PIRATE COLLEGE ACADEMY Period 1 SUBJECT (Week 10) Date: 7 - 11 Nov 2011 Loc: Rm 50 – W. Martin MATH 6A – PER 2 & 6 SCIENCE/HEALTH – PER 3 &4 PIRATE COLLEGE ACADEMY Period 1 STANDARD 6AF1.3 Apply algebraic order of operations. 1a. Students know Earth is composed of several layers; cold brittle lithosphere; a hot, convecting mantle; and a dense, metallic core. 3NS3.1 Compare fractions represented by drawings or concrete materials to show equivalency. LEARNING OBJECTIVE Evaluate an algebraic expression and solve for the unknown variable. Students will know the theory of plate tectonics, determine common locations of earthquakes, volcanoes, ocean trenches, and mid-ocean ridges. Simplify Fractions. AGENDA Introduce chapter 1-4 Order of Operations. Show Brain Pop Do ST Math on Orders of Operations Introduce chapter 4-3. Theory of Plate Tectonics. Check foldable, pg 163 Show Brain Pop on Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics. Look a Continental Drift Video. Student testing on comparing and ordering fractions. Define the vocabulary words: common denominators, equivalent forms of one, least common multiple DO NOW ACTIVITY Get out your foldable. Solve the 6 practice problems that are on the board. Work with study buddy to finish homework assignment. Design an evidence map like page 168. Do example 1 to 3. Work with study buddy and do at least 1 examples per day. Write the definition of LCM, equivalent forms, common denominator. HOMEWORK Start reading Order of Operations on page 38. Do problems 1-27 on page 40 and problems 1-36 on page 55. Start reading Lesson 3, from pages 183 - 197. Do questions 1-8 on page 193. Start reading Lesson 2-5, Simplify Fractions from pages 69 to 81. TEST Test will be 27 problems on the Order of Operations on page 40. Plate Tectonics Test on lesson 1 and 2. Test is the Standards Test on pages 84 to 85. Number paper from 1 to 12. EXTRA CREDIT Make the foldable on page 22. Label on side with lesson 1-4 and use it to place your notes on it. Keep this foldable in your folder and add more lessons when get to them later on in the school year Make a model of plate tectonics or sea floor spreading using clay, blocks, or paper mache. Bring model in the class and explain your findings. Make a six shade models showing how to compare fractions.