The future role of biogas in Denmark´s energy sectors


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Presentation transcript:

The future role of biogas in Denmark´s energy sectors Biogas Conference –Nutrifair 2019 16. Januar 2019 The future role of biogas in Denmark´s energy sectors Frank Rosager Danish Biogas Association

Danish Biogas Association Members: Biogas plant owners, constructors, consultants, supsuppliers, energy sector, waste sector, agriculture, research etcetera . Mission: Promote framework conditions for production and use of biogas contributing to meet societal challenges: climate change eutrophication reuse of ressources / circular economy fossil free society low emission agriculture Danish Biogas Association

01-05-2019 Future energysystem challenge with higher wind and solar production 2 weeks in 2017 and 2030 with same consumption Februar 2030 February 2017 2 x vind + 4 x sol + 320 GWh September 2030 ? September 2017 2 x vind + 4 x sol -450 GWh Danish Biogas Association

Export challenge with high concurrence in wind production Production in Denmark % of peak Same time production in connected countries Percent of peak load Danish Biogas Association

Why methanation of H2 at the biogas plants ? DDK 50 billion invested in high capacity gasstorage and gasdistribution in Denmark. Maximum up to 8 % H2 Can be handled throug the gas grid Methan is already the basic gas in the grid. Concentrated CO2 available at the biogas plants. Gas grid connection in place at most of the biogas plants. Methanation with high effincicy in several ways - biological can save upgrading cost - chemical in combination with electrolysis 80 % efficency demonstrated . Danish Biogas Association

Gassystem: high storage capacity Gas grid Gas system storage (11 TWh el. P2G) International grids (electricity) District heating with seasonal storage District heating with normal storage Individual heat pumps Electric and plug-in hybrid cars (3035) 0.1 TWh electricity El. cars 2035 Danish Biogas Association

Biogas –as the backbone in a future green energy system ? 01-05-2019 Biogas –as the backbone in a future green energy system ? Biogas: Unique energy source combined with the gas system plus gas storage Effective tecnologies ready for the entire value chain. Gasengines, boilers, buses, cars, fuelcells etc. High system capacity and flexibility Biogas a limited resource Therefore An important backup role (cover the gaps from wind and solar ) Gasnetwork connected Biogas plants Danish Biogas Association Source: Energinet 2017

Coverage of Denmark´s gasconsumption - now and in the future 01-05-2019 Coverage of Denmark´s gasconsumption - now and in the future Future: 2050: 100 % gas consumption: Fossil free 50 – 75 PJ Biogas potential + ? PJ P2G (Power to Gas) Now: 2020: 20 % of gas consumption: Biogas 13 PJ injected in gas grid 7 PJ direct supply to CHP or process industry Next goal: 2030: 50 % of gas consumption: Biogas Danish Biogas Association

Biogas potential 2020 Low Medium High Danish Biogas Association Energy beet Garden & parks Methanisation of CO2 content with hydrogen from surplus wind power ”Fiels margins” Sugar beet top Industrial resid. Straw Deep litter Clover grass Maize Kilde: Biogas Task Force Ditch /off roads 2nd crops Natural habitats Household waste Low Medium High Solid litter Danish Biogas Association Liquid manure Biogas Task Force

New energy agreement June 29 2018 Existing biogas plants guaranteed current tarifs Until 2032 or at least 20 years for each plant Projects in progress may be established until ”2020” Existing plants can expand without limits until ”2020” within ”certain limits” after ”2020” A new system will be phased in after 2020 Biogas for electricity: as solar and wind power (tenders) Biogas into gasgrid: Green gas tender Tenders Agricultural plants Gasification Landfill Industrial Waste water New Energy Agreement 29 June 2018 Danish Biogas Association

01-05-2019 Denmark: Expected gasconsumption and potential increase in biogasproduction 2,5 bill. m3/y 0,7 PJ/y Danish Biogas Association

New markets from 2014 Gas grid CHP Industry Transport Heat Danish Biogas Association

Biogas coverage per sector Danish Biogas Association

Danish process industry is dependence of gas 01-05-2019 Danish process industry is dependence of gas The process industry accounts for approx. 35 pct. of the Danish gas consumption or approx. 700 million m3 / year. (28 PJ) The gas's purity and regulating ability are important in many industrial processes Extra cost 0.7 billion. Kr/y if switching from natural gas to wood pellets or electricity.(EA energianalyse 2017) Danish Biogas Association

Biogas for individual heat supply 01-05-2019 Biogas for individual heat supply The heat pump covers 80 pct. with VE -electricity. Biometane covers 20 pct. (when cold or high electricity prices) Below 30 per cent grid load in relation to electric heat pump App. 500 MWel potential for flexibility With fixed heat price from agregator Covers the gas villa market with just 0,12 bill. m3 biomethane pr yr. (6 PJ) Gas/electric hybrid heat pump Danish Biogas Association

District heating peak load rest 40 % Equal to 10 % annual consumption 01-05-2019 District heating peak load rest 40 % Equal to 10 % annual consumption Peak load 10 pct. gas consumption Space heating Hot water heating Distribution loss Heatpump + Biomass + Solar 90 pct. Danish Biogas Association

Potential for biogas in heavy transport sector 01-05-2019 Potential for biogas in heavy transport sector Gradual substitution of ⅓ of the fuel with 10 PJ of biogas (250 million m3 of methane / year) reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 2.4 million. tons of CO2 equivalents until 2030 Heavy tailer trucks 380 mio. m3/år Mill.. m3 biometan per year City vans 280 mio. m3/år Buses in line + waste collection 110 mill m3/y Foreningen Biogasbranchen Kilde: Fremsyn 2017

01-05-2019 In cooperation, the gas- and biogas industry has a unique concept for the green transition The natural gas system has high capacity, storage facility and deliver security of supply. Ideal back up for fluctuating wind and sun. Biogas makes the gas CO2 neutral and fossil free Biogas provide circular economy in practice for agriculture and waste sector We should work together to communicate this as it have a high value for Denmark . The Government’s announced forthcoming gas strategy will be crucial for the gas future. Danish Biogas Association

Thanks for the attention! Questions? www . biogasbranchen. dk Danish Biogas Association