contents Introduction Existing system Focus on Components Block diagrams Descriptions Over all working Result and discussion Conclusion Reference
INTRODUCTION In the rapidly flourishing country like ours, accidents in rail road railings are increasing day by day. The train accidents cause severe damage to life and property This project deals with one of the efficient method to avoid train accidents.
FOCUS ON Train derailment in curves and bends Collision between trains Automatic railway gate control
Components (base station) Micro controller(PIC 16f877a) Vibration sensor Servo motors ZigBee transceiver
Components (Train side) Micro controller(PIC 16f73) ZigBee transceiver
Servo motor for gate control BLOCK DIAGRAMS BASE STATION Power Microcontroller (PIC 16f877a) ZigBee Vibration sensor Servo motor for gate control
TRAIN SIDE Power Microcontroller (PIC 16f73) ZigBee Brake control
ZIGBEE Networking protocol IEEE 802.15.4 suite for high level communication Uses mesh network Based on OSI architecture Data rate-250 Kbits/sec
SERVO MOTOR Rotary actuator Modified form of DC motor Precise control of angular position Based on PWM switching
MICROCONTROLLER PIC16f877a (Base station) 8-bit microcontroller. 40 or 44 pin package. 256 bytes of EEPROM data memory. Interfaced with the input sensing devices. MICROCONTROLLER PIC16f877a (Base station)
MICROCONTROLLER PIC16f73 (TRAIN SIDE) 256 bytes EEPROM. 8 KB of flash memory. 28 pin package. Placed inside the train. MICROCONTROLLER PIC16f73 (TRAIN SIDE)
Vibration sensor Uses piezoelectric effect Vibration indicates the arrival or departure of train. Sense the position of train at 1 to 3km away.
types Mini sense 100-vertical Mini sense 100-horizontal Continued…. The sensor used here is mini sense 100 vertical
Mini sense 100 vertical High sensitivity Good frequency response Continued…. Mini sense 100 vertical High sensitivity Good frequency response Excellent linearity Shielded construction Analog output With stands high shock
Collision between trains Sensor sense the vibration More than one sensor show high value µc sends signal to µc in train side Using zigbee transceiver section Power supply will cutoff Collision can avoided
TIP 122 silicon Epitaxial-Base NPN power transistors switching applications. High power transistor Power dissipation - 2w DC collector current - 5v No of pins - 3 1. Base 2.Collector 3.Emitter
Train derailment in curves and bends Sensor sense continuously. µc doesn’t get value. µc sends signal to µc in train side Using zigbee transceiver section Power supply will cutoff Train will be stopped.
Automatic railway gate control Sensor sense vibration 3 km away. Output given to µc µc give instruction to close the gate Gate is closed automatically using servomotor. Gate is opened after the train is passing
Automatic railway gate control Continued…. Automatic railway gate control START CHECK ANY DATA PRESENT IF DATA RXED FROM TRAIN NO YES GATE CLOSED
OVER ALL WORKING The proposed model makes use of ZigBee protocol as a medium of transferring information
Result and Discussion The sensors sense the input and sends to the microcontroller, where it responds and gives command to the particular component with predefined algorithm. The time parameters are crucial which can be easily changed and modified using Micro-controllers. Thus, this device would work in coherence would help to reduce the train collisions. Train safety
CONCLUSION In this project, an anti-collision system for trains have been designed, simulated and tested. The simulation has been done using proteus electronic simulation package Train collisions , de railing & rail road accidents are avoided. Hence it is expected that, major train mishaps can be prevented and human life saved if this system is implemented.
REFERENCE www.collision-avoidance.org www.vibrametrics.com; www.ni.com www.konkanrailway.com www.faadooengineers.com