LINCOLN AGAINST POVERTY WORKSHOP 2016 Welcome to the LINCOLN AGAINST POVERTY WORKSHOP 2016 Cllr. Rosanne Kirk Portfolio Holders for Social Inclusion and Community Cohesion City of Lincoln Council @lincolnVpoverty Lincoln Against Poverty
A different event to the previous conferences Lincoln Against Poverty Conference 2014 Lincoln Against Poverty Conference 2015 Lincoln Against Poverty Workshop 2016 This is the third annual Lincoln Against Poverty Event. This event is part of the Lincoln Anti-Poverty Strategy – explanation of linkage The purpose of today is to come together, as a partnership, to explore the issue of poverty in Lincoln, but even more importantly, explore what we can do, together, to mitigate some of the short to medium term effects of poverty experienced by some of the most marginalised in our city. The first conference took place in 2014, and involved delegates helping develop the 2014/15 Lincoln Anti-Poverty Action Plan. The 2015 conference was an even bigger event, and saw 120 delegates from 60 organisations attend to plan how to further tackle poverty in the city. So many excellent ideas were suggested, that the Action Plan that came out of that Conference has to take place over two years, and is not due for completion until February 2017. The next full conference is therefore not due until February 2017. However, the Action Plan is not set in stone, and must continue to be flexible to ensure it meets the current and ever-changing need in the city. It’s for this reason, we wanted to hold an interim workshop with a smaller number of partners to identify if the situation in the city is still as we understand it to be, and whether or not the ideas allocated to 2016/17 remain relevant. Additionally, we need support from partners to turn some of these ‘ideas’ into concrete actions. We are also keen to understand what else we could be doing as a partnership to tackle poverty over the coming year, and what your organisations may be able to contribute to delivering the suggestions that come out todays workshop discussions. Coming up with ideas to tackle poverty is great, but we also need to know how those ideas can be turned into reality. It’s these two things that are going to be the focus of Workshop Two. @lincolnVpoverty Lincoln Against Poverty
The vital importance of partnership working The need to share resources Poverty is a big challenge Partner support has been central to the Lincoln Anti-Poverty Strategy High areas of deprivation means working together is key to plan how to tackle the issue of poverty over the next 12 months The complex, and individual nature of poverty needs a complex, and individual response. This is something that can only be achieved by all partners continuing to pull together. Today’s workshops are vital. Identifying what the priorities are for Lincoln Identifying what actions should be delivered over the coming year, and how your organisation can support them The task we continue to face in the city is daunting. Poverty is not going away; but neither should our resolution as a partnership to tackle it. Poverty cuts across all household types, and often different types of poverty e.g. fuel poverty; child poverty; poor health linked to unemployment; can be present in the same household. Because of the scale of the challenge, it needs a big response. One that is bigger than any one organisation alone can provide. Today’s workshops are so important because we need to know how to respond to this issue together. As a City Council, we know that we have areas of high deprivation – this is something that will be touched upon in Jay’s presentation just before Workshop One. Tackling poverty is a Strategic Priority of ours, and it's so important that we work in partnership with organisations across the City, such as yourselves, to really make a difference in Lincoln. Our two previous Conferences have been successful in bringing people together and producing ideas that we have been working on for the last few years, and today is a springboard for making even more of a difference over the next 12 months. @lincolnVpoverty Lincoln Against Poverty
Housekeeping Lincoln Against Poverty @lincolnVpoverty Housekeeping information will be provided by The Showroom on the day. Pat Jukes will ensure you receive information. @lincolnVpoverty Lincoln Against Poverty
Context for the day Lincoln Against Poverty Lincoln Against Poverty Conference 2014 Lincoln Against Poverty Conference 2015 Lincoln Against Poverty Workshop 2016 Lincoln Poverty Profile 2016 Today is all about identifying what the poverty related issues are in the city at this very moment. We also want to know if the suggested actions for delivery in 2016/17 that will be discussed in your workshops (you all have copies of these in your delegate packs) remain relevant, and for some of them, how would those ‘ideas’ be delivered in reality. We would also love to hear about any new ideas or potential projects we could deliver in partnership. It’s the input from today, along with the evidence base contained in the Lincoln Poverty Profile 2016, that will be used to develop the actions for delivery throughout 2016/17. They will also be used to help refresh the Lincoln Anti-Poverty Strategy, which is due for refresh and extension this year. @lincolnVpoverty Lincoln Against Poverty
Agenda Lincoln Against Poverty 09:15 - 09:20 Welcome Cllr. Rosanne Kirk (Portfolio Holder – City of Lincoln Council) 09:20 - 09:30 Ambition and Objectives Simon Walters (Assistant Director – City of Lincoln Council) 09:30 - 10:00 Key actions delivered so far Lincoln Anti-Poverty Action Plan 2015/16 James Wilkinson (Principal Policy Officer – City of Lincoln Council) Case Study 1 – Acts Trust Simon Hoare (Restore Manager – City of Lincoln Council) Case Study 2 – Lincolnshire Credit Union John Eames (Chief Executive Officer – Lincolnshire Credit Union) Case Study 3 – Learning Communities Lorraine Palmer (Managing Director – Learning Communities) 10:00 - 10:10 Good practice from elsewhere in the country Carly Willingham (Public Health Programme Officer – Lincolnshire County Council) 10:10 - 10:20 What the data tells us about Lincoln 10:20 - 10:40 Workshop one - Priorities for Lincoln 10:40 - 10:50 Refreshment break 10:50 – 12:25 Workshop two – Developing the Action Plan 12:25 – 12:30 Next steps 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch and networking *Run through agenda* Then introduce Simon Walters. @lincolnVpoverty Lincoln Against Poverty