The National Bathymetry as Data Glen Rice*, Annemieke Raymond, Sarah Wolfskehl, Juliet Kinney, Casiano Koprowski, Michael Bongonko, Richard Brennan NOAA/NOS, Office of Coast Survey US Hydrographic Conference Biloxi, MS 2019 * Conference Speaker
National Bathymetric Source (NBS) A rose by any other name… Navigational Bathymetric Database Bathymetric Operational Modeled Database National Bathymetric Source (NBS)
Office of Coast Survey The nation’s nautical chart maker This is a product driven definition Should we be data driven? Coast Survey is the holder of the National Bathymetry The National Bathymetry Currently housed on the charts Compiled cartographically
Office of Coast Survey The nation’s nautical chart maker This is a product driven definition Should we be data driven? Coast Survey is the holder of the National Bathymetry The National Bathymetry Currently housed on the charts Compiled cartographically
Office of Coast Survey The nation’s nautical chart maker This is a product driven definition Should we be data driven? Coast Survey is the holder of the National Bathymetry The National Bathymetry Currently housed on the charts Compiled cartographically
Office of Coast Survey Response NBS Data Preparation Chart Production Internal Source Data Hydrographic Surveys Division Marine Chart Division NBS Data Preparation Chart Production External Source Data Navigation Services Division Coast Survey Development Lab Precision Navigation Marine Modeling Response Federal Agencies General Public
Process in 2018
Workflow Management Application Software Development Environment Ingest Amalgamate Confirm Disseminate Qualify Datum Shift Interpolation Store Changes Logging and Notification REST API FTP Preprocess Supporting Information Software Development Environment Documentation Bug tracking Requirements Unit Testing Code Repository How do we build an automated linear process?
The central part of this process is amalgamation The central part of this process is amalgamation. How do we combine data?
We used the hydro health model to decay data as in Wyllie 2017. If decay scores to not limit the result to one choice, we then go by Resolution, Shoal Depth, Survey Name
Should data supersede by source data or by location?
Workflow Management Application Software Development Environment Ingest Amalgamate Confirm Disseminate Qualify Datum Shift Interpolation Store Changes Logging and Notification REST API FTP Preprocess Supporting Information Software Development Environment Documentation Bug tracking Requirements Unit Testing Code Repository How do we build an automated linear process?
We fix the source or we update our process; we do not fix the final product. Problems with the data… Problems with the data file…
Required metadata Datum Supersession Downstream Vertical Survey Date Horizontal Units Supersession Survey Date CATZOC Score (S-57) Vertical Uncertainty Horizontal Uncertainty Feature Detection Capability Coverage type Bathymetry? Downstream SURATH SORIND OBJNAM What if all this information is not available? Can we make basic assuptions?
Datum transformations VDatum VDatum Source Datum Working Datum Product Datum NAD83 / MLLW NAD83 / ?
Required metadata Datum Supersession Downstream Vertical Horizontal Units Supersession Survey Date CATZOC Score (S-57) Vertical Uncertainty Horizontal Uncertainty Feature Detection Capability Coverage type Bathymetry? Downstream SURATH SORIND OBJNAM … What if all this information is not available? Can we make basic assuptions?
Source Data Office of Coast Survey National Geodetic Survey BAG Internal Source Data External Source Data Bathy Point Store National Geodetic Survey Lidar US Army Corps of Engineers eHydro
Workflow Management Application Software Development Environment Ingest Amalgamate Confirm Disseminate Qualify Datum Shift Interpolation Store Changes Logging and Notification REST API FTP Preprocess Supporting Information Software Development Environment Documentation Bug tracking Requirements Unit Testing Code Repository How do we build an automated linear process?
Qualify - Review of input data Do we have the right data? Is the data what it should be? Do we have the metadata? Datum transformation Supersession Downstream
Confirm - Review of the result Does this look right? Bootstrapping Chart comparison Finding missing source
Bathymetric Attributed Grid 5 meter resolution for Band 5 Metadata file
What is next? Continue to build the process Build through New England Automate Distribution Variable resolution Build through New England Precision Navigation Ports New York Los Angeles Long Beach Mississippi River Continue to engage DOD GMRT / Seabed 2030 Other Countries