CFP MSFD Fisheries and state descriptors


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Presentation transcript:

CFP MSFD Fisheries and state descriptors Mark Dickey-Collas ICES secretariat, @Dickey-Collas Fisheries and state descriptors CFP MSFD

State descriptors

Population condition D1.3 Habitat condition (pelagic) D1.6 Determinig what state we want... Population condition D1.3 Habitat condition (pelagic) D1.6 Fish population structure D3.3 Normal foodwebs D4

Knowing the levers to pull

Trade off – knowledge of state and action Iterate, monitor, adapt Trade off – knowledge of state and action take action check pressures review knowledge Ecosystem State Elements take action check pressures review knowledge

Considering state elements What should we do to define GES when pressure state relationships are less clear? How does society choose to aim for a preferred ecosystem state? Can we afford to wait for better science to inform our decisions?