8:10-8:40 Arrival/Lockers 8:40-8:45 Announcements 8:45-9:00 Homeroom 9:00-9:55 Specials 9:55-11:45 Homeroom 11:45-12:15 AM Enrichment 12:15-12:30 Switch Classes 12:30-1:00 Lunch 1:00-1:30 Recess/Restroom 1:30-3:10 Switch Class 3:10-3:40 PM Enrichment 3:40-Lockers/Dismissal
All 5th graders are expected to follow the 3R’s. Respect Yourself Respect Others Respect School Property Basically, there is only one rule, respect. Conduct Codes E = 0-2 consistently S = 3-5 usually N = 6-9 sometimes U = 10 or more rarely
Lockers Student Organization Students can access 8:10-8:40 switch time dismissal Student Organization Teachers use pod area white boards for materials. Use of subject colored folders Planner entries Supplies should fit into supply bag
Grading Guidelines Late Work B = 80-89 C = 75-79 D = 70-74 F = 69 and below Late Work 1st day = 10 points deducted 2nd day = 20 points deducted 3rd day = 0 for assignment
ALL content assigned homework for each 9-weeks are averaged together for ONE DAILY GRADE. Homework reinforces concepts that have been taught or are currently being taught. 10 point deduction for each day it is late, up to the 3rd day, which will result in a zero.
Attendance It is important to your child's education that they are at school every day. If your child is absent or leaves early for any reason, a written note must be presented the day your child returns. If your child will be absent from school, a fax or letter with your signature is the only way to excuse an absence.
Daily read-aloud to model fluency and good reading strategies and to teach comprehension Reading mini-lessons addressing strategies, skills, and tools Independent reading from self-selected books in various genres Traditional, Fantasy/Science Fiction, Modern Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Informational, Biography/Autobiography, Poetry Reading teacher/student conferences for individual instruction and assessment Group shares/book talks Book projects Author studies/letters Reading response letters and activities Reading self evaluations and assessments Projects will be once every 9-weeks
VARIATION IN AMOUNT OF INDEPENDENT READING Percentile Rank Minutes/Day Words/Year 98th 67.3 4,733,000 90th 33.4 2,357,000 70th 16.9 1,168,000 50th 9.2 601,000 30th 4.3 251,000 10th 1.0 51,000 2nd 0.0 ------------ Anderson, R., Wilson, P., & Fielding, L. Growth in reading and how children spend their time outside of school. Reading Research Quarterly (1988).
Spelling A spelling word list will be given to students weekly. They are encouraged to study words nightly. Tests will be given during computer lab on Spelling City. Grades for Spelling are averaged into one major writing grade per 9 weeks.
Writer’s Workshop Writing mini-lesson addressing strategies, skills, and tools Independent writing from self-selected topics in various genres Personal Narrative, Persuasive, Poetry, Fantasy, Informative Writing teacher/student conferences for individual instruction and assessment Group shares Carrying pieces through the writing process to publication Pre-writing, Drafting, Revision, Editing, Publication, Assessment Authors’ celebration Writing self evaluations and assessments Various writing process activities throughout the year; published piece of writing due once every 9-weeks
STARR Testing Dates for Reading: Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Place Value, Decimals, Fractions, Order of Operations, Geometry & Measurement, Analyzing Data, Financial Literacy, Ordered Pairs, and Solving Equations. Activities to engage student learning of material Mini lessons, small group and independent work Student/Teacher conferences reviewing progress monitoring assessments Various types of projects to give opportunity for research Math STAAR - Tues. April 10th (must pass)
Students will have to apply science concepts learned Engage in Science labs to reinforce concepts Various types of projects to give opportunity for research 1st 9 weeks: Lab Safety, Matter & Physical Properties, Thermal & Light Energy, Electrical & Sound Energy 2nd 9 weeks: Force & Motion, Changes to Earth's Surface, Alternative Energy & Fossil Fuels 3rd 9 weeks: Sedimentary Rocks, Interactions between the Sun, Earth and Moon, Adaptations & Traits, Cycles in Ecosystems 4th 9 weeks: Interactions in Ecosystems, Ancient Environments Science STAAR - Wed. May 16th (not retested)
While learning about the USA, students will study USA culture, government and economics. During each 9 weeks there will be a project assignment using technology. 1st 9 weeks: Geography, Explorers, Native Americans 2nd 9 weeks: Colonies, American Revolution, Founding the Nation 3rd 9 weeks: Westward Expansion, Civil War, Reconstruction 4th 9 weeks: 1890-1940, WWII/Cold War, Modern Era .
Conduct Cards Wednesday Folders Remind 101 Email Please sign up for both teachers’ Edlio, where emails or texts will be sent to you, keeping you up to date on important information.
TISD website
Thank you for coming to Open House 2017-18.