in the first quarter of 2009. ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007

Publication of results and dissemination of the AES microdata Eurostat intends to give access to the microdata to the researches as soon as the data is validated and dully anonymised without waiting for completion of the survey in all the countries. (More details on the anonimisation strategy are to be discussed under point 6.2 of the agenda.) The possible date of micro data availability for researchers could be towards the end of the first half of 2008. The ETS WG meeting participants are requested to comment on and approve the proposal of a quick dissemination of the AES microdata. ETS WG meeting 24-25 September 2007