9.2 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Kick-Off March 27, 2019 Maureen Avery, Sierra-Cedar, Inc
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: Agenda Why: Overview…………………………………………Maureen Avery Who: Roles & Responsibilities What: Scope of Testing Where: Co-Location When: UAT Schedule How: Mechanics of Testing Navigating LionPATH 9.2…………………………Dawn Van Bramer Preview of Student User Interface Questions
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: Why Verifies that the LionPATH system supports the business requirements of the University Determines that LionPATH is ready to upgrade the production system to Campus Solutions 9.2 LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: Who End-users of the system will be the testers using production security in a test environment LDMO staff will be present to support the testers, validate and document defects and ensure fixes are completed and retested
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: What All functionality should be tested The LDMO team has identified and updated the test scripts LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: Where Technology Support Building (TSB), Room 324 for LionPATH users from various areas of the University Hetzel Union Building (HUB), Room 111 for student testing ZOOM sessions for testers from various campuses
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: When
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Determine what you are scheduled to test Determine when to test Go to TSB Room 324 or designated location Login to the LDMO SharePoint Site to access the Test Execution Tracker Determine what to test by filtering the Test Execution Tracker by Tester Open the test script from the LDMO SharePoint Site Login to CS92QNA using your production credentials Execute the test script Mark the test as passed/failed in the Test Execution Tracker Repeat steps 5 to 10 until all tests assigned to you are complete
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Determine what you are scheduled to test 1.1 Receive an email with the subject LionPATH Upgrade UAT Schedule 20190326 1.2 Open the excel spreadsheet attached to the email 1.3 Click the down arrow beside Tester (Column F) Step 1.3
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Determine what you are scheduled to test 1.4 Click the checkbox beside Select All to deselect all testers 1.5 Scroll to find your Access ID 1.6 Click the box beside your Access ID to select it 1.7 Click OK Step 1.4 Step 1.5 Step 1.6 Step 1.7
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Determine what you are scheduled to test This will give you a list of all test scripts assigned to you
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Determine when to test 2.1 Click the down arrow beside Planned Test Date (Column D) 2.2 Click the checkbox beside Select All to deselect all dates Step 2.1 Step 2.2
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Determine when to test 2.3 Click the plus beside the month to expand dates 2.4 Click the box beside the date you wish to select it 2.5 Click OK Step 2.3 Step 2.4 Step 2.5
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Determine when to test This will give you a list of all test scripts assigned to you for a specific day Testing sessions will be 8:30am-4:00pm Once you have completed your testing for the day, space will be provided if you choose to finish your workday at TSB or you may be able to move forward to another day There is ample parking for anyone with a University parking pass Note: If planned test dates change, you will receive an updated email with the same subject LionPATH Upgrade UAT Schedule YYYYMMDD We appreciate your flexibility
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Go to TSB Room 324 or designated location Technology Support Building at 300 Science Park Road is the primary location for UAT testing Each computer has a single monitor and the required VPN access Bring a laptop if you have one for easier viewing of the test script along side the application LDMO staff will be available in the room to support the testers and validate/document defects found and to ensure fixes are completed and retested Notes: ZOOM session details will be emailed separately to participants from various campuses. If you require a ZOOM session, email Maureen at maa6582@psu.edu or maureen.avery@sierra-cedar.com Student testing will take place at the HUB in Room 111 during the week of April 8
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Login to the LDMO SharePoint Site to access the Test Execution Tracker 4.1 Click the following link or open a web browser and go to https://pennstateoffice365.sharepoint.com/sites/LionPATH 4.2 Enter your psu.edu email in the Sign in box 4.3 Click Next and proceed as prompted Step 4.2 Step 4.3
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Login to the LDMO SharePoint Site to access the Test Execution Tracker This will bring you to the Home Page of the LionPATH SharePoint 365 site 4.4 Click See all to the right of Test Execution Tracker Step 4.4 Note: Test Execution Tracker is also available from the menu on the left
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Login to the LDMO SharePoint Site to access the Test Execution Tracker This will bring you to the list of all UAT test scripts Note: The LionPATH Upgrade UAT Schedule 20190326.xls is an export of this data so the fields on the SharePoint are the exact same as those in the spreadsheet emailed to you
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How The Test Execution Tracker is where you will record PASSED or FAILED for each test you execute Test Name, Test Run, Module, Planned Test Date and Tester will be pre- populated Testers will update Test Status and Actual Test Date In addition to PASSED or FAILED, you may record the test as one of the following: BLOCKED if you cannot proceed with the test N/A if the test is not applicable NOT COMPLETED if testing has started and is progressing If you are recording a test anything other than PASSED, you will work with the LDMO support person in the room to validate the issue and track the defect, if appropriate Tester may be overwritten if tester is different than assigned Note: The LionPATH Upgrade UAT Schedule YYYYMMDD.xls is an export of this data so the fields are the exact same
