In order to understand whether or not we have successfully reached our target audience, we showed our opening title sequence to several people who fit into our target audience, and we have received feedback from them covering all aspects of the opening title sequence. In terms of our plot all of our viewers agreed that it fits the thriller convention and that “It doesn't give too much away, but gives enough away so you know what it's going to be about” This ensures us that we have managed to achieve a balance between introducing the motives of the assassination, whilst still keeping an ambiguous feel to it. “The narrative as a whole fits the genre because of the subtle hints and mystery shown in the OTS”. However we had one piece of feedback that states “The plot seems unusual because the crime is shown at the start and is about to be discovered” suggesting that many people are not familiar with non linear thriller openings, but luckily this made them want to “See more to find out what happens when the crime is discovered.”
After reading all the feedback that related to the narrative, we moved onto Characters, and we discovered that we had included the main type of characters found within thriller films, “Someone who has been tied up (princess), a criminal (antagonist) and a passer-by who (protagonist) is put into a situation that they did not necessarily want to be in which is very typical of thrillers.” In saying this, our choice of characters did not allow us to challenge the typical thriller conventions, although “There was a limited number of characters, which told the story well, and left options open to introduce more characters if needed as the story line progressed” Sticking to the mystery and keeping an ominous atmosphere to our opening title sequence. Luckily we managed to develop our characters enough so that the audience were aware of their roles: “You can tell that the character speaking in another language is powerful and maybe an assassin and the person delivering letters is just an ordinary girl and the person tied up is afraid.”
Next we went through our feedback that concerns location, and we found that our locations were conventional of thrillers as we porously set it in a normal street “Which makes it feel like it could happen in your own home which adds to its scariness”. This reminds the audience that thrillers are based on extraordinary events occurring in ordinary places. However the fact that our locations are not completley urban suggests that there are possible isolated areas that a murder may be possible. “Not as busy as a city but not as quiet as the countryside, making it a mixture of the criminal hotspots of developed areas and the secluded solitary of the countryside.” As a result of the mixtures of urban and countryside, allows for potential witnesses, but also “People living in the other houses would be unaware what has been going on” enhancing on the fact that escape is unlikely.
The feedback that we had got about costumes and props were all suggesting that we had stuck to conventional characteristics for thriller films, for example “The suitcase used to contain the knives and the photos gives the impression of a professional assassination”. Therefore, this indicates that we have chosen appropriate props to express each characters role in the OTS, and that “The make up looked really realistic and the costumes were specific for each character”. We specifically used props that would help the audience work out who committed the crime and thus ensuring that their role was obvious.“The props with blood on helped to tell us that someone has been hurt, with the knife in the sink suggesting stabbing. Having a case with photos in immediately links with crime dramas and the thriller genre as it is a typical prop for both antagonists and protagonists to use.” Not only did we manage to successfully identify each role but stuck to the era in which we had chosen- which was modern. “You can tell it is modern day as they were wearing current fashion. The knives and blood make you know that it's going to be about murder”
Lastly we focused on the lighting and colour side of our feedback “The desaturation and blue tint is very common for this genre, as is the low-key lighting.” , we were able to desaturate our OTS enough to give it a cold feeling, luckily our viewers had picked up on this de-colouring, “The colour of the shots and the lighting confirmed that this OTS was a thriller and set a good tone.” On the other hand we may have filmed our interior shots with bad lighting that gave us “although a couple of the internal shots were dark”, or we could have accidently desaturated the interior shots to much and therefore “The lighting inside of the house was darker”. Luckily the audience thought that it was “intentional to give a menacing feel and did not detract from the overall effect of an every day scene.”