Few facts from the Indian industry Credits……. Few facts from the Indian industry
Lanco - Conclusion on O&M Services Cost of O&M for Solar Plant Activity Professional O&M Service provider Normal O&M Service provider Plant Monitoring Yes Preventive & Break down Maintenance Predictive Maintenance Not Done Revenue Generation High with long term sustainability Low Revenue short term sustainability Legal Compliances 100% partial to cut cost EHS and quality as per ISO Standard fully compliance Partial Frequency of Breakdown Low High Soiling Losses ( Revenue Losses) low Housekeeping / Up keep of plant High level Medium/ low level CDM audits / Insurance Assistance 24 x 7 need to arrange on case to case basis Identifying module degradation at string level & Take actions No Man Power supply Skilled Fully trained for Solar plant Semi Skilled Manpower Site Over All Management / Reporting highly skilled in charge with some exposure to Solar O&M Cost / MW Rs 10-12 Lacs / MW ( Long Terms Revenue Gain) Rs 8-10 Lacs / MW ( Short Term Revenue Gain )
Sun Edison -Getting a sense of cost of poor reliability Total cost = Lost Energy revenue + cost of servicing Assumes a 5MW plant, 5 sun-hrs per day Rs 10/kWh 2 service engineers time
Inverter components that fail Most inverter failures manifest at ctrl s/w, various PCBs, the AC contractor
Reliability of Central Inverters – 5 vendors
Module Components that Fail
International Standards for PV Power Plant Verification Safety Standards Published Standards IEC 60364-7-712:Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-712: Requirements for special installations or locations - Solar photovoltaic (PV) power supply systems. IEC 62446: Grid Connected Photo Voltaic Systems –Minimum Requirements for System Documentation, Commissioning Tests and Inspection. Draft Standards with IEC TC 82 WG 3 - Systems IEC 62548: Installation and Safety Requirements for Photovoltaic (PV) Generators – 4Q 2012.
International Standards for PV Power Plant Verification Performance Standards Draft Standards with IEC TC 82 WG 3 - Systems IEC 61829 - On Site measuring of IV Characteristics of Crystalline Silicon – Ed 2 Draft for vote. TS 62748 - PV systems on buildings – 3Q 2012 TS 62738 - Power Plant Design -3Q 2012. Hybrid Stand alone System Design – NWIP. IEC 62446 - system documentation, commissioning, and inspection -New edition to cover wider range of systems.
Sustainable and Economical O&M What we want to be doing ? Sustainable and Economical O&M Legal compliance EHS Spares Maintenance Operations 4/22/2019
Solar Asset Management 6 – 18 months 20-25 years Engineer / Configure Erection / Commission Operate / Maintain Refurbish Operations & Maintenance O&M - Asset Governance O&M – Asset Care O&M – Supply Chain O&M – Customer Relationship EPC Stake Holders O&M Solar OEM Regulators Logistics Provider 4/22/2019
Making Sustainable Green Possible Customers Demand Solutions to Five Key Challenges Real time visibility of Solar Assets & Performance Metrics Optimize end-to-end cost of Maintenance & Inventory Inspection & Quality Safety/Regulatory/Environmental issues Managing and tracking Contracts/AMC/Warranties Making Sustainable Green Possible
O&M Solutions for Renewable Energy Sanjay Jain General Manager – Manufacturing Engineering 16th May 2012
150 year old Group with 25,000 Employees Corporate Heritage: C K Birla Group CK Birla Group Manufacturing Orient Fans Orient Paper Orient Cement Hyderabad Inds Ltd Rivers Vegetable Oil Co Automotive Avtec Hindustan Motors Indian Smelting Engineering Nigeria Engg Works Ltd. National Engg Inds Ltd. Services GMMCO IT Birlasoft Healthcare Calcutta Medical Research Institute Hospital at Jaipur BM Birla Heart Research Center Education Birla Institute of Technology Modern High School for Girls, Kolkata Rukmani Birla Modern High School, Jaipur Research & Development Birla Institute of Scientific Research 150 year old Group with 25,000 Employees Business interests across diverse industry verticals in 5 continents (Africa, America, Asia, Australia & Europe) Sustained & Responsible Contributions to Society
Global Presence UK Netherlands New Jersey Switzerland Germany Noida Wuxi, China Dubai Chennai Bangalore Singapore Hyderabad Malaysia Sydney Melbourne Regional Centers India Development Centers Global Delivery Centers
Technology Innovation through Competency Groups
Making Sustainable Green Possible Unique Selling Proposition – Solar Power Minimize Customer Acquisition & Installation Cost Secure Low Cost Financing Develop targeted customer offerings Address balance-of-system costs Develop or own differentiated and Scalable technologies Drive operational Excellence in manufacturing Cost / kW Cost of Equipment Total Cost of Ownership Operation and Maintenance Making Sustainable Green Possible
Capital, Fuel and O&M costs Fixed O&M Annual Cost
Making Sustainable Green Possible Shift required ? 62 companies SunPower GE Energy Northwind Solutions First Solar SChott Making Sustainable Green Possible
Making Sustainable Green Possible What Leaders are Doing? Making Sustainable Green Possible
Making Sustainable Green Possible Major Aspects of O&M Making Sustainable Green Possible
Leveraging IT for Solar O&M Lower Total Cost of Ownership Design /Specifications/Manuals Shared Environment Assets Health and Utilization Improved Planning for Man, Material and Machine Dashboards & Portals Work Scheduler Tracking After Sales Contracts / AMC’s Enabling Field Work Integration with SCM Solutions Mobile Solutions Making Sustainable Green Possible
Making Sustainable Green Possible Birlasoft IT Solution for Solar O&M Making Sustainable Green Possible
Making Sustainable Green Possible Performance Indicators to address the Challenges Asset Availability & Downtime Asset Performance Spare Parts Availability MTBF / MTTR Alerts & SLA Tracking Work Order Open/Close Trend (Time/Site) Estimate Vs Actual Work Cost Inspection Report/Rejected Items Records Warranty Claims Disposal & Part Reselling Making Sustainable Green Possible
Remote Assets Visibility Real Time Notifications for Assets Are the Solar Assets & Performance Metrics available real time? Remote Assets Visibility Real Time Notifications for Assets Making Sustainable Green Possible
Making Sustainable Green Possible Are the Solar Assets & Performance Metrics available real time? Data from SCADA Site Performance Trend (Real Time Values) AC Power Availability Aggregated Data Data from SCADA Metrological Station Trend (Real Time Values) Ambient Temperature Wind Speed Making Sustainable Green Possible
Making Sustainable Green Possible How can the performance of maintenance be measured based on various parameters ? Status of various maintenance activities Performance of maintenance activities w.r.t. timely completion. Making Sustainable Green Possible
Making Sustainable Green Possible Is the status of warranties/contracts associated to assets’ visible? Status of various Solar Assets Status of warranties for assets. Making Sustainable Green Possible
Making Sustainable Green Possible How can the dynamic changes in field services be catered ? Maximo Mobile for Asset Management IBM Maximo Asset Management Scheduler Making Sustainable Green Possible 28
Sleep ……..while the Sun Shines Where we reach Sleep ……..while the Sun Shines Legal compliance EHS Spares Maintenance Operations EPC Stake Holders O&M Solar OEM Regulators Logistics Provider 4/22/2019
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