The 3D-printer By: Carlton Johnson 8/12/14 2nd
The beginning of a new era…. Sometime in 1983, Charles ‘Chuck’ Hull finally finishes a invention that will revolutionize engineering forever, The 3D printer. It was made to harness one program at the time, CAD software, and was composed of Poly Lactic Acid. Now, engineers could not only design their ideas, they can see what they would really look like if they did decide to build the design. With the 3D printer, patents for multiple things came out: Patent for High Temperature Modeling Apparatus, this allowed printing inside a heated enclose.
Continued from last slide… Patent for Smoothing Method for Layered Deposition Modeling which allows you to use a chemical method of smoothing plastic parts that you print Patent for Soluble Material and Process For Three-Dimensional Modeling with allows you to use materials that can be chemically dissolved Patent for Filament Container and Methods Of Use Thereof which allows you to use filament that can be automatically switched.
Disciplines needed to make the 3D-printer To make the 3D printer, you had to have mechanical discipline to allow the lasers to move around, you have to have a software discipline to create the CAD software, you need a computer discipline to allow the 3D printer to read and calculate the diameters and other lengths in order to build the object accurately and correctly, and finally, you need a electrical discipline so that you can power the machine.
Life of the 3D printer TeeBotMax Created to Ultimaker is introduced. Said to have the fastest printing time ever. The first 3D printer ever made was called the “SLA-1” Upgrading to the 3D printer allowed for weaving for things like the bicycle shown above. TeeBotMax Created to Fold so it can be portable and still work at the same time. MakerBot introduces 3D premade wooden printers to sell to public.
Major changes to the 3D printer The ability to use different materials such as wood or titanium so that you can make objects more realistic looking. The ability to print faster so you can make objects faster. The ability to create different parts of a vehicle or plane. The ability to create organs and fake parts of the body. The ability to make hats and other clothing The ability to recreate parts a rocket ship might have damaged even while in space. The ability to be bigger or smaller depending on the part it needed to build. The ability to pretty much build any idea we can make or write down on paper.
Global impact The 3D printer has changed the world in many ways ever since it was first designed and built. At first, it just enhanced the engineering design meaning of ‘build and test a prototype’ because it allowed engineers to see what their innovated design would look like in real world terms, but it eventually turned to other uses such as creating new car and plane parts, building organs and new parts of the body, and even being launched into space to be used for recreating damaged rocket ship parts! Of course their have been some lesser uses for 3D printers, such as creating board games or articles of clothing such as hats, but they all help us advance in our technology's so that we can help improve conditions all over the world.
Citations "30 Years of Innovation." N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Aug. 2014. "3D Printing: Everything You Need to Know." N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Aug. 2014. "3D Printing Patents." 3D Printing Patents. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Aug. 2014. <>. "Cubify - Express Yourself in 3D." Cubify - Express Yourself in 3D. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Aug. 2014. "Our Three-dimensional Future: How 3D Printing Will Shape the Global Economy." SmartPlanet. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Aug. 2014.
Citations cont. "Spring Srl | Know How Ed Esperienza Sulla Prototipazione Rapida 3D." Spring Srl | Know How Ed Esperienza Sulla Prototipazione Rapida 3D. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2014. <>. "News - Ultimaker." News - Ultimaker. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2014. <>. "Giant 3D Loom Weaves Parts for Supercar." New Scientist TV: . N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2014. <>. "Shapeways Blog - Shapeways Starts Own 3D Printing Production." N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2014. <>. "Announcing Custom Fully Assembled MakerBot Thing-O-Matics!" MakerBot. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2014.>. "" N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2014. <>.