IT support and support for NICE NICE Committee of Experts 22 Geneva April 27,2012 Patrick Fiévet Heat of IT Operations and Support Section
Agenda IT Operations and Support for NICE NIVILO E-forum : NEF NICE publication platform: NICEPUB
NEF 2012 introduction and highlights Why NEF needed to be reworked? Derived from a 10 year old application (IPC-IEF) Critical Business Application for NIVILO To address design and IT security issues To increase its maintainability and robustness NEF user interface not harmonized with other WIPO systems
NEF 2012 Project plan Redo without major functional evolution Timeframe: March-April 2012 Based on the rework IPC E-forum Address design and implementation issues (e.g. database, Internationalization,…), Remove dead parts of the source code, Comply with WIPO information security policy
NEF 2012 Project Status Completed Reduction of the specific source code: from 60,000 to 12,000 lines, Just moved into production, Access to NEF 2012: same URL:
NEF 2012 Project Status Some changes User interface (see on-line help) Additional file formats (XLS, PDF) for annexes Improved search Logout without Possibility to add/remove PDF conversion of a posted annex
NEF 2012: IT security
NEF 2012 user interface
NICE publication platform (NICEPUB) Project plan June-August 2011: NICEPUB Specification August 2011: NICE master files specification Q4 2011: NICEPUB system implementation Q1-Q3 2012: NICE publication data
NICE publication platform Project Status NICEPUB Specification: DONE NICE master files specification: DONE in draft version Q4 2011: NICEPUB system implementation: DONE Q1-Q3 2012: NICE publication data: prototyping in progress for NICE 10
NICE publication platform (NICEPUB) Functional hillights: Same user interface for all versions Additional type of information (information files, hierarchy groups, Search (basic number and term) Modifications between versions
NICE publication platform (NICEPUB) Hillights: Content based on 8 NICE master files input (mostly XML) Possibility to hyperlink to a selected place of the publication e.g. Reactivity: Largely automated publication preparation process
NICE publication platform (NICEPUB) 8 master files as Input with specification: Taxonomy General remarks Class headings and explanatory notes Hierarchy groups Goods and services Indications Information files Modifications files Illustration files
NICE publication platform (NICEPUB) NEF Revision of version N+2 ? MASTER FILES Early access to Version N+1 NICEPUB NICE for Download XML, … Publication of version N
NICE publication platform (NICEPUB) Perspectives: Q2 2012: NICE 10+ master files in NICEPUB Q2 2012: Creation of NICE <10 master files in NICEPUB Q3-Q4: Test of NICEPUB by Offices Q4: Decision about production use NICEPUBPREP
NICE publication platform (NICEPUB) Demonstration (URL currently not available outside WIPO)
IT operations and support for NICE Questions? Thank you