Test-taking Strategies PSAT Preparation Test-taking Strategies
Basic Test Strategies POE: Process of Elimination- the more answers you are able to eliminate, the higher your chances are of getting the question correct. Read the questions before reading the passage! This will help guide you in your reading + if you are pressed for time, you can answer Qs that do not require reading first! Plug in your answers to find the most logical choice.
PSAT Testing Strategies Keep an eye on the clock- each section is timed and you cannot go back once the section is finished. Remember: 1 correct answer = 1 point, omitted answers = 0 points, and 1 wrong answer = ¼ of a point deduction.
PSAT Testing Strategies: Verbal Always look for the context CLUE in the question- this will help determine what kind of answer you are looking for. The Communist Manifesto is often attributed to Karl Marx, but the work is actually --- effort, since he wrote it with Friedrich Engels.
PSAT: Sentence Completion The Communist Manifesto is often attributed to Karl Marx, but the work is actually --- effort, since he wrote it with Friedrich Engels. Clearly, they want something opposite to just Karl Marx since they used “but” and he wrote it “WITH” Friedrich Engels. Put it into your own words first and then try to find the appropriate answer!
PSAT: Sentence Completion Look for CLUES that signal opposing answers: What words helped you understand they wanted an opposite/antonym?
PSAT: Sentence Completion Look for sentences that give you definition of the answer in the sentence already: The clever child’s highly imaginative excuses confirmed his --- but would never persuade anyone of his sincerity.
PSAT: Sentence Completion Often times a comma or semicolon will hint to you that the definition of the answer is there: Early demonstrators from the SNCC were – appearances; they dressed with care to project a responsible image rather than a -- one.
PSAT: Sentence Completion FYI: As the questions go on, they get more and more difficult. Try to answer as many as possible but don’t waste more than 2 minutes trying to answer a single question. Move on + come back later if there’s time.
#1 Helpful Hint on the PSATs? WRITE ON YOUR BOOKLET! Cross out for POE Underline CLUES Underline main ideas or topic sentences in the passages This will help you organize your thoughts quickly so you can answer faster!
PSAT: Short Passages Always read the questions first Ask yourself, “What is the main idea of each passage?” Underline/circle any sentences that help you with the main idea. Write in the margin to help you remember.
PSAT: Short Passages If it’s 2 passages one after the other (without separate questions), they will ask at least 2-3 questions that “compare/contrast” the passages. Ask yourself this question: What is the relationship between the two passages? Do they agree? Disagree? Support each other?
PSAT: Long Passages It’s written like an essay- the first few paragraphs should contain the thesis/argument. Try and find it as you read and underline/circle any relevant topic sentences. Do not kill yourself trying to read in-depth if you are pressed for time. Read questions first!
PSAT: Long Passages Many questions will ask you to refer back to the passage- DO IT! You should be going back to the passage repeatedly! Same strategy with short passages- as you read, try and ask yourself: “What is the main point/argument of this essay?”
PSAT: Sentence Corrections Read sentences aloud to yourself- most of the time you will be able to catch the error. Always plug in the answer to see which makes the most sense. They are testing your grammar and ability to correct awkward sentences.