Email: Mrs. Sign up for text message reminders- text @72747 to the number 81010 Meet the Pre-Kindergarten Team Mrs. Viens Mrs. Crockett Important information and upcoming events will be communicated through a weekly newsletter stapled inside your child’s agenda. Forms and notes will be sent and received via your child’s folder. You can also contact your child’s teacher through email or by calling the school. Phone: 410-651-1616 Email: Mrs. Mrs. The PreK Team Princess Anne Elementary School Mrs. Viens & Mrs. Crockett
Snack- A free healthy snack will be provided to your child each day, so you will not need to provide snack. Uniforms-Our school has a uniform policy. For more information, please look for the uniform brochure that will come home in your child’s folder. Students who don’t adhere to the uniform policy will be sent to the nurse to change or call home. Also, your child will need an entire change of clothes in their book bag at all times. Arrival-Students will be allowed to come down to the classroom at 8:10. Students who arrive after 8:40 will be marked late. Dismissal- Students are dismissed at 3:40. If your child is a car rider, you will collect your child in the cafeteria. Please notify us immediately of any bus changes by writing a note or calling the school. Rest Time- PreK will have an hour of rest time everyday. Students will need a small towel or blanket for rest time. It will be sent home each Friday for laundering. Please do not bring pillows or stuffed toys. Breakfast and Lunch-Students will receive a free school breakfast and lunch. Your child will learn a lot this year! Students will participate in a variety of activities to build literacy, math, science and social skills. Students will play and learn at centers, be involved in read aloud activities, write in journals, create art with a focus on pre-literacy and much, much, more. Regular size backpack Pack of crayons (8) Five glue stick 1 pack of pencils (no mechanical) Scissors One two pocket folder 2 boxes of tissues 1 bottle hand sanitizer Clorox wipes 1 box Ziploc bags (gallon or sandwich) 8:10-8:40 Students arrive, breakfast, unpack 8:40-9:00 Fine motor development 9:00-9:20 Circle Time 9:20-10:10 Reading/Language Arts 10:10-10:40 Learning Centers 10:40-11:10 Lunch 11:10-11:20 Brush teeth/Bathroom Break 11:20-11:30 Story Time/Read Aloud 11:30-12:30 Quiet time 12:30-12:40 Music and Movement 12:40-12:50 Snack 12:50-1:40 Math/STEM 1:40-2:00 Science/Journal Writing 2:00-2:30 Specials 2:30-2:50 Recess 2:50-3:20 Learning Centers 3:20-3:25 Pack up and reflection 3:25-3:40 DEAR Time/Read Aloud 3:40-3:55 Dismissal Supply List: