Welcome to years 1 and 2 Mrs Rachel Hall Mrs Fiona Riley & Mrs Samantha Hyde Miss Leonie Dawson (Mrs Gascoyne as from September)
Getting to know the new routines We know from experience that you and your child may feel anxious and excited about beginning this new phase of their education. They will be introduced to their new routine gradually over the first few weeks and will soon feel settled. Try not to worry – they’ll be fine!
Everything must be named please! Your child will need Pencil case – pencil, rubber, sharpener, whiteboard pen. A glue stick would also be useful. PE kit – white T shirt, blue/black shorts, black pumps; in a draw-string bag. A track suit and trainers for winter months is useful. Art shirt Reading folder Everything must be named please!
Changes from Foundation 2 to Key Stage 1 The children will need to line up at the pencils by 8.45 am (registration is at 8.55am). They will walk round with their class teachers. As in reception, the children will go in to their cloakrooms/classrooms by themselves.
Reading Children will need to bring their reading books and reading records daily. Upon arriving at school, they will put their book in a designated place as informed by their teacher. When they have read their reading book at school, a comment will be made and initialled by an adult if they read that particular day. Guided reading in groups – weekly. Reading records will be stamped to show they have read. Children will also read daily within literacy lessons. Library books are available to use in each classroom for children to extend their reading. Reading books will be changed at least once a week. Your class teacher will inform you of the designated day in September. It is really important that all children continue to make time to read regularly – it makes such a difference to their fluency and confidence- just a few pages per night – also we encourage children to visit local library/read own books as well.
We are approachable! We are available at the end of the day at the side of school and strive to be friendly/approachable. Any queries or little problems see us then. Please do not expect to be able to speak to the class teacher before school as we have other responsibilities at this time. If you need to speak to us in confidence please arrange an appointment through the school office, or write a note to us and we will arrange direct.
Thank you – we look forward to welcoming your child into KS1! You are welcome to see where the classrooms are before leaving and the route into class. For those who wish to see where their child should be dropped off, hang their coat, be picked up/dropped off in the morning and at the end of the school day, please follow us now and we will show you. Thank you – we look forward to welcoming your child into KS1!