Friday September 29, 2016 3-4: You will receive letters regarding our field trip on Friday, October 21 to the HPAC to watch Tarzan AND state test scores from last year. **If you have the graphic novel, turn it in. You need the following: **Homework folders
Extra Credit for George O’Connor: 3-4 Haden Page Hayes Brown Chloe Chatman Laken Estes Skylar Farris 5-6 Tyriq Hibbler Mason Derryberry Mackenzie Presley Paris Smith Jason Lentz Elise Ledet Landrey Cincurak Maddie Aikens Derrell Tate 7-8 Alexandra Trigg Celeste Ledet Lauren Cincurak Reese Lambert Kalob Brocato Jackson Stewart
Study Guide Vocabulary foldable Study Guide (You have 15 minutes to work with your shoulder partner.)
3 2 1 Content Organization Text Evidence and Reasoning Conventions 3 2 1 Content The writer answers the prompt entirely with well-developed ideas and lots of details throughout the piece. The prompt is somewhat answered, but needs more development throughout the piece. The prompt is not answered or well-developed. Organization The piece is well-organized and “flows”; many transition words show how the ideas are connected and the reader is never left feeling confused about what is happening. The piece is somewhat organized and “flows” in some spots; some transition words are used but there are a few places where the reader gets confused as to what is happening. The piece does not “flow”; there are little to no transition words OR transition words are not effective. There are many places where the reader feels confused about what is happening. Text Evidence and Reasoning The text evidence used supports the relationship among the reasons provided; the reasons are clearly stated and organized. The text evidence somewhat supports the reasons, and reasons mostly support the evidence provided in an organized way. The text evidence is not relevant to the reasons. The reader is confused about the reasons chosen. Conventions There are few (no more than 3) errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. It is clear the writer took time to carefully edit the piece. There are some (4-6) errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. The writer made an attempt at editing. There are many (7+) errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization which interfere with the reader’s understanding of the piece. There appears to be little, if any, attempt at editing. Reader’s “Take Away”/ Writer’s “Connection” The “take away” message is relevant and clear to almost all readers of this piece. The writer made a clear “connection” with the conflicts addressed in the book. The “take away” message is somewhat clear to readers of this piece. The writer made somewhat of a “connection” with the conflicts addressed in the book. The “take away” message is confusing to the readers of this piece. There was little or no “connection” made with the conflicts addressed in the book.
“I Fought for You” VETERANS… brainstorm what you think about when you hear this word: As we watch, think about what it is like to be a veteran. How do you view veterans?
Compose a friendly letter! We are going to write a letter to a veteran, thanking them for their service. These could be those who fought in WW2, Korean War, or Vietnam. They will be delivered in October through a “mail call” in Pearl Harbor!