U2 Synthesis Draft Workshop Monday 10.31.16 UNIV 112
Why Workshop?
Why Workshop? Get feedback to improve your writing. Give feedback to become a better reader. Reminder that writing is crafted.
Reading as a Common Reader Read the essay carefully, following what every sentence is doing. What is it like to read the essay? Keep track of your experience reading it. Given what the essay is trying to do, Where do you feel: Fascinated Bored Annoyed Really interested Something else? Pinpoint exactly where you experience these feelings. Write them in the margins—and then write a brief comment explaining what in the text caused that emotion.
Reading to Ask Questions Read the essay carefully again. Given what the essay is trying to accomplish, what questions do you have that might help the writer strengthen the essay? No Advice! Only questions! For example: How does this Reason support the claim? How does this paragraph fit in? I’m confused: What is happening in this section? Why do you use this word here? What were you trying to communicate here? Write your questions in the margins in exactly the place where you had them.
HW for next time Exchange papers with a partner. Complete both workshops on your partner’s essay: Reading as a Common Reader. Reading to Ask Questions Prepare a 5-minute mini-presentation for your partner on your feedback, and on what the most important revisions are. Type your presentation notes and add them to your rampages site as a POST. Call the POST something like “Presentation Comments on [Partner’s Name’s] U2 Draft.”