Getting Started with Teaching Larry Gragg Chair, CAFE Chancellors’ Professor of History & Political Science Wayne Huebner Co-Chair, CAFE Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Irina Ivliyeva Professor Arts, Language & Philosophy presentation to the Early Career Faculty September 5th, 2018
Mission The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence promotes the success of Missouri S&T faculty as teaching-scholars at all stages of their careers Vision The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence will be the focal point for enabling faculty to achieve excellence in, and balance among, the teaching, research and service missions of Missouri S&T
Today’s Objectives Reduce anxiety about teaching-related responsibilities by knowing where to go for help and how the teaching evaluation process works Discuss the seven questions on the CET Explore what it means to prepare for class, communicate well, and how you care as a teacher Discuss the academic integrity process at S&T
CET Evaluations: Campus Questions Rate the overall teaching effectiveness of this instructor. Evaluate this course, independent of the instructor's effectiveness, in terms of its educational value to you. Rate the instructor's use of assignments and tests for facilitating your learning of the subject matter. Rate the instructor's concern for your understanding of the material. Rate the instructor's preparation for class. Rate the instructor's ability to communicate. Rate the instructor's ability to stimulate and motivate you.
Instructor ratings required by state law CET Evaluations: Instructor ratings required by state law to be posted for consumers I would tell other students that the instructor was effective in communicating the content of the course. I would tell other students that the instructor described and consistently followed course and grading policies. I would tell other students that the instructor was prepared for class. I would recommend this instructor to other students.
CET Evaluations: Campus Questions Rate the overall teaching effectiveness of this instructor.
CET Evaluations: Campus Questions 2. Evaluate this course, independent of the instructor's effectiveness, in terms of its educational value to you.
CET Evaluations: Campus Questions 3. Rate the instructor's use of assignments and tests for facilitating your learning of the subject matter.
CET Evaluations: Campus Questions 4. Rate the instructor's concern for your understanding of the material.
CET Evaluations: Campus Questions 5. Rate the instructor's preparation for class.
CET Evaluations: Campus Questions 6. Rate the instructor's ability to communicate.
CET Evaluations: Campus Questions 7. Rate the instructor's ability to stimulate and motivate you.
Academic Integrity Process What if you see cheating, plagiarism, or sabotage in your class? Do NOT: Kick them out of class or punish them in any way DO: Give them the grade you think they earned (0%) Send the evidence to Jeff Cawlfield, Vice Provost of Academic Support 105 Norwood Hall 573-341-7276 More information can be found at