Solid Liquid Gas
Phase changes
Phase Changes II
Tackling Temperature
Grisly Graphs
Grab Bag
Solid, Liquid, Gas Phase Changes Phase Changes II! Tackling Temperature Grisly Graphs Grab Bag $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
The state of matter where particles are MOST tightly packed together and organized
What is a solid?
Particles in this phase will spread to fill part of the container, but not the entire container
What is a liquid?
This phase of matter has the least amount of motion in its particles.
What is a solid?
With this phase of matter, particles spread out to fill the entire container.
What is a gas?
This state of matter is the easiest phase to compress.
What is a gas?
Solid Liquid
What is melting?
Liquid Solid
What is freezing?
Gas Liquid
What is condensation or condensing?
Solid Gas
What is sublimation or subliming?
Liquid Gas (name all three terms!)
What is vaporization, boiling, and evaporation?
Gas to solid
What is deposition?
Another word for FUSION.
What is freezing?
This point would be the SAME TEMPERATURE as the substance’s melting point.
What is freezing point/fusion point?
Dry ice was an example of what substance subliming from a solid to a gas?
What is carbon dioxide?
This would occur for a substance at the same temperature as BOILING if the substance were a gas being cooled.
What is condensation?
Kinetic energy is The energy of _______.
What is motion?
An object that is moving fast would have _____ kinetic energy.
What is high?
A cold substance would have _______ kinetic energy.
What is low?
Heating a substance _______ its kinetic energy.
What is increasing?
Temperature is equal to the ______ _______ energy Of the particles in a substance.
Melting point?
What 0 degrees Celsius?
Boiling point?
What is 100 degrees Celsius?
The first flat part of this graph represents:
What is melting?
The second flat part of this Graph represents…
What is boiling?
Daily Double!!
What phase change does the first Flat part of this graph represent?
What is condensation?
Fourth phase of matter?
What is plasma?
Least dense phase of matter.
What is a gas?
Most dense phase of matter?
What is a solid?
Which characteristic properties of matter did we learn in this unit?
What are melting points and boiling points?
Characteristic property we Learned about in our last Unit?
What is density?
Double Jeopardy!!
Mixture Picture
STATE of the Union
Going Through a Phase
Periodically Challenged
Mixture Picture Compounding Interest Breaking Up Potpourii Periodically Challenged Jimmy Neutron $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
What is a solution? (Lemonade)
What is Salt and Water Solution?
What is a colloid?
Flour and water (flour settles out)
What is a suspension?
Kool Aid
What is solution?
Which phase has the MOST energy?
What is a gas?
Which state has molecules that move the slowest?
What is a solid?
Has weak to intermediate forces between molecules
What is a liquid?
Has definite volume but no definite shape
What is a liquid?
Has no definite shape or volume
What is a gas?
A liquid changing to a gas
What is evaporation?
A solid changing to a liquid
What is melting?
A liquid changing to a solid
What is freezing?
A gas changing to a liquid
What is condensation?
A solid changing directly to a gas
What is sublimation?
Changing from a solid to a liquid, we must _________ energy.
What is add?
Changing from a liquid to a solid, we must ________ energy.
What is remove?
Changing from a gas to a liquid, we must ________ energy.
What is remove?
Changing from a solid to a gas, we must _______ energy.
What is add?
Going from a state with more ordered molecules to a state with less ordered molecules, we must _______ energy.
What is ADD?
The abbreviation found for every element on the table
What is the Atomic Symbol?
The name of the groups of elements found in the columns
What are families?
The number of naturally occurring elements
What is 92?
The elements are orderly arranged according to this
What is the atomic number?
Daily Double!!
What each row on the periodic table represents
What is another electron shell?
The type of charge on a neutron
What is neutral?
The pH range of an acid
What is between 0 and 7 (but not equal to 7)
What is the name of the reaction when an acid and a base are mixed?
What is a neutralization reaction?
This is your eye. What would your eye look Like if you forgot to wear Safety goggles and got a Strong base in it?
What is NOT SO GOOD?
What is this?!?
Tanooki the sugar glider!!!
Final Jeopardy Atomic Math
Balance this equation: KClO3 KCl + O2