Monday LO: SWBAT differentiate and categorize the subatomic particles of atoms by mass, location, and charge. DOL: Given 6 descriptors, SWBAT differentiate and categorize subatomic particles based on characteristics with 80% accuracy. Agenda: Catalyst: 3 min INM: 10 min GP/IP: 15 min Review: 10 min DOL: 7 min
MONDAY CATALYST COPY OBJECTIVE: SWBAT differentiate and categorize the subatomic particles of atoms by mass, location, and charge. Take CHART from RED folder. GLUE on BOTTOM LEFT
What do you think this picture is of? MONDAY CATALYST What do you think this picture is of? What is your evidence?
CONSIDER THIS PICTURE… Now do you know what the picture is of? What is your evidence?
CONSIDER THIS PICTURE… What do you see? What do you think you are looking at?
CONSIDER THIS PICTURE… What do you think you are looking at now? What has changed about what we see?
CONSIDER THIS PICTURE… What has changed about the picture? Is it still the same thing? How has what we are looking at changed?
THE ATOM On the molecular level (very zoomed in), we see the molecules and atoms.
→ “not able to be divided.” I. THE ATOM ATOM: smallest unit that keeps its properties → “not able to be divided.”
A single penny has 2 x 10^22 atoms or HOW SMALL IS AN ATOM? A single penny has 2 x 10^22 atoms or 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms
Would it make sense to use grams to weigh an atom? HOW SMALL IS AN ATOM? A penny weighs 3.1 grams.. Would it make sense to use grams to weigh an atom?
Atomic Mass Units (AMU)- measures mass of atoms 1 AMU = 1.66053886 × 10-24 grams =.00000000000000000000000166053886 g
All atoms are made of the same 3 subatomic particles. II. INSIDE THE ATOM All atoms are made of the same 3 subatomic particles.
Positively charged particle in nucleus, 1 AMU PROTON (p+) Positively charged particle in nucleus, 1 AMU
Particle in nucleus with no charge, 1 AMU NEUTRON (n) Particle in nucleus with no charge, 1 AMU
made of protons & neutrons LOCATION NUCLEUS: Center of atom, made of protons & neutrons
Based on its two components, does the nucleus have mass? KEY QUESTIONS Based on its two components, does the nucleus have mass?
Based on its two components, does the nucleus have mass? KEY QUESTIONS Based on its two components, does the nucleus have mass? Protons are 1 amu and neutrons are 1 amu...therefore the nucleus has mass
Based on its two components, what is the charge of the nucleus? KEY QUESTIONS Based on its two components, what is the charge of the nucleus?
Based on its two components, what is the charge of the nucleus? KEY QUESTIONS Based on its two components, what is the charge of the nucleus? Protons are positive but neutrons have no charge… therefore the nucleus is positive
negatively charged particle, moving in electron cloud, ~0 AMU ELECTRON (e-) negatively charged particle, moving in electron cloud, ~0 AMU
What are the charges of the subatomic particles? KEY QUESTIONS What are the charges of the subatomic particles? Protons Electrons Neutrons
What are the charges of the subatomic particles? KEY QUESTIONS What are the charges of the subatomic particles? Protons Electrons Neutrons
SIZES OF SUBATOMIC PARTICLES How big are protons, electrons, and neutrons compared to each other? Big Tiny + -
create a labeled drawing of an atom. Include: On the LEFT side On the TOP LEFT side, create a labeled drawing of an atom. Include: Proton, Neutron, Electron, Nucleus, Electron Cloud
CLEAN UP Notebooks: collected by 1 person from each table DOL: collected by 1 person from each table Folders: stack neatly Trash: throw away on way out
Complete the 1/4 sheet in the GREEN folder DOL: Given 6 descriptors, SWBAT differentiate and categorize subatomic particles based on characteristics with 80% accuracy. Expectations Work Alone Vol=0 5 MIN Keep DOL at desk Complete the 1/4 sheet in the GREEN folder Word Bank: Electron, Neutron, Proton (use words more than 1x)
COPY OBJECTIVE and PAGE # TUESDAY CATALYST COPY OBJECTIVE and PAGE # SWBAT investigate the effect of subatomic particles on an atom’s mass, charge, and volume. Finish yesterday’s DOL if you need to!!! 3
Complete the table you glued in yesterday on the left side of page 2 TUESDAY CATALYST: TURN BACK! Complete the table you glued in yesterday on the left side of page 2 Absent yesterday? Check table near door for a copy
DETERMINING THE MASS OF AN ATOM Which subatomic particles have the greatest mass? What are their names and what are their masses? Proton, 1 amu Neutron, 1 amu
What else do neutrons and protons have in common? COMPARE What else do neutrons and protons have in common? Location? Both in the nucleus
Based on this information where is the mass of the atom located? DETERMINE Based on this information where is the mass of the atom located? The nucleus
How will you calculate the mass of an atom? PREDICT How will you calculate the mass of an atom?
