Vocabulary definitions Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary definitions
List 1 1. Oxymoron – (noun) – Conjoining contradictory terms. Ex: jumbo shrimp, adult child, civil war, icy hot, etc. 2. Parody – (noun) - A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. EX: The Daily Show, The Colbert Report , “Vampire sucks” (Twilight).
List 1 Soliloquy – (noun) – A dramatic or literary form of talking when a character talks to himself or herself or reveals his or her thoughts without addressing the listener. (Ex: Balcony Scene in Romeo and Juliet.)
List 1 4. Tragedy – a type of drama of human conflict which ends in defeat and suffering. (Romeo and Juliet)
5. Iambic Pentameter- A common meter in poetry consisting of an unrhymed line with 5 feet or accents, each consisting of 1 accented and 1 unaccented syllable. 6. Couplet- A pair of successive lines in verse, especially a pair that thyme are the same length.
List 1 7. Discreet – (adj) – Exercising or showing prudence and with self-restraint in speech and behavior. 8. Solemnity – (noun) - A trait of dignified seriousness. 9. Scathe – (verb) - To harm or injure, especially by fire. To criticize or denounce severely.
List 1 10. Feign – (verb) - To fake or fabricate; to give a false appearance. 11. Ambiguous – (adj) - Doubtful or uncertain.
12. Portentous – Marvelous, amazing. 13. Augment- To make larger. 14. Belligerence- An act of carrying on war. Being mean and aggressive.
List 2 1. Pun – (noun) - A play on words. 2. Aside – (noun) - A short remark, usually directed to the audience and not intended to be heard by the other characters. (Sometimes it’s directed at another character.) 3. Foil –(noun)- A character who serves as a contrast for another character.
List 2 Quatrain –(noun) - A stanza or poem of four lines. Envious –(adj) - Showing extreme jealously; covetous. Wanton –(adj)- Immoral or unchaste. Undisciplined; spoiled.
List 2 Pensive –(adj) - Deeply, often dreamily thoughtful. (Sometimes in a sad way 8. Lament –(verb)- To express grief for. To regret deeply; deplore.
9. Dramatic Irony – The reader or audience knows something that the character doesn’t. 10. Monologue - A part of a drama in which a single actor speaks alone for a prolonged time. 11. Abate – To reduce in amount, degree, or intensity, (weaken), lessen; diminish.
12. Tedious – long and tiresome; boring; monotonous.