Conflicts & resolutions Training Module DOING IT TOGETHER? Conflicts & resolutions Session 2 This material has been produced within PAPYRUS project, co-funded by the British Council within ERASMUS+ Programme.
Conflicts & Resolutions Conflict exists when one person has a need of another and that need is not being met. Its about dealing with…. Its INEVITABLE! Types: - internal (with one self) - external 1. person vs. person 2. person vs. society 3. person vs. nature SELF-CONCEPT EGO SENSE OF MISSION PRIDE PEOPLE’S LIVES PEOPLE’S JOBS SENSE OF PURPOSE CHILDREN
Conflicts & Resolutions In working environment conflicts mostly start for: quest for power/poor communication/management style/weak leadership/change of leadership (style) early indicators (what) Body language Withholding bad news Surprises Disagreements Lack of respect Lack of clear goals Different fundamental values
Conflicts & Resolutions What to do to help yourself: Resolution strategies Meet the conflict – know what your need is! Communicate frequently and be honest about your concerns Agree to disagree – starting point for turning conflict into progressive opportunity for better decision making Discuss openly on value differences Create ground for win-win situation: avoid emotions, present position logically; make up your mind and stick to it, ask questions, always be aware that different views is natural and even needed for ultimate success
Conflicts & Resolutions 5 PM Resolution techniques and when to use them Withdraw/ Avoid 2. Smooth/ Accommodate 3.Compromise/ Reconcile 4. Force/ Direct 5. Collaborate/ Problem solve stakes are low you are very busy and have no time All parties involved need to win You take side: win lose situation want to incorporate multiple views stakeholders involved are not important need a temporary solution to the problem You have an equal relationship with them stakes are high and you need an immediate solution people involved in the conflict are very influential issue is not worth investing your time collaborative and forcing techniques do not work you know one party is right Consensus is required issue will disappear on its own; Limited/no information available you need a temporary solution to move forward quickly stakeholders involved are not very important want to distribute the responsibility equally to all parties + saves time - Weakens position of a manager + harmony, good will, time for permanent solution - Weakens position of a manager + fast result, lowers stress, keeps all parties cool No trust in the long run Conflict could resurface + quick solution - Negative effect on a team member + consensus, commitment - Time consuming