Which is the real scope of the Guidance ?
The ToR endorsed in Copenhagen Objective: Elaborate the common understanding on the requirements of the WFD regarding wetlands. Identify the role of wetlands in the WFD and in particular in relation to the Programmes of measures Link these activities with other Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) guidance, by preparing generic text on wetlands for use in existing guidance documents. Address problems and obstacles for the consideration of wetlands in the river basin management and elaborate solutions. Identify and take forward a process for integrating wetlands into the pilot river basin exercise and other future activities of the CIS.
Common Text Wetland ecosystems are ecologically and functionally significant elements of the water environment, with potentially an important role to play in helping to achieve sustainable river basin management. The Water Framework Directive does not set environmental objectives for wetlands. However, wetlands that are dependent on groundwater bodies, form part of a surface water body, or are Protected Areas, will benefit from WFD obligations to protect and restore the status of water. Relevant definitions are developed in CIS horizontal guidance documents on water bodies and are further considered in a guidance on wetlands.
Common Text (Cont.) Pressures on wetlands (for example physical modification or pollution) can result in impacts on the ecological status of water bodies. Measures to manage such pressures may therefore need to be considered as part of river basin management plans, where they are necessary to meet the environmental objectives of the Directive. Wetland creation and enhancement can in appropriate circumstances offer sustainable, cost-effective and socially acceptable mechanisms for helping to achieve the environmental objectives of the Directive. In particular, wetlands can help to:- abate pollution impacts , contribute to mitigating the effects of droughts and floods, help to achieve sustainable coastal management and to promote groundwater re-charge. The relevance of wetlands within programmes of measures is examined in the horizontal guidance paper on wetlands.
What is a Wetland?
Ramsar Definition “Wetlands are areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed 6m”
wetlands are diverse, complex ecosystems; The Ramsar definition is accepted but it includes “water bodies”; a wetlands description is a more flexible guide for Member States to use to their own national situations
During the kick-off meeting (29/01/03) it was agreed to define a wetlands ‘description’ instead of a wetlands ‘definition’
Wetlands are heterogeneous but distinctive ecosystems which develop naturally or are the product of human activities. Their biogeochemical functions depend notably on a constant or recurrent shallow inundation by fresh, brackish or saline water (<2 m), or saturation at or near the surface of the substrate. They are characterised by standing or slowly moving waters. Common features include hydric soils, hygrophilous vegetation and biota adapted to chemical and biological processes reflective of recurrent or permanent flooding and/or water-logging.
Small WATER BODIES Annexe II 1.2.2 <3 m (mean depth) is the suggested as the inferior size range corresponding to the smallest lakes Characterisation system A, and the Guidance on water bodies (3.5), indicate 0.5-1 km2 as the minimal surface area