UK-A-1 ESS RF Distribution System Dr Paul Aden, Dr Rob Edgecock RFDS Design Review UK-A-1 ESS RF Distribution System Dr Paul Aden, Dr Rob Edgecock
STFC UK Astronomy Technology Centre Edinburgh, Scotland Polaris House Swindon, Wiltshire Chilbolton Observatory Stockbridge, Hampshire Daresbury Laboratory Sci-Tech Daresbury Warrington, Cheshire Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Harwell Didcot, Oxfordshire Boulby Underground Laboratory North Yorkshire
Project Team Rob Edgecock (40% Huddersfield University, 50% STFC) Principle Investigator Paul Aden (50%) Project Manager Richard Smith (50% from Sept) Mechanical Engineer and Deputy PM Quality Control Officer (100%) Mech or Elec Engineer, main responsibility QA RF Engineer (100%) RF, Elec Engineer, main responsibility commissioning Anna Orlowska Project Sponsor
Project Team Norman Turner (100%) Ben Wallis (100% until September) PhD student: arc detectors, tuning, etc Previous job: HSE for offshore platforms Ben Wallis (100% until September) MSc: prototype testing Contract Design Engineer (% as needed) Support Structure detailing Tendering: John Weber Allan Norman (UKSBS) Finance: Louise Dixon
OBS tdl-1229-meng-org-001-v0.1-OBS STFC Project Board STFC ESS Project Board Project Sponsor – Anna Orlowska Customer – ESS STFC Group Leader – Neil Bliss Governance Board Project Manager – Paul Aden Principle Investigator – Rob Edgecock Mechanical Engineering & Deputy Project Manager – Richard Smith Project Members: Alan Norman – PhD Student Scientific Lead – Rob Edgecock MSc Student Quality Control – to be appointed Tuning & Commissioning - TBA Project Management Key: Functional Management
Project Governance Sub-project board Position Name Project Sponsor Anna Orlowska Chair UK-ESS Board member Richard Wade Independent technical input Ian Gardiner Independent PM expertise Matt Fletcher ESS Mats Lindroos Finance Jane Warren Technical secretary Vicky Bayliss
UK Project Governance
UK Project Governance
STFC Project Management Framework
STFC Project Management Framework The STFC Project Management Framework sets out STFC’s project management policy Currently at this stage Framework documents available as PDFs from here:
Projects must contain Business case / Feasibility study Scope statement / Terms of reference Project Management plan / Project Initiation Document Work Breakdown structure Change Control Plan Risk management plan Governance Model Risk Register Issue Log & WPP Resource Management Plan Project schedule Status Reports Project Quality Plan Procurement Plan
Project Framework Business case / Feasibility study Scope statement / Terms of reference Project Management plan / Project Initiation Document Work Breakdown structure Change Control Plan Risk management plan Governance Model Risk Register Issue Log & WPP Resource Management Plan Project schedule Status Reports Project Quality Plan Procurement Strategy
Schedule 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Install Window Waveguide Design CDR Prototype Testing Support Structure WP Procurement Manufacture RFDS Delivery Installation Commissioning
Project Plan tdl-1229-meng-ppl-001-v0.7-RFDS project Plan
Expected Contract signature date Tendering Milestones Tender Cost (£M) Expected Contract signature date 1 3.66 15/11/2016 2 2.63 08/11/2016 3 0.8 28/02/2017 4 6.29 10/01/2017 5 1.79 17/01/2017
Expected Contract signature date Tender Package Required Tendering Milestones Tender Cost (£M) Expected Contract signature date Tender Package Required 1 3.66 15/11/2016 18/06/2016 2 2.63 08/11/2016 11/06/2016 3 0.8 28/02/2017 01/10/2016 4 6.29 10/01/2017 13/08/2016 5 1.79 17/01/2017 20/08/2016
Expected Contract signature date Tendering Milestones Detailed design package required no later than these dates Tender Cost (£M) Expected Contract signature date Final Drawing issues 1 3.66 15/11/2016 18/07/2016 2 2.63 08/11/2016 11/07/2016 3 0.8 28/02/2017 31/10/2016 4 6.29 10/01/2017 12/09/2016 5 1.79 17/01/2017 19/09/2016
Risk Register tdl-1229-meng-rrg-001-0.1v-Risk Register
Issues/Risks identified Proposed mitigation taken (or planned) Top 5 Risks Project Issues/Active Risks (Top 5) Issues/Risks identified Status Proposed mitigation taken (or planned) Schedule delay due to late delivery by a supplier Steady Start the tender processes as soon as possible and closely monitor progress at the suppliers during construction. Three types of load are still under consideration due to cooling water changes The option costed is believed to be the most expensive. Load to be used will be decided in Feb 2016. Cost changes due to changes in exchange rates. Any cost increases will have to met using the contingency. Inability to recruit or retain suitable staff Falling Well qualified PM has been recruited. Discussions taking place in Huddersfield to find suitably qualified staff there. As a number of suppliers are likely to be involved, problems occurring during installation, in particular with interfaces. Detailed discussions with ESS team and manufacturers are taking place, drawings will be closely checked and progress regularly monitored to ensure there are no connection issues.
