LWV June 25, 2009 Residents Voice Conrad Grundke 06/25/20091Residents Voice
Topics for Tonight San Sebastian Update The Discovery Group 06/09/2009Residents Voice2
The San Sebastian! 06/09/2009Residents Voice3
Final Cart Path Access We were in error last meeting and were basing our comments on an intermediate construction of the Ped/Cart Gate. The current gate is a combination cart/ped gate and vehicle gate. – Our ID Cards will open the gate for a cart access only. – The gate provides access to the San Sebastian entrance driveway and we will pass by their entrance to get to the Longs Parking Lot. 06/09/2009Residents Voice4
Cart gate to San Sebastian 06/09/2009Residents Voice5 Cart Path Pedestrian Path
Discovery Group 06/09/2009Residents Voice6
The Discovery Group Several Years ago 625 residents hired an attorney, Steven Rice, for advice on what we could do concerning the actions of PCM and our Boards. This group became known as The Discovery Group. The attorney provided several options that we, as owners, might pursue. 06/09/2009Residents Voice7
Primary Option = Research The one that the group opted to take was a complete research of all the governing documents that could be located. This included such documents as; – Articles of Incorporation; Trust Agreement; Regulatory Agreement; CC&Rs; Management Agreements; written communication; etc. 06/09/2009Residents Voice8
Results of the Research Eleven Improprieties were found in the analysis of the documents: 1.Sale of the Old Administration Building. 2.Community NAME change from Leisure World to Laguna Woods Village. 3.Purchase of the New Administration/Community center building. 06/09/2009Residents Voice9
4.148 Acres of Property with Leisure World that has been, or is anticipated to be sold or traded in whole, or in part. 5.Compliance with the Davis-Stirling Act in conjunction with conduct of open meetings. 6.Credit Card usage by PCM and other personnel. 7.Expense reimbursement to PCM and other personnel. 8.Other payments made to PCM and its personnel. 06/09/2009Residents Voice10
9.Removal of the GLOBE sculpture and entry into a settlement agreement purportedly requiring such removal. 10.Joint venture and redevelopment plans within the community. 11.Any other SALES of LAND within the community. 06/09/2009Residents Voice11
Our Current Objective To cover each of these improprieties over the course of the coming months. Today we will start with #1. 06/09/2009Residents Voice12
Sale of Land Within the Walls of Leisure World What governs the sale of our community land; – The fact that we are a CID (Common Interest Development) – We have CC&Rs – CA State Law (The Davis Stirling Act #1359) prohibits partitioning of our land within the first 50 years. 06/09/2009Residents Voice13
The End 06/09/200914Residents Voice