add protons and neutrons Volume: space ATOMIC MASS Atomic Mass: the mass of the atom add protons and neutrons Volume: space
PRACTICE p+ n e- MASS He 2 Na 11 12 S 16
SET UP FOR GALLERY WALK 2 MIN Expectations: Stay with group Volume 1 Everyone working! Neutrons 1) 2) 3) Protons Electrons Compare
Stack notebooks in center Work Alone Vol=0 6 MIN When finished: Stay seated Stack notebooks in center Stack DOL Given 4 scenarios, SWBAT investigate and explain the effect of additional subatomic particles on an atom with 80 % accuracy. How does adding a neutron affect the atom’s: Mass? Charge? How does adding an electron affect the atom’s: 3) Mass? 4) Charge?
SWBAT create and critique the accuracy of a model’s electrons. WEDNESDAY CATALYST COPY OBJECTIVE and PAGE # SWBAT create and critique the accuracy of a model’s electrons. On BACK of ¼ SHEET: How does adding an electron affect the atom’s overall: 1) Mass? 2) Charge? 4
These have a positive charge These have a negative charge REVIEW These have a positive charge These have a negative charge These have no charge The nucleus contains _______ & _________ To find atomic mass, you must…. Neutrons and protons have a mass of ______. Electrons have a mass of _________.
DOL Check your DOL with a partner. Make CORRECTIONS Glue as a flap on page 2. I TURN TO Pg 2 2 Atom ---- AMU ----- Proton ---- Neutron---- Nucleus----- Electron ------ DOL GLUE Back of DOL Most missed question: I am the same size as a neutron.
ELECTRON REVIEW Electrons are moving around the nucleus of the atom in no particular path within the electron cloud.
PAIR - SHARE Looking at these two models, why might it be more useful to use the model on the LEFT to study electrons?
What would be your instructions for drawing electrons? INVESTIGATE Given the following models, what can you conclude about the placements of electrons? What would be your instructions for drawing electrons?
energy levels or shells. ELECTRONS The electron cloud has energy levels or shells.
1st energy level: closest to nucleus 2 electrons (max) 2nd energy level 8 electrons (max) 3rd energy level 8 electrons (max)
EXAMPLES Lithium has 3 electrons. Neon has 10 electrons.
Divide the left side into 6 squares PRACTICE SET UP Divide the left side into 6 squares 1 2 3 4 5 6
Beryllium (Be) has 4 electrons. PRACTICE 1 Beryllium (Be) has 4 electrons.
Carbon (C) has 6 electrons. PRACTICE 2 Carbon (C) has 6 electrons.
Magnesium (Mg) has 12 electrons. PRACTICE 3 Magnesium (Mg) has 12 electrons.
Sulfur (S) has 16 electrons. PRACTICE 4 Sulfur (S) has 16 electrons.
Nitrogen (N) has 7 electrons. PRACTICE 5 Nitrogen (N) has 7 electrons.
Hydrogen (H) has 1 electron. PRACTICE 6 Hydrogen (H) has 1 electron.
Valence electrons Outermost shell Farthest from the nucleus HIGHEST energy
Highlight the VALENCE electrons ONLY On Your Practice Highlight the VALENCE electrons ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6
Beryllium (Be) has 4 electrons. PRACTICE 1 Beryllium (Be) has 4 electrons.
Carbon (C) has 6 electrons. PRACTICE 2 Carbon (C) has 6 electrons.
Magnesium (Mg) has 12 electrons. PRACTICE 3 Magnesium (Mg) has 12 electrons.
Sulfur (S) has 16 electrons. PRACTICE 4 Sulfur (S) has 16 electrons.
Nitrogen (N) has 7 electrons. PRACTICE 5 Nitrogen (N) has 7 electrons.
Hydrogen (H) has 1 electron. PRACTICE 6 Hydrogen (H) has 1 electron.
Use complete sentences to answer question on front of ¼ sheet. Given a model, Work Alone Vol=0 5 MIN When finished: Stay seated Stack notebooks in center Use complete sentences to answer question on front of ¼ sheet.
COPY OBJECTIVE and PAGE # THURSDAY CATALYST COPY OBJECTIVE and PAGE # SWBAT categorize and justify an atom’s identity based on structure and atomic number. -------- Draw an atom with: 4 protons 5 neutrons 4 electrons 5
CANDY if you can tell me the correct name of the element you drew. PAIR SHARE With your elbow neighbor, compare your drawings. In what ways are they similar? In what ways are they different? CANDY if you can tell me the correct name of the element you drew.
