How am I going to talk for 5-7 min? Ch 12. Effective Delivery How am I going to talk for 5-7 min?
Delivery= The manner in which you speak Well-written words but poorly delivered=not effective Poorly written but with great style= not effective
Manuscript Entire speech written out Political figures use this (and teleprompter) Lecturn or podium usually Types: sports figures announcing retirement Positives: Unlikely to have errors in speech plan what you want to say security blanket=more comfortable
Negatives of Manuscript Too much reading, lose touch/ignore aud. Poor e.c. Lose credibility if always looking down (lack e.c.) HINT: make font big so you can see it…and underline words for emphasis, use // marks for effective pauses
Memorized method Pros: Know each word by heart Lots of e.c. Good credibility because of e.c. Cons: Deer in headlights when you forget (draw a blank?) Too much thinking, not delivering (aud. Can see that) Robotic? See the aud. Not just staring at speech in your head (I’ll explain.)
Tips for memorized: Memorize in small sections Practice out loud! First lines/final lines most impt. Safety valve…relevant story in case you go blank, personal story, more info, etc. Knowing about your topic makes it easier to remember
Extemporaneous method: Don’t memorize, don’t write out Outline Notecards usually
Extemp (your info speech is this!) Pros: Natural delivery E.c. Adjust when needed based on aud. Reaction Most believable!!! Cons??? Have to know your material Have to be comfortable speaking to a group Need to pay attention when losing aud. To change things Changing things!
Impromptu Pros: Little/no prep Off the cuff Need talent, organization, and confidence to pull off Almost acting?? In a way Cons: No prep time What if you don’t know topic? Have to be a good talker esp. off the cuff Lose train of thoughts w/ no notes Rambling Vocalized pauses: uhs, ums, like, etc. Lose fluency=lose confidence
Section II : VOICE Your power source = your vocal process Example: Power source for wrestler=their muscles power source for speaker=voice Phonation: breathing system that involves power for voice production Breathing system= lungs, rib cage, associated muscles/pleura Lungs= air Diaphragm=real source for breathing/muscles (muscle that sep. chest from abdominal cavity)
Oral cavity Bronchia Trachea Larynx (voicebox) Pharynx (oral cavity) =back of mouth and nose (know anyone who always sounds stuffed up?) You must BREATHE in order to produce an accurate voice Know anyone whose voice shakes, gets too high, too low?
Rate 120-180 wpm Chances are you will speak fast, slow down Run out of breath if too fast Cure: give each word it’s due Make stuff stick in our heads Use pauses for effect Emphasize words esp. when you want us to catch that info Demosthenes = Greek philosopher had speech defect/stuttered==fixed this by putting pebbles in mouth and shouting to the sea so that he had to slow down
Pitch The highs and lows of your voice Avoid being monotone YOU MUST CHANGE the pitch of your voice!!!! Think of a teacher who speaks the same pitch/rate all the time (snore!) Use pitch to stress certain words I think you are the best. Different meaning based on stress and pitch!
Volume Defn: loudness/softness of voice If we can’t hear you, what’s the point? Don’t shout at us. Breathe with diaphragm Open mouth Drop lower jaw Inhale thru nose Exhale thru mouth when saying words
Articulation Crispness/distinctness in which we say words Don’t be lazy. Pronounce clearly= saying sounds of a words properly/stressing correct syllables (chronic??? Corps) Jaw, lips, tongue main articulators = use them No mushmouth! Water= wadder Metal=medal Swimmin’ =swimming! Gonna=going to When in doubt on how to pronounce, ask someone! Especially names, countries, etc. People tend to associate how smart you are with how well you pronounce words (think job interview!)
BODY DO: Platform movement= walking in purposeful manner from one spot to the next while speaking DON’T Wander Pace Stand completely still
When to move? At main points of speech and at conclusion Start/end in the middle of the room When changing appeals from emotional to logical??? Etc. When it feels right to do so. Done naturally so it’s not a distraction Not scripted move toward aud. Proxemics=how much space between you and aud. Don’t invade someone’s personal space.
Gestures Do: Natural movement Needed in speech Fit what you are stating Head can accentuate a point (remember Pres. Obama’s head tilt?) Bring up and out Stay in gesture zone! I’ll explain. Don’t overdo it “Lift and Lay” method: Don’t “judo-chop” Don’t “flyaway” Don’t “penguin-wave” Don’t smack /slam down String experiment???
FACE!!!!! Most impt. Nonverbal element in effective delivery!!!! Shows how you feel about topic, audience, self. Can’t hide it! “The eyes are the windows to the soul.” People will judge you mainly on what you do with your eyes!! Actually MAKE eye contact with people for a few seconds! Otherwise, we feel ignored. Do not stare at teacher! All over the room…not just a few Make e.c. w/ PEOPLE NOT THINGS!
Eye contact? Best way to see aud. Feedback. Did you lose someone? Did you not make sense? Do people appear not to hear you? Speak up Do people appear to be confused? CLARIFY Overall message…PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE If the day you present is the first time you have said this speech, something’s wrong.
Pg 313 Read speech from someone in CHESTERTON, IN…just down 80/94!!! Check it out.