WF-RepTool day 2016 How to use tasks? summary by Renate Gabriel
How to use tasks? Question raised: When should I use a task?
When should I use a task? see FAQs: A 'task' is an option to hand over the 'job' to fill in data to the acceptor of the OUTPUT fraction (>> see user manual - reporter level, chapter 8) if & when to use the task option must be agreed with the ‘client’ = the charging the WEEE system if they allow to set tasks options for using tasks: confident data (e.g. economic interest, know-how details,...) agreed co-operation of treatment operators, e.g. dismantler shredder (e.g. hand over shredder input + obligation to insert data)
Task data visible? task data may be filled in by new data or by a package prepared by the task addressee = receiver of the task the task addressee = fulfiller of the task may decide if he fulfils this task as 'open task' (= showing all data to the task sender) or as 'black box information' (= showing only total results to the task sender) (>> see user manual - reporter level, point 8.5.1.) the WEEE system / WF-RepTool administrator will see all task details … and will have to control them
More information: Questions? website: – look at Information > FAQ – search e.g. ‘task’ video under development Questions? please use the ‘Contact us’ option at website