Examining Leadership and Yourself Marion Lynch (Associate Dean Oxford Deanery) & Templeton College
Aim Objectives
Intro setting the scene. The Theory Bit Intro setting the scene. The Theory Bit. Leading, influencing, making the difference and getting what you want. Issues related to making decisions, assertiveness and influencing were aspects noted last time. We will examine the reasons behind these (causes) rather than ‘cures’. We will do this with fun.
Leadership archetypes based on Jung/Olivier Mythodrama STATIC DYNAMIC ‘FEMININE’ ‘MASCULINE’ ORDER GOOD KING ACTION WARRIOR Deliberate Methodical Logical Practical Motivating Forceful Confronting Confident Set objectives Recognise effort Attend to detail Challenge everything Defeat opposition Fight battles CHANGE MEDICINE WOMAN NURTURE GREAT MOTHER Empathic Reassuring Receptive Warm Form relationships Build trust Develop others Imagine the future Build visions Create solutions Creative Adaptable Visionary Inspired See: Richard Olivier (2001) ‘Inspirational Leadership’
Method Experiential Learning We are going to experience each of these ways of working. As a group we will spend five minutes in each ‘climate’ Once we have accessed all area we will decide which it is that we prefer, which we hate and look at why. We will then review how we work, what goes wrong and see if it can be analysed through our own ways of working
Leadership archetypes gone wrong based on Jung/Olivier Mythodrama STATIC DYNAMIC ‘FEMININE’ ‘MASCULINE’ RIGIDITY BITTER OLD MAN TYRANNY MERCENARY Cynical Weary Burnt-out Belligerent Insensitive Attribute blame Obsessed with detail Fight everyone Cause conflict Bully people ECCENT- RICITY MAD WOMAN OVER NURTURE DEVOURING MOTHER Naïve Devouring Destroy relationships Encourage egocentrism Addicted to change Cause confusion Change what’s good Crazy Uncritical See: Richard Olivier (2001) ‘Inspirational Leadership’
We are all potential leaders within the NHS Leaders have certain strengths that make them effective. Ideas? However, what happens to people when they feel that they are not succeeding? How do they manage / change / adapt?
Strengths that can become ‘derailers’ Diligent Charming Vivacious Shrewd Careful Independent Imaginative Focussed Perfectionist Manipulative Dramatic Mistrustful Cautious Detached Eccentric Passive Aggressive
Bringing it to their reality: Reflections What have you learnt from this session about yourself and others? How do you feel? What are you going to do differently? What will be the implications for you and for others?