By Mitch, Sam, Kate, and Samantha Bronfenbrenner By Mitch, Sam, Kate, and Samantha
Who Is Bronfenbrenner? Born in Moscow 1917 Immigrated to united states 1923 Optimistic person, wanting to make things better Thought most studies done in artificial way He believed in a natural approach in their own environment Died in 2005 at the age of eighty eight
How would you succinctly describe Bronfenbrenner's theory of the microsystem? The environment we live in shapes us Four key components: family, friends, school and work place Bidirectional relationships Direct interactive relationships between the individual and the four key components Example: the individual joins in with school sport, so he/she has direct interactions with the peers on their team as well as their school.
How would you succinctly describe Bronfenbrenner's theory of the mesosystem? Includes the same four key components as the microsystem Can have complicated effects upon the individual’s development Has a direct influence upon the child Indirect relationships for the developing individual Example: “children whose parents have rejected them may have difficultly developing positive relations with teachers.” (Santrock 2011)
How would you succinctly describe Bronfenbrenner's theory of the exosystem? External and indirect influences on a person Can be seen in parents work, school board, teacher parent relationships. Examples of the parents work influencing the child: time for children between work, if the child is left alone or looked after by someone else, and stress from work effects child’s behavior socially, relates back into the microsystem context.
How would you succinctly describe Bronfenbrenner's theory of the macrosystem? “consistencies, in the form of content of the lower order systems that exist or could exist... along with any belief systems or ideology” Key components: socio-economic class, gender, beliefs, culture, values, religion and political systems inside a country
How did Bronfenbrenner conceptualise the relationship between the microsystem and the mesosystem? As stated in previous slides the microsystem consists of direct relationships and interactions with family, school, friends, and work. The mesosystem is the relationships between these four key components. The mesosystem widens when the individual changes environments. Interrelationships: so two components of the microsystem join together to make the mesosystem. Some examples...
What were Bronfenbrenner's views on the relationship between nurture and nature? What is nature? What is nurture? Interaction between our genes and the environment that we are in. An example: I may have the genetic potential to be a genius, but if I am not nurtured in certain ways (education, good nutrition, rest, etc) then I may never reach that potential Bronfenbrenner supported nature
How his theory is relevant in today’s society We believe that Bronfenbrenner's theory is relevant in today’s society as it places a focus on the developing individual’s environment. This environment includes our cultures, home, and personal values or beliefs. By looking at Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory we can begin to learn more about the direct and indirect influences there are upon the average person from their environment. Through this ability to learn more about how we ourselves and those around us develop .We can begin to understand why we are the way we are as well as the things that have influenced us to be these people.