Penguin Guide Team Leader Meetup 15 September 2013 Ecocentre
Agenda 1.Welcome 2.Walkthrough Team Leader Responsibilities 3.Feedback and Questions 4.Roster 5.Distribute Kit
Team Leader Responsibilities Introduction In addition to performing the role of a Penguin Guide (as per the Penguin Guide Handbook), the Team Leader has additional responsibilities to manage their shift. Much of this will be business as usual, but we have made some changes for this season which increases the Team Leader responsibility.
Team Leader Responsibilities Overseer Roles and their Responsibilities These overseer roles will be referred to in this handbook: – Organiser, who is responsible for the Penguin Guiding activity, is Terry Lobert and is contactable via or – Coordinator, who is in charge of on boarding guides and rostering, is Fam Charko who works at the Ecocentre and available business hours only on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, her address is – Quartermaster, who is in charge of supplying kit to the Team Leaders, is Susie Parker and is contactable via
Team Leader Responsibilities Health and Safety The health and safety of the team is of paramount importance and must not be compromised in order to provide a Penguin Guide service on a given night, so the Team Leaders must: Keep an eye on the team throughout the shift and ensure they get support if they are in a confronting situation. Report any accidents, injuries or conflicts involving their team members to the Organiser. Ensure that at the end of the shift all members leave together and no one is left behind on their own. If anyone does stay behind they must remove their fluoro vest and stop penguin guiding. Abort their shift if: A threatening situation arises where there is potential for harm to the team. There is an insufficient number of guides to safely run a shift. The weather makes conditions hazardous for the team. There is any other situation that puts the team at risk. The Team Leader should advise the Organiser when an abort occurs. Team Leaders are issued with a first aid kit in case it is needed by the team.
Team Leader Responsibilities Penguin Guide Kit The Team Leader will: Provide each member of their team with their penguin guide kit when they turn up for their first shift. The kit consists of: Fluoro vest Torch Red cellophane and rubber bands (for fitting over torches) Ensure that team members bring their kit to each shift. Collect kit from team members when they no longer wish to continue as a Penguin Guide or at the end of the season. The Quartermaster is responsible for sourcing and distribution of all the kit to Team Leaders for their shift and will: Distribute kit at the start of the season to Team Leaders. Provide more kit on request to Team Leaders throughout the season. Arrange to collect the kit from Team Leaders at the end of the season.
Team Leader Responsibilities Induction of new Penguin Guides A new guide may join a shift part way through the season. The Team Leader will be informed by the Coordinator and the new guide will be told to meet their Team Leader at the start of their first shift. The Team Leader will meet the new guide on their first shift and: Provide on the job training. Provide them with their kit.
Team Leader Responsibilities Rostering The Coordinator needs to keep the roster up to date, so the Team Leader needs to advise the Coordinator if a team member: Has stopped attending. Plans to stop attending. Wants to change their shift. The Team Leader should request additional guides from the Coordinator if their team is getting low on regularly attending members. The Coordinator will the Team Leader with any roster updates that impact their shift.
Team Leader Responsibilities A-Frame Sign There is an A-Frame sign that announces to the general public that penguin guiding is taking place and advise visitors of the dos and donts around the penguins. The sign is stored in the bin corral next to the kiosk just before the entrance gate and please remember to put it back there at the end of the shift. The Team Leader needs to ensure that this sign is put out onto the pathway at the beginning of the shift, before the entrance gate. The sign is heavy, so if you cannot manage it alone, ask another guide to help you. If the sign is damaged or missing then please advise the Quartermaster.
Team Leader Responsibilities Some Tips for Managing Your Shift Stationing a guide at the entrance gate to welcome visitors It is useful to station one guide at the gate to welcome visitors and to explain the dos and donts as visitors arrive. This will help to make managing the visitors in the viewing area easier as they will have been told what they can and cant do. Using the gate for crowd control On some nights it can get very busy and it will be hard to manage the boardwalk when it is overflowing with visitors. When this situation arises the Team Leader will need to make and assessment and decide to use the security gate to control numbers - use a "one in, one out" system to control numbers. The use of the gate may lead to a conflict with members of the public frustrated with waiting to enter the penguin viewing area, if this occurs then open the gate to prevent the situation from escalating. Get the team to spread out Try to spread your team out so the whole penguin viewing area is covered as much as possible. Motivating the team Motivation needs to be maintained so as not to lose team members over the season, so team leaders should try to find ways to build and maintain a committed team.
Feedback and Questions
Roster The Penguin Guide season starts on Sunday 6 October 2013 and ends on Saturday 5 April 2014
Distribute Kit