Equivalent Forms of Fractions and Decimals Motivation Showing picture of Base Ten Blocks
Guided Questions What do you mean by the word “Equivalent”? How many strips it take to cover the whole mat? If the mat represents one whole and each strip is one-tenth of the whole mat, what can you say about how many tenths are equivalent to one whole? Write the fraction for one-tenth on the board. Then write ten-tenths.
How many hundredths are equivalent to one whole? Fractions and decimals represent a part of the whole, they can represent the same amount. 5 out of 10 = 5/10 = 0.05
What does the red part represent? Have a second student come to the projector and shade in only one square on the grid. Ask: What does the shaded part represent? What are ways to read and write this decimal? The second place to the right of the decimal point is the hundredths place.
Steps in adding decimals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlJofAXeCHU&feature=related
How to subtract decimals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=io_Pxk13Luc&feature=channel