2012 Annual Call Steps of the evaluation of proposals, role of the experts TEN-T Experts Briefing, March 2013
Outline DG MOVE & TEN-T EA: who does what? 2012 annual call Evaluation principles The individual assessments process External experts: their role, code of conduct, key principles
Prepares the work programmes (with input from the Agency) Work programmes, calls for proposals, management of the projects: who does what? DG MOVE Sets the policy Prepares the work programmes (with input from the Agency) Decides on the final recommendation of proposals for funding Adopts the final individual funding decisions TEN-T EA Organises the Calls (preparing work programmes & call texts with DG MOVE; publicity, providing advice to applicants) Manages the external evaluation by independent experts of the proposals submitted under the calls Negotiates with the beneficiaries & prepares the individual funding decisions Manages the project: monitors the implementation (via reports, site visits, meetings), makes the payments, makes amendements if needed
2012 Annual Call (1) Overall budget: €250 million Includes indicative allocations per priority and sub-priority One call addressing the four priorities
Annual Call 2012 (2) Priority 1: Accelerate/facilitate the implementation of TEN-T projects – max. €150 million Priority 2: Promote innovation and new technologies contributing to decarbonisation or the reduction of external costs in general – max. €40 million Priority 3: Support for PPPs and innovative financial instruments – max. €25 million Priority 4: TEN-T Corridors – max. €35 million 5 5
Step 1: Evaluation by the TEN-T EA… TEN-T EA is responsible for: checking the eligibility of the proposals: - arrived on time, are complete, signed by the applicant, approved by the Member State… - in compliance with EU legislation (environment…), applicants have the financial and technical capacity to carry out the project… conducting the external evaluation: - all proposals are reviewed independently by at least three external experts - the external experts meet in a 'consensus meeting' to reach a consensus recommendation and score for each proposal - DG MOVE participates in the consensus meetings as Observer
Step 2: … selection by DG MOVE DG MOVE is responsible for the: final selection of proposals (with the assistance of the TEN-T EA), based on the: - recommendations of the external evaluation - available budget, strategic objectives of the calls and the policy relevance of the proposals consultation of other EU services (DG Environment, DG REGIO…) consultation of: - Financial Assistance Committee (Member States) - European Parliament (right of scrutiny)
External evaluation - Objectives Provide sound technical advice on the proposals submitted Check that proposals address the objectives and priorities defined in the work programmes and calls for proposals
The role of experts Check that proposals address the objectives and priorities defined in the work programmes and calls for proposals Independently assess their proposals and provide comments and scores for each of the 4 blocks of award criteria: relevance, maturity, impact, quality Award, for each criterion, a score on a six-point scale from 0 to 5 Make a confidential, fair and equitable evaluation
Moderators: their role in external evaluation High professional standards Fairness and impartiality Equal treatment Transparency Efficiency and speed Confidentiality
What forms a complete proposal? Application Form Part A: administrative information about the proposal and applicants Application Form Part B1: administrative information related to the financial and operational capacity of private applicants, and compliance with Union policy and law (e.g. environmental law) Application Form Part B2: technical and financial information about the proposal/ information related to the award criteria Annexes (environmental certificates, cost benefit analysis….)
Steps of the External Evaluation: Overview Individual assessment of each proposal by at least three external experts Consensus meeting for each proposal to reach agreement on comments and scores
Guiding rules experts must follow: Objectivity: each proposal shall be evaluated as it is written Accuracy: make your judgement against the official award criteria, and nothing else Consistency: apply the same standard of judgement to each proposal
Step 1: Individual assessment of proposals (1) Each proposal is assessed independently by at least three experts Each expert completes the Individual Assessment Form (IAF form D2) in TENtec, providing comments and scores for each block of award criteria
Step 1: Individual assessment of proposals (2) Before the consensus meeting, validate your individual evaluation form in TENtec, then print, date, sign it Once completed and signed, an individual evaluation form cannot be changed – but… it is normal for an expert to change his/her opinion during the consensus meeting in light of new information and assessments provided by the other experts
'Code of conduct for independent experts' Experts must: Declare any (potential) conflict of interest Provide independent, impartial, objective advice to the Agency Represent neither their employer, nor their country Respect confidentiality: - no external contacts during or after the evaluation - no discussions about any proposal except in consensus meetings - the Agency does not reveal your individual opinion (however the list of experts’ names involved in the evaluation may be published)
Inform the moderator immediately if you suspect a potential conflict of interest, e.g. if you are: Involved in a proposal Stand to benefit directly Close family relationship Director/trustee/partner Employee/Member of Advisory Group Any other situation that could compromise impartiality
Thank you for your attention!