Work Package Plan Projects within STFC require a WPP Details project overview Acts as issue log Contains change information tdl-1229-meng-wpp-001-v0.1-wpp
Project Quality Plan PQP currently being written Based around existing frameworks Including the TD quality manual Will be finalised in the ESS format
STFC - Governance Monthly Reporting to the STFC ESS Project Manager Monthly Reporting to the STFC ESS Project Register Committee 6 monthly reporting to the Project sub committee 6 monthly reporting to the STFC Project board Monthly Status Updates to ESS
Quality Management System Certificate ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Certificate BSI ISO 9001:2008 Certificate: FM 54433 Original registration date: 17/4/2000 Renewed: Jan 16 Expires: September 18 The design, development and project management of mechanical engineering components. The manufacture, procurement, management of installation and commissioning, testing, repair, assembly and development of mechanical engineering components and systems including vacuum processing, inspection, and survey. 2008 -> 2015, plan on moving to within the next 12 months
Quality Assurance STFC Technology Department at Daresbury Laboratory operates a quality system that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. The quality system defines how a project will be coordinated and documented. The management of a project is based on an agreed Project Specification and a series of reviews at key stages in the work. The detailed implementation of the Quality Management system is described in standardised group procedures, processes and local instructions. These provide the core of the Quality Management System and provides the detail required to operate the system. The processes and procedures are followed by STFC staff undertaking specified activities.
Summary Project Management Experience on international collaborations STFC Technology Department at Daresbury Laboratory operates a quality system that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. The quality system defines how a project will be coordinated and documented. The management of a project is based on an agreed Project Specification and a series of reviews at key stages in the work. The detailed implementation of the Quality Management system is described in standardised group procedures, processes and local instructions. The processes and procedures are followed by STFC staff undertaking specified activities.
Immediate things to do
Acceptance testing Factory acceptance tests (FAT) to be carried out before initial shipment of each deliverable. Site acceptance tests (SAT) to be carried out on subsequent deliveries. The depth/involvement of this is to be discussed. Spot checks at the factory to be carried out when required.
Delivery Details Waveguide Deliveries - TBD Start Date End Date SPK Stub 04/09/2017 13/11/2017 1 2 SPK Tunnel 16/10/2017 03/01/2018 SPK Gallery 27/11/2017 05/03/2018 3 ELP Stub 06/11/2017 02/04/2016 4 5 6 7 8 Start Date End Date ELP Tunnel 03/01/2017 23/04/2018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ELP Gallery 05/02/2018 10/09/2018
Acceptance Testing Responsibilities need defining. ESS/STFC-HUD/Supplier? Etc. Scheduling to be agreed with ESS and supplier
Final Acceptance Testing A Schedule for this needs agreeing upon Responsibility? ESS/STFC-HUD/Supplier?
Installation/Commissioning “Participation in the Installation is limited to providing information” “Participation in the commissioning. Tuning of the RFDS RFDS chain will be part of the commissioning” Level of joint involvement needs better definition and schedule needs agreeing upon.
Summary STFC Project Management Framework documentation is being worked upon. STFC Project Governance board will meet on the 16th of July Monthly reporting started last month. Any feedback on what we supplied appreciated. New staff starting in September Two additional staff recruitment process has begun More work needs doing on agreeing specific responsibilities Work needs to be done to produce a delivery schedule agreeable with waveguide manufactures & ESS’s installation schedule.
Thank You