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Determine what to test by filtering the Test Execution Tracker by Tester 5.1 Click the down arrow beside Tester 5.2 Click Filter by Step 5.1 Step 5.2
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Determine what to test by filtering the Test Execution Tracker by Tester 5.3 A new Filter by ‘Tester’ box will appear 5.4 Click the box beside your Access ID to select it 5.5 Click Apply Step 5.3 Step 5.4 Step 5.4 Step 5.5
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Determine what to test by filtering the Test Execution Tracker by Tester This will give you a list of all test scripts assigned to you You can further filter by Planned Test Date if you wish to see the tests specifically for a given day If time permits on a specific day, you may proceed with future dates as long as dependencies have been met
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Determine what to test by filtering the Test Execution Tracker by Tester This will give you a list of all test scripts assigned to you on a specific day
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Open the test script from the LDMO SharePoint Site 6.1 Click the following link or open a web browser and go to https://pennstateoffice365.sharepoint.com/sites/LionPATH 6.2 Enter your psu.edu email in the Sign in box 6.3 Click Next and proceed as prompted Step 6.2 Step 6.3
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Open the test script from the LDMO SharePoint Site This will bring you to the Home Page of the LionPATH SharePoint 365 site Note: The LionPATH Test Scripts for 9.2 Upgrade are on the left side
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Open the test script from the LDMO SharePoint Site 6.4 Click the arrow to expand the Module you are testing 6.5 Click the arrow to expand the Document Type Test Script Step 6.4 Step 6.5
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Open the test script from the LDMO SharePoint Site 6.6 Scroll to find the test script you need to execute 6.7 Click on the test script title Step 6.7
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Open the test script from the LDMO SharePoint Site This will open the test script
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Open the test script from the LDMO SharePoint Site This will open the test script
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Login to CS92QNA using your production credentials 7.1 Click the following link or open a web browser and go to https://qna-web1.lionpath.psu.edu:25001/psp/CSQNA/?cmd=login&languageCd=ENG& 7.2 Enter your credentials 7.3 Click Sign in to LionPATH Step 7.2 Step 7.3
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Login to CS92QNA using your production credentials This will open the testing instance
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Execute the test script 8.1 Follow each step and action identified in the test script
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Mark test as passed/failed in the Test Execution Tracker 9.1 Return to the Test Execution Tracker on the LDMO SharePoint Site 9.2 Go to the test script you just executed 9.3 Click to the left of the test script name. A checkmark in a blue circle will appear 9.4 Click Edit Step 9.4 Step 9.3
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Mark test as passed/failed in the Test Execution Tracker 9.5 A popup box will appear on the right 9.6 Click on the calendar to select the Actual Test Date Step 9.6 Step 9.5
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Mark test as passed/failed in the Test Execution Tracker 9.7 Click on the down arrow beside Test Status 9.8 Select the appropriate status Step 9.8 Step 9.7
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Step 9.9 Mark test as passed/failed in the Test Execution Tracker 9.9 Scroll to the bottom and click Save This will return you to the Test Execution Tracker where you can see the updated Test Status and Actual Test Date Notes: All Test Scripts will start with a status of Not Started Override the Tester is different from the original tester
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Mark test as passed/failed in the Test Execution Tracker If the status is anything other than Passed, ask for assistance from a LDMO team member The LDMO team member with verify the issue and enter it into the Defect Log ensuring there is enough information to recreate the defect The Defect ID will be assigned when the defect is saved The LDMO team member will select the Defect ID on the Test Execution Tracker for the FAILED test
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How Determine what you are scheduled to test Determine when to test Go to TSB Room 324 or designated location Login to the LDMO SharePoint Site to access the Test Execution Tracker Determine what to test by filtering the Test Execution Tracker by Tester Open the test script from the LDMO SharePoint Site Login to CS92QNA using your production credentials Execute the test script Mark the test as passed/failed in the Test Execution Tracker Repeat steps 5 to 10 until all tests assigned to you are complete
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: Agenda Why: Overview…………………………………………Maureen Avery Who: Roles & Responsibilities What: Scope of Testing Where: Co-Location When: UAT Schedule How: Mechanics of Testing Navigating LionPATH 9.2…………………………Dawn Van Bramer Preview of Student User Interface Questions
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: How
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off: Questions Maureen Avery LionPATH 9.2 Test Lead Maureen.avery@sierra-cedar.com maa6582@psu.edu
LionPATH 9.2 UAT Kick-Off Thank you!