Transverters – “Take’s Us Somewhere Else” 50 MHZ and Above
Do You Want TO Try -> 2304 MHz 3456 MHz 5706 MHz 10368 MHz And Higher? We have allocations PAST 250 GHZ
You Will Need A Transverter!
What Is A Transverter? A Transverter is a RF device that consists of an Upconverter and a Downconverter in one unit. Transverters are used in conjunction with transceivers to change the range of frequencies over which the “Transceiver” can operate.
Transverters Play Well With Others! Transverters are most commonly used to convert radio transceivers designed for use on HF to operate on higher frequency (VHF) bands. I.E 10 meters to 6 Meters / 2 Meters / 1.25 Meters. Transverters are most commonly used to convert radio transceivers designed for use on the VHF 144 MHZ band (2 meters) to operate on even higher frequency bands (Microwave). I.E. 2 Meters to 1296 / 2304 / 3456 / 5760 / 10.368 A transceiver - HF or 144 MHZ - used in this fashion is referred to as an “IF” radio. Indicating that it connects into the “IF” the Intermediate Frequency in the chain of the transceiver’s stages.
Why Do We USe a Transverter? To use amateur frequencies above 1.3 GHZ “As a General Statement” there really is no “Off The Shelf” equipment - the little there is available is quite expensive – and a transverter can be used to get you to higher frequencies. Instead of building a 2304 Mhz (2.4 GHZ) radio from the ground up that will have limited features - an off the shelf radio packed with features such as (all modes, high RX gain, large tuning range, and most cases small in size). We can have success by using an off the shelf radio as an intermediate frequency to drive a transverter.
How IT Works? 144 mhz to 1.2 ghz “TRANSMIT SIDE” A transverter just an extra stage with another with a mixer and oscillator. AS An Example: The transmit output of the 2m radio is passed through an attenuator to limit the signal - low enough - to be mixed with the LO “local oscillator” of the transverter. (144Mhz + 1152Mhz = 1296Mhz) The transverter “ADDS” the required 1152 mhz in the mix. This “Mix” is passed through a band pass filter to produce the final output frequency (1296Mhz). The signal is amplified and then sent out the antenna port.
How IT Works? 1.2 ghz to 144 mhz “receive SIDE” On receive the same happens again. The incoming RF signal is amplified and then mixed with the transverter LO (local oscillator) to produce 144Mhz for the radios input.
144 to 1296 Transverter Setup IF Radio “Yaesu 817” 1296 Ant Set at 144.100 USB 1296 Transverter 144.100 -> 1296.100 USB 1296 Ant 144 to 1296 Transverter Setup
What goes in Comes out. Whatever mode you input to the transverter – that same mode will come out. Transverter does not need a mode change. 144 MHZ FM IN –> 1296 MHZ FM OUT.
The Numbers Are The same!. Transverter “design principles” are the SAME for all frequencies. Higher frequencies have one common issue “Frequency Stability”! Tighter design and setup is required the higher you go in frequency. Temperature Control is CRITICAL! Frequency stability with 10MHz an external reference i.e. GPS is required. YES – It can get complicated!
Getting High YEARS BACK
Before The Transverter
We Had “Converters”
“Converters” For Receive
“Drake SC6 ” For Receive 6 Meters
“Drake SC2 ” For Receive 2 Meters
“Drake CCI ” Housing For Receive Converters
“Converters” For Transmit
“Drake TC2 ” For Receive 2 Meters
“Drake TC6 ” For Receive 6 Meters
“The Cadillac” Back In The Day!
“The Cherry” on Top!
Some Early Transverters
SB-500 2m Transverter
Heathkit SB-500
Collins 62S-1 Transverter
Kenwood Transverter
Yaesu Transverter
Popular 80’s 90’s Transverters Independent Companies
Modern Day Transverter
Down East Microwave
The Transverter Store
Not All Transverters Go Up!
Dentron 160 Meter Transverter
630 Meter Transverter
IF Radios
Yaesu 817
Xiegu X5105
Watch DA POWER!!!!
Most Transverters Will Handle 5 Watts or Less
Some Transverters Can Only Handle Less Than 1 Watt
Some Transverters Can Only Handle -100 DBM
Most Full Size Transceivers Can Not Be Dialed Down to Under 5 Watts
Check The Wattage of the IF Radio PLEASE Check The Wattage of the IF Radio Make Sure You Know!!!
Use An Attenuator
Make Sure You Do The Math!!
Know The Facts!!
Usually Hidden
Usually Unadvertised
The “Hidden” Transverter Mode
Sometimes We Can Be A Little Off Center!
A “Little” Off The Mark
144.100 Input Into Transverter 1296.103 Output We are off 3 KC’s IF Radio “Yaesu 817” Set at 144.100 1296 Transverter 144.100 -> 1296.103 1296 Ant 144.100 Input Into Transverter 1296.103 Output We are off 3 KC’s
Some Radios Can Handle The Offset
GPS Disciplined Oscillators (GPSDO)
FlexRadio Systems