International aspects for the SuperB project


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Presentation transcript:

International aspects for the SuperB project Guy Wormser LAL Orsay SuperB International Review Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati November 12-13, 2007

SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions SuperB CDR SuperB CDR represents A very exciting physics case to unravel the structure of the physics beyond the Standard Model (M. Ciuchini, D. Hitlin) A large and very experienced community (320 CDR signatories from 85 institutes) An innovative and very appealing machine design (P. Raimondi et al. ) Exciting test of key machine issues already ongoing in Frascati with international participation A solid detector concept (B. Ratcliff, F. Forti) A cost estimate for machine and detector Machine 191 M€ (and 126 M€ re-used) Site 105 M€ Detector 40 M€ (and 46 M€ re-used) The SuperB is a unique international opportunity HEP needs projects with a very good physics/cost ratio driven by a region or a country, in parallel with the energy frontier machines (LHC, ILC) Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions

The right project at the right time! In 2006, Europe launched a strategic planning exercice under the aegis of the CERN Council This process included a symposium open to the community in Orsay (January 2006), a workshop in Zeuthen and was concluded in Lisbon in July 2006: “Flavour physics and precision measurements at the high-luminosity frontier at lower energies complement our understanding of particle physics and allow for a more accurate interpretation of the results at the high-energy frontier; these should be led by national or regional collaborations, and the participation of European laboratories and institutes should be promoted.” The SuperB project is fully in line with the European Strategy!! Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions

International process Similar strategic reviews were conducted at the same time in US (EPP2010/P5 roadmap) and in Japan and reached very similar conclusions: the worldwide HEP community is eagerly waiting for an ambitious flavour machine led by a national or regional effort The SuperB project was presented to ECFA in July 2007 in joint ECFA/HEPP EPS session organized during the EPS conference in Manchester Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions

SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions The US EPP2010 report 1) Full realization of LHC experimental program 2) The US should launch a major program of R&D, design and industrialization, management, financing studies of ILC accelerators and detectors 3) US should announce its strong intent to become the host country for the ILC and should undertake the necessary work to provide a viable site and mount a compelling bid 4) promote projects at the interface between particle physics,astrophysics and cosmology 5) Determine properties of neutrino through a well coordinated, staged program of experiments developed with international planning and cooperation 6) US participation to large scale high precision experiments should continue but the level of support will be very sensitive to the overall budget picture…Participation in small scale, high precision measurements should be encouraged in any budget scenario. Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions

The Japanese strategic document (1) The HEP community of Japan understands that physics at high energy frontier is the most important one. With this understanding the realization of the ILC is the highest priority among all projects. Before the start of the ILC the flavor physics can also be carried out as Physics complementary to the energy frontier.  The wide range of accelerator technologies in Japan which support the ILC and the flavor experiments is leading the world. In order to realize the international project  ILC the accelerator technology will be industrialized. The R&D efforts for energy frontier and for flavor physics will be unified to be used for the development of ILC accelerator technology.   In Japan the long-base line neutrino experiment has been   successfully operated for the first time in the world, and the KEKB became the highest luminosity machine in the world. Based on these successes,  J-PARC will soon be started.   By the upgrade of the B-factory, even higher luminosity will be reached and new physics in b, c, tau will be searched for. Nowadays, most of the particle physics or accelerator projects are done by international collaborations. The Japanese community must be further internationalized and must build up closer connections with Asian countries as well as with countries all over the world Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions

The Japanese strategic document (2) Energy frontier physics: We make efforts towards the success of the LHC experiment.  We perform the R&D towards the construction of ILC, establishing the mass production and industrialization, and reinforce the R&D organization. Flavor physics: We will complete the construction of J-PARC and promote T2K and Kaon rare decay experiments.   The B-factory will be upgraded and lead the world with new results. It can be used for the R&D of ILC. Since there are common items in ILC and KEKB accelerators, human resources and material resources can be shared: the R&D should be jointly organized.    'Prospects of elementary particle physics' was prepared by HEP committee and was unanimously approved by the HEP community of Japan in the general assembly on 25th October 2006 Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions

SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions Contacts with KEK Since there is a worldwide agreement that only one Super Flavour factory will be built in the world, the SuperB project has always maintained very close contacts with KEK at three complementary levels Machine experts Detector and Physics community Strategic planning Participation of a strong japanese delegation to the recent SuperB workshop organised in Paris in May 2007 Visible impact of SuperB original machine ideas on KEKB machine upgrade Discussion of a common « physics manifest » Implicit agreement of common work on THE future detector Since then, KEK seems to favour now a more adiabatic KEKB upgrade Unique window of opportunity for SuperB project Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions

SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions Recent news from KEK Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 16:59:28 +0900 From: Masa Yamauchi To: Subject: [belle_ml:8040] Status of the upgrade proposal Dear colleagues, This mail is to inform you of the recent status of our proposal on the KEKB upgrade. We have been proposing to upgrade KEKB to increaseits luminosity to 8x10^35/cm^2/sec, and the Belledetector accordingly. We have not made much progress with this proposal mainly due to the financial constraintsat KEK. To pursue the KEKB upgrade in a realistic way,both in cost and time, we (=three spokespersons of Belle and Oide) agreed to propose the following compromise upgrade plan after some discussions with the KEKmanagement. "A partial upgrade of KEKB and Belle will be carried outin 2009-2011 within our annual operation budget.Installation of additional RF and so on will continue after resuming operation in 2012. The target luminosity is 2x10^35/cm^2/sec." Detail of the machine upgrade plan will be shown soon by our KEKB colleagues. It will be designed in such a way that allows a further upgrade to 10^36/cm^2/sec in case this is required by new physics results from this upgrade and/or LHC experiments. We have a working group at KEK to discuss KEK'sroadmap in the near future, which submitted a report to the KEK-DG recently. The roadmap that they recommended includes the proposed KEKB upgradeas well as ILC R&D and so on, and was positively receivedby Suzuki. We believe some official statement will beissued by the KEK management soon referring to the KEKB upgrade. In addition, the roadmap recommended by the working group was shown to the Japanese HEP community by Takasaki at the J-HEP general meeting a few days ago. Browder, Iijima and Yamauchi Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions

SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions ILC synergy ILC , the next frontier machine, is the worldwide HEP top priority. Quite important for a new project to show that it can benefit to ILC Obvious and strong similarities between ILC damping ring and Final focus and SuperB project The ILC/SuperB synergy was discussed in length during the last SuperB workshop in May Although it was recognized that ILC and SuperB can be approved independantly, ILC can benefit a lot from all the lessons learned for SuperB if it is built and operated early enough Importance of the relative schedule of both projects Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions

SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions Towards a TDR in 2010 Spring 2007 : CDR sent to INFN Spring 2008: International committee report Summer 2010: complete Technical Design Report covering machine and detector To favour international participation to the machine project, organization could be somewhat similar to XFEL project Workpackages definition EoI to form a consortium for each WP , accompanied by a MoU Central team mostly based in Italy Conventional organization for the detector part Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions

Collaboration forming For the detector, open international process based on a LOI Letter of intent Key question: will this project attract beyond BABAR collaboration? Good sign from the CDR: 65 exp. outside BABAR signed (174 Babarians) Strong potential attractiveness to LHCb community if the schedule is right « Copetition » with potential KEKB upgrade International steering committee will have to be put in place throughout the TDR phase to monitor the situation Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions

SuperB project governance SuperB is a large international european-based project led a national initiative, for a total cost around 500 M€ and 350 M€ needed as new money: very similar to XFEL project (but half the price!) National initiative with >50% funds proposed by the host country EU provides some funds for preparatory work International committee formed by the interested funding agencies Site selection rather straightforward Formal framework selection (legal status for the project, manpower,etc) consumes a lot of time and efforts: should be started (and finished) as soon as possible International contributions to the machine as in-kind deliverables Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions

International Situation (as of today) In Japan KEKB officially approved until 1 ab-1, ie 2009 Recent move towards limited adiabatic upgrade In USA End of PEP-II in Oct 2008 Potential support for mid size initiatives In Europe Several countries interested besides Italy (France, UK, Germany) My own guess : do not expect huge financial contributions What about Russia ( XFEL Russian contribution could be 100 M€, ie x2 France , UK or Italy) and China ? Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions

SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions The SuperB project offers a unique scientific opportunity, well in line with the HEP global and European strategy Excellent timing and good window of opportunity given the present international situation Let us move forward fast towards a TDR in 2010: a prompt schedule is essential for the success of this endeavour Consolidating the international basis for the project (legal framework, ressources, ..) will take time as well and should be started by INFN right away Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions

SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions

Europe and US strategies in a nutshell 1) LHC (and LHC consolidation) 2) Accelerator R&D 3) ILC 4) Neutrino 5) astrophysics and cosmology 6) Flavour physics US 1)LHC 2) ILC 3) ILC hosting efforts 4) astrophysics and cosmology 5) Neutrinos 6) Flavour Physics Nov 12-13, 2007 SuperB Review - G. Wormser, Conclusions