Carbon always has 6 protons Oxygen always has 8 protons IDENTIFYING ELEMENTS Atomic Number equal to # of PROTONS the identity of element Carbon always has 6 protons Oxygen always has 8 protons 6 C Carbon 12.001
C 6 12.001 Atomic Mass Average mass in amu Equal to the mass of IDENTIFYING ELEMENTS 6 C Carbon 12.001 Atomic Mass Average mass in amu Equal to the mass of Protons + Neutrons
= = = + A P E M A N Atomic# Protons Electrons Mass# Atomic# Neutrons MEMORY TOOL = = = + A P E M A N Atomic# Protons Electrons Mass# Atomic# Neutrons ALL THE SAME Mass = Atomic Number + Neutrons
PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE 10 Ne Neon 20.008 Round these numbers to the nearest whole number p+ = e- = mass = p+ = e- = mass = p+ = e- = mass =
TUESDAY CATALYST Explain how you could determine the number of neutrons given the following information
Take a paper from the red folder. SET UP Take a paper from the red folder. ON THE BACK Number each row
PRACTICE 1) Finish copying the box 2) Atomic Number _____ 3) Number Protons ____ 3) Number Electrons _____ 4) Mass Number ______ 5) Number Neutrons ____ 6) DRAW ELECTRONS
STATION EXPECTATIONS: Stay with Group Volume =1 3 minutes per station Get the information you need from the paper at each station! Move on when I tell you to! Finish early? Start Study Guide on Back
Stack notebooks in center Work Alone Vol=0 5 MIN When finished: Stay seated Stack notebooks in center DOL Students wil be able to relate reactvity to valence electrons by answering 4 out of 5 multiple choice questions.
Why is it important to track our progress? QUICK WRITE Why is it important to track our progress? VOLUME = 0 2 min. (Learning is an ACTIVITY!) As you write, I will call your name to distribute CLICKERS. Come up when you hear your name. Please do not: -harm the clickers! (tapping them, dropping them, mess with stickers, etc) -click the buttons (they are battery-powered!)
Share with your partner why tracking our progress is important! TURN AND SHARE Share with your partner why tracking our progress is important! (Silence is not learning!) 2min
Click in answer ONCE (batteries run out!) CIRCLE Correct Numbers HOW TO TRACK Click in answer ONCE (batteries run out!) CIRCLE Correct Numbers LINE THROUGH Wrong Numbers COUNT UP Number Correct Calculate Percent Correct (using Chart) Record on Test/Quiz AND in Notebook
Periodic Table
Atoms with _______________ are more reactive. PREDICT Atoms with _______________ are more reactive. Lithium → Reactive Neon Stable Sodium Argon
Atoms with unfilled shells are more reactive. PREDICT Atoms with unfilled shells are more reactive. Neon → Stable Full valence electron shell = stable, not reactive Lithium Reactive If the valence shell has space available, it will react!
What do these element’s STRUCTURE have in common? TRENDS REMINDER: What do these element’s STRUCTURE have in common? INVESTIGATE: Find these two elements on the Periodic Table. What do their LOCATIONS on the Periodic Table have in common?
What do these element’s STRUCTURE have in common? 2- TRENDS REMINDER: What do these element’s STRUCTURE have in common? INVESTIGATE: Find these two elements on the Periodic Table. What do their LOCATIONS on the Periodic Table have in common?
Same number valence electrons GROUPS The COLUMNS (up and down) Also called FAMILIES Same number valence electrons Behave similarly
What do these element’s STRUCTURE have in common? 3- TRENDS REMINDER: What do these element’s STRUCTURE have in common? INVESTIGATE: Find these two elements on the Periodic Table. What do their LOCATIONS on the Periodic Table have in common?
What do these element’s STRUCTURE have in common? 4- TRENDS LOOK: What do these element’s STRUCTURE have in common? INVESTIGATE: Find these two elements on the Periodic Table. What do their LOCATIONS on the Periodic Table have in common?
ROWS ACROSS the table Also called PERIODS Arranged by ENERGY SHELLS
1) Answer: Disagree because they all have different numbers of energy AGREE OR DISAGREE 1) The following elements all belong to the same period: Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe. 2) The following elements all belong to the same group/family: H, Li, Na, and K. 3) All elements in group 13 have the same number of valence electrons 4) The chemical reactivity of an element is determined by its protons. 1) Answer: Disagree because they all have different numbers of energy levels. 2)Answer: Agree because they all have the same number of valence electrons. 3) Answer: Agree because all elements in group 13 have ten less than stated, and all elements in a group have the same number of valence electrons. 4) Answer: Disagree because the reactivity is determined by the number of valence electrons
Stack notebooks in center of table Work Alone Vol=0 5 MIN When finished: STAY SEATED Stack notebooks in center of table DOL PUT YOUR NAME AND PERIOD on your paper. Answer the question on one of the half sheets.
Periods are _______________ on the Periodic Table. SUMMARY: Periods are _______________ on the Periodic Table. Elements in the same period will have the same __________________. Groups are ______________ on the Periodic Table. Elements in the same group will have the same ______________________.