State-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support


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Presentation transcript:

State-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support Hathaway High School

Why do we have a positive behavior interventions & support system at HHS? To increase chances that desired behaviors will be repeated To focus staff & student attention on desired behaviors To foster a positive school climate To reduce time consuming disciplinary actions To provide immediate feedback to students and parents

HHS Behavioral Expectations Honor Rules Have Respect Show Responsibility

At HHS, in the Positive Behavior Interventions & Support System . . . What expectations and behaviors will be rewarded? What will the expectations and behaviors look like and sound like throughout the school? . . . It is time to remind you of what is expected of you all around HHS!

On the Bus Have Respect Show Responsibility Honor Rules Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Follow bus driver’s directions Show Responsibility Be on time for pick up Keep all materials inside bus Honor Rules Keep aisles free of obstructions Remain seated while bus is in motion

In the Cafeteria Have Respect Honor Rules Show Responsibility Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Keep voices low Use good manners Show Responsibility Keep area clean Dispose all items properly Exit quietly Honor Rules Remain orderly in line Wash hands properly Keep food on tray Remain seated

In the Classroom Have Respect Show Responsibility Honor Rules Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Keep materials orderly Use materials properly Have Respect Follow classroom procedures Respect self and others Show Responsibility Bring all necessary materials to class Be prompt

In the Detention Room Honor Rules Have Respect Show Responsibility Remain seated in assigned area Keep materials orderly Have Respect Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Respect school property Keep walls, desks, and floor clean Show Responsibility Complete assigned work All assigned work will be given to office staff

In the Gym for Assemblies Have Respect Listen attentively Applaud appropriately Remain quiet during presentations Show Responsibility Sit in assigned area Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Honor Rules Remain seated in assigned area Enter/Exit quietly and orderly

In the Hallway and on Sidewalks Have Respect Keep voices low Be polite Respect displayed items Show Responsibility Stay on walkway Walk quickly and be prompt Use hall pass when needed Honor Rules Keep traffic flowing Travel to the right Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself

In the Hallway and on Sidewalks Walk in a line to allow easy flow of hallway traffic on both sides! Walk on the right side!

In the Hallway and on Sidewalks Enter buildings through the right door. Exit buildings through the right door. When raining, always walk on sidewalks. Stay OFF wet grass!!

Outdoors and Commons Have Respect Honor Rules Show Responsibility Respond quickly to duty teacher Be polite Enter/exit building quietly and orderly Show Responsibility Keep grounds litter free Line up promptly at bell Honor Rules Stay in designated areas Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Use walking feet Use appropriate physical contact

Outdoors and Commons This is NOT acceptable anywhere in school! Remember to stay out of another person’s personal space!!

Common Area Guidelines Keep sidewalks clear for others to walk. Concession stand opens when lunch duty teacher leaves the cafeteria & arrives at concession Concession stand closes a few minutes before the bell rings

Food and drink on campus before school is prohibited. Food or drink in the building after lunch recess is prohibited. Bringing food out of the cafeteria is prohibited. Loitering in the parking lot at any time is prohibited. Sitting in your car in the parking lot is prohibited.

Full dress code necessary upon arrival on campus. Vocational building is off-limits before school and during lunch recess. Ask the duty teacher permission to go into the main building for water, restroom, library, or teacher’s classroom.

Cell Phones Cell phones must be turned off and turned in as soon as you arrive at school. Do not enter the mall area with your cell phone! Upon arrival, go immediately to the office to turn in your phone. Stopping to visit with someone with your phone in your hand is prohibited. Checking messages or texting is prohibited while walking to turn in your cell phone.

Restrooms Have Respect Honor Rules Show Responsibility Give others privacy Use low voice Show Responsibility Flush after each use Use pass when needed Adjust clothing to follow dress code Honor Rules Keep restrooms clean Wash hands properly Keep water in sink

In the Restroom Always wash your hands before leaving the restroom!!! Throw trash in can before leaving restroom!!!

In the Parking Lot Honor Rules Have Respect Show Responsibility Enter/Exit the parking lot slowly Watch for other drivers After parking promptly enter the building At dismissal, exit the parking lot in a timely manner Have Respect Respect others property Parking tag must be hung from rear view mirror and visible in vehicle at all times. Keep music low Show Responsibility Park in assigned areas Must have a pass to go to your vehicle during school hours

Consequences for not following Parking Lot Expectations 1st offense- Warning 2nd offense- Parking privileges suspended for a day 3rd offense- Parking privileges suspended for a week 4th offense-Parking privileges suspended for the school year

Review: HHS Behavioral Expectations Honor Rules Have Respect Show Responsibility Follow these expectations, and this school year should be great for you and me!

Hathaway High School SWPBIS “I Got Caught” Students who are “caught” displaying good behavior could receive an “I Got Caught” citation from ANY staff member. Upon returning the signed form to school and placing it in the box provided, each student will be entered into a drawing for prizes. These prizes include PBIS t-shirts, treat bags, and gift certificates. The drawings will be held at mid six weeks and at the end of the six weeks. I GOT CAUGHT! Issued To: Date: ____________ ____________ This student was cited for: Showing respect to others Following procedures Taking care of school property Helpful behavior Other:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Issued By: ______________________________ *Parents please sign this ticket and have your child return it to school for a chance to win a prize at mid and end of six weeks drawings* Parent’s Signature Hathaway High School SWPBIS

Again, why should we have a positive behavior system at HHS? Increases chances that desired behaviors will be repeated Fosters a positive school climate Reduces time consuming disciplinary actions Increases learning time which is what teachers and students want Provides immediate feedback to